Punishment - Comments

  • Aria T'Loak

    Aria T'Loak (150)

    United States
    How could I not read this one, seriously? The title was Punishment for pete’s sake, and then I got to see the sexy layout. Weird Again, I know nothing about Doctor Who…but these Time Lord dudes sound pretty cool, just saying. I really, really, reaaaaaalllly (I can’t stress that enough) love the contrast between these two. I love the destruction of most of mankind, and the fact that this deliciously sexual oneshot has a plot and background! :D That makes Haven a happy camper. ;) I enjoyed the sex scene and all, but I felt like it could have had more detail. Think Not the sex scene itself, but just details about what they looked like and what they felt and such. I felt bad for the Doctor there. D: Also, the last paragraph had a lot of choppy sentences that made the flow stagger in the end.

    I still liked it though. Weird tehe

    <3 Haven
    August 18th, 2011 at 01:07am
  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    So for my Slash contest, I decided to start the comment on your entry, because let's face it, we know how I love Doctor Who fic and it's been so hard for me not to comment on it beforehand. :D First off, I love the layout; the background and the font color go really well together. And where on Earth did you find that picture? :O I must admit that I don't know too much about The Master at this point but I'll try to keep up. :D

    I feel like it would have helped me a bit to have seen these two interact on the show, because it seems as if their relationship changed a bit abruptly. I was expecting the Doctor to fight back against the Master, after their beginning dialogue (which was great, by the way) but nonetheless, moving on. :)

    Overall, I thought that this was a good piece but that the character's relationship bounced around a little bit too much. One moment, the Doctor was all over the Master and then the next, he was sobbing. I think that it could easily work but there just needed to be a bit more explaining done. Good luck in the contest and good luck in the Sex It Up contest as well, which should be judged soon! :D
    July 21st, 2011 at 07:48am
  • Icamane Hatake

    Icamane Hatake (250)

    United States
    Unexpected bathtub sex! Yay! Crazy

    Me likes, Rachel :)

    Though, my dyslexia caused me to read "Master" as "Martha" a few times, and I was like, "...wut? XD"

    I really liked the beginning dialogue though. It was really in character :D
    July 11th, 2011 at 07:35am