The Girl at the Rock Show - Comments

  • So I stumbled across your page and cliked on this winderful story.
    Are you going to update this?
    It's a wonderful story so far.
    I'd like to see where you take this? If you do continue it that is...
    (Which I really hope you do)
    xoxo Holly
    January 16th, 2012 at 09:12pm
  • So far so good. The diary part really made me curious, "What happened?" and all. You have strong characters, too, and they sound like interesting people. I'd be interested to see what happens next. =)
    November 21st, 2011 at 12:05am
  • Talk about descriptive writing kiddo. This was really well put together and Ella's character is a very strong one both in writing and just with the way you've made her carry herself with such pride. There was one little minor mistake. You said Theodora moved into the house that Ella was walking up to and confused me. I don't know if that was just a random fact or if you meant Ella.

    Not much happened in the first chapter, she got in trouble then invited to a show and then she went home. I know that the show is the key role in this story I can tell by the title and I'm interested to see what happens with this show, so I will be sticking around for a while (:
    July 20th, 2011 at 09:08pm
  • Well, my dear Laura I do believe you have outdone yourself!
    I really like how you opened up with a journal entry of some sort, and I like how you made it obvious from the beginning that shes extremely self conscious about how she dresses and acts!
    I can't wait for the next update!
    July 14th, 2011 at 03:18am
  • It seems quite interesting and I assume when more chapter are up it will be amazing. I am curious about the diary entry where she has lost her best friends. So yeah cant wait till you post more up :) xx
    July 13th, 2011 at 09:52pm
  • I like it! You should really continue, like you said, since it's original the ideas are endless. You have such a great writing style it'll be great no matter. Scouts honor. :)

    Update, oui? Oui.
    July 13th, 2011 at 09:38pm
  • Ohhhhhh I love it, the layout is really pretty. And the banner really goes along with the story. I love how you stasrt out with her thoughts and stuff. It really made my interested. I honestly think this story has alot of pontental, I love it. Keep on writing.
    July 13th, 2011 at 09:26pm
  • This is very good so far! I really like it. The layout+banner are very good together(: You describe things very well in your details, explaining with colors and shapes and all that stuff. I can't wait to read more! :D
    July 13th, 2011 at 08:32pm
  • I like this story. The banner and the layout compliments everything completely. :3 I can't wait to read more. You have a great writing style too.
    July 13th, 2011 at 08:04pm
  • this! I'll be quite offended if you don't continue. *fake serious face* haha.

    "Elizabeth Meigher hated Tuesdays. In her opinion, they were far worse than Mondays. Tuesdays were garbage days. They were laundry days. And to get really technical, it almost always rained on Tuesdays—at least, it seemed to in the small town of Colonial Heights, Virginia, where Ella was born and raised. Nothing good ever seemed to come out of a single Tuesday, and to Ella, they sucked. If you were to crack open a Webster’s dictionary and scroll through the pages to come across the word ‘suck’, ‘Tuesday’ would follow it in thick, bold lettering."

    This has to be one of the best opening paragraphs I've ever read. I don't know if it's the way the words are arranged or the narrative, but it really drew me in to the rest of the story. I saw very few mistakes; once you used 'has' instead of 'had' and 'soul' instead of 'sole'. Other than that, very well written!

    I can't wait to read more! *subscribes*
    July 13th, 2011 at 08:03pm
  • OMG this is really good ! What has happen to Ella that to were she's lost everything ?
    Oh and I love the part about her hating Tuesdays. I thought it was a good little opening.
    Keep this up :]
    July 13th, 2011 at 07:49pm