A Trip to The Stars. - Comments

  • playthebellsjon

    playthebellsjon (100)

    Oh my god I'm literally crying more than I did during The End of Time. What have you done to me
    December 10th, 2013 at 03:26pm
  • Rooskaya;

    Rooskaya; (155)

    United States
    I'm just going to cry all the tears right now because that was beautiful and sad and so sad it was terrible (good-terrible, mind you). I love Rose/Doctor and UGH. I can't leave a comment right now, all the emotions. Remind me to come back later and tell you how wonderful you are and how my soul feels like it's been ripped out and stomped on. xox
    March 13th, 2013 at 05:47am
  • River Song

    River Song (100)

    United States
    This is so beautiful.
    I can't.
    I just can't.
    December 27th, 2012 at 06:23am
  • D. Dixon

    D. Dixon (100)

    United States
    Damn. I definitely need to go watch that show. If these characters are as brilliant as you write them, I think I'll love it. This story left me all teary. Loved it!
    August 2nd, 2011 at 03:03am
  • Unpretty

    Unpretty (200)

    United States
    Summary: The summary was very, very brief. However, it was just the hook to catch my attention. Normally one-liners don't work very well, but you managed to pull it off. You might also consider straight-out stating what kind of fanfiction this is. It took me a while to realize it's from Doctor Who.

    - She's going to die, very soon now, and there isn't a thing that their drugs and needles will be able to do, except prolong her life for a few more miserable days that she really doesn't want.
    This seems to be kind of a run on. You might ending the sentence after 'very soon now' and then stating the next with. 'There isn't a thing...'

    - Even her eyebrows are gone, leaving her face a smooth, white surface; much like an egg, she supposes.

    - I like the character Rose. She has a very distinct personality. She seems stubborn and like the protagonist you both really admire and kind of want to yell at for her actions at the same time.

    -But now she was dying and she knew that he wasn't going to come back. This line sort of broke my heart.
    - Her blond hair is all gone, ripped out by the chemotherapy that was supposed to rip out the cancer from her body. I really loved this comparison.

    - She wants to tell them that their tales of earthly adventures were no more exciting to her than watching paint dry. Another lovely comparison. I also like the parallelism with all the 'she wanted to tell them'. Most notably the bit where she was in love with a crazy man.

    - But every year, that glimmer of hope remained, small as it was, that he would remember her birthday and come back from across the galaxy with tales and gifts and he wouldn't even know that he'd been gone ten years and she would have forgiven him. I enjoyed this quote. I'm not sure why. It's very sad but it shows the kind of love she feels towards him.

    - She really doesn't care if her floors are vacuumed or if the windows are clean or if she's getting a decent meal. I like this line because I understand. I always try to tell people that this kind of stuff doesn't really matter in the long run of things.

    - One night, her mum drags her into the tub to bathe her and all she can do is weakly cry, like a newborn kitten, blind and deaf. I enjoy this comparison.

    - Despite her happiness, her body won't change its mind. If possible, she's getting even weaker, her awareness being torn away by sneaky fingers. So real. Loved it.

    - Rose can't help but smile when she realizes that the Doctor is a maniac. I liked this line as well for some reason. Their relationship seems to be so unique and I can't help but love it.

    - The scene in front of them is, in the Doctor's eyes, rather simple. It's merely a never-ending expanse of stars, stretching on and on into infinity. Another brilliant line. You're full of them.

    - What finally remains is a strange mixture of pure, unfiltered love, sadness and relief. This line made me desperately sad. In fact the ending in general did.

    Overall the story was great. A very sad ending, but you managed to weave in the right amount of emotion and reality. I know you don't think you did the characters justice, but if not, you made it even better. It was great.
    July 23rd, 2011 at 06:02pm
  • the redhead's cho

    the redhead's cho (100)

    United States
    You made me cry. That was so sad! So terrible! So beautiful! God I was so sad that you made her die, but so happy that she died in his arms. I really do love the Doctor and Rose. They're just so perfect together and the way you did it, you really did justice to them. I promise you that one love.
    July 15th, 2011 at 09:41pm
  • UsagiChaan

    UsagiChaan (155)

    United States
    .... I'm speechless. Absolutely speechless. I'm tearing up. I'm crying. I can't believe how beautifully written this piece was. I just... Rose and the Doctor were definitely meant to be together, and I think this was way sadder than their separation in the show was. Oh my God, I can't even begin to describe how much this made me cry. It's just so emotional. I'm emotionally attached to the Rose/Ten pairing, and I can totally imaging him crying over her like that. This was incredible, and I wish I had more words for this. Thank you so much for the beautiful entry.
    July 15th, 2011 at 05:37am