Amongst the Stars - Comments

  • Aria T'Loak

    Aria T'Loak (150)

    United States
    All right. First of all, the layout was super-lovely. I love the banner; it was just plain gorgeous. Also, I loved the title of the story. It fit really well and wasn’t too long. The very first paragraph just made me sigh because it painted such a beautiful, perfect image in my head. I loved the descriptions of space and the galaxy and the dying star. I’m assuming this is Doctor Who, but I’ve never seen that so I’ve no idea what the TARDIS is or anything. xD The only thing that felt off for me in this beautiful little oneshot was your pausing. In some places, the commas felt…off.

    They were in the vortex, before, hurtling through everywhere and nowhere, and now they’re not.
    That was the one place that it really bothered me at. I just felt like it made the flow sort of stumble a little bit.

    I don’t know the Doctor, but the way you portray him makes me think of a circus ringleader. Shifty That’s just the feeling I get from him, and I feel like Amy is the stable one or the rock in the group. At any rate, it was a lovely oneshot and I loved it as much as I did the others. :)
    August 2nd, 2011 at 02:03am
  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    How did I miss this? I seriously have no idea why I haven't read this yet but here I am, making up for my lateness.
    I seriously wish that I could capture as much beauty and meaning in three hundred words because this was just so, so beautiful. I love how you focused on Rory; we both know how much I love him, but I also love how you included Amy and the Doctor as well, the three of them together.
    The part of him which is raggedy doctors and two thousand years and the childlike belief in the utter limitlessness of existence understands perfectly... That line in particular was beautiful. You perfectly captured Rory's character right there. To save myself from rambling, I'm just going to say this: beautiful.
    July 26th, 2011 at 02:09am
  • life in film.

    life in film. (100)

    This was beautiful. No other word to describe it. I'm in love with it.
    I love how you just put Rory in there, and putting it to such beautiful words of the things that he sees. And I love how you made it about The Doctor, too. While they're in front of a dying star, Rory still seems to find time to look at The Doctor. And I love how you just completely kept Amy out of this.
    July 22nd, 2011 at 12:42am