um yeah okay first of all I hate Beth because wow girl you need a new boyfriend if your trust issues are to that extent good lord
though I guess I understand cuz Freddie is weirding me out. Idk what it is. It's the same feeling Dolores is having! But Beth doesn't need to be so rude to Dolores. Like, ladies yall need to stick together. FIGHT THE PATRIARCHY.
Anyways, hi gurl hi. This story is a roller coaster from the start and man I'm so intrigued. Your introduction was spot on perfect. I loved how it was broken up into six parts and I also love how you have a gist of happened but nothing specific and how it's starting to unravel through the story. I LOVE IT. It's great.
Dolores man. I feel so bad for and we don't even know what happened though we can only guess. I'm thinking she tried to commit suicide because this Graham fellow fucked her up somehow and then I think she's going to do it again because Freddie will fuck her up somehow. I think. From what I remember from the introduction that's my guess. Still though, poor Dolores. The girl is just trying to find happiness in her own world and then she's got Freddie who's just all up in her business. Sighhhhhhhhhh.
Obviously you wrote so so well. That's nothing new at all. Your writing in this story is just as wonderful, if not better. You have knack with writing that a lot of authors (myself included) don't have and that's discretion. You just kNOW the perfect amount of information that needs to be given. I, on the other hand, am always wary and think "oh no is that to little" or "oh no is that too much" and I try to fix it only to make it worse. iT'S AWFUL. YOU SHOULD BE THANKFUL OF YOUR GIFT BECAUSE IT'S AMAZING WHAT IT CAN DO TO READERS. Like beg for more because we can't go on until we know moreeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Also, your layout is gorgeous. As per usual. NOTHING NEW HERE. The girl that plays Dolores is GORGEOUS. I love woc on here because they're always so gorg and I die.
I hope that's a good enough comment. It's basically word vomit because I wrote everything that came to my mind. This story is wonderful and you are wonderful and ily.
I'm doing this in bits because my phone is temperamental. I'm really curious as to how Isadora got her phone number. That's heavy creeping, right there. But at least she's a friend andnot a tormentor.
"The white bandages around my wrists were like the big pink elephant in the truck, and I really didn't want to talkabout them, but I knew she would."
Did she try to kill herself? Oh no. Now I'm super curious. I bet that Graham character had something to do with it...he hasn't even really appeared on the story and I already don't like him ahaha. And jeez, did Beth overreact enough? They were just having lunch, chill out girl. I don't particularly care for her either; she was so mean to poor Dolore
First of all, your layout. I love it, it's so beautiful.
I'm very glad I stumbled on your blog and then to this story. The first chapter had me hooked right off the bat, like who are these people? What happened to this mysterious girl they're all talking about? And what's the deal with the sweater? And I love their names. Cressen? Lafleur? Pfeiffer? They're so exotic.
aye, im on my phone so i can't make a comment about your layout but ik who you are. ik what you do. you're the goddess of layouts so im sure it's the sex. don't know how a layout can be the sex but in my world, it can happen.
as per the summary, there's already so much emotion in just one sentence. holy crap, it's beautiful. the truth & realistic point of it is short & sweet. totally eye-catching btw so good job!
paz: i can totally relate to this character bc of how easily paz describes the horror felt within as well as guilt tho the aforementioned warning fell upon deaf ears.
collins: the sincerity collins has makes me want to kiss him. sorry not sorry. i love how he's speaking from the point of "ik this was going to happen & i told him not to do this but now that it's happened, everyone's a mess"
fields; another character i completely relate to. i'd have approached parker in the same fashion. like i'd feel bad that he was in such a shit hole but i'd have been just as pissy & straight forward.
cressen: the bad boy. i like his statement as he knows that he's usually the bad guy but forms a legit excuse as to why he's not
i'll stuff the other two into this comment. tho i have not a clue as to what's going on, there's absolutely so much raw emotion that im floored. you're fab abs, good job
I will always love reading this whenever it's updated. I can't wait for the day you complete this story - I really want to read their entire story. Will be waiting for the next update! Every change you've made, I've adored.
I like the first chapter. It's different and it definitely pulls me in. The preview your gave on each character's point of view just makes me want to know what really happened between these six people.
I rolled down the sleeves of my sweater—there were things I still did that no one needed to know about...
She meant cutting, right? I love how you put it subtly like that. Like, not the normal
I pulled the sleeve of my sweater to cover the scars from me cutting myself.
Or something along that line.
This story is interesting. I'm still not sure what's happening but I guess I'll just let the plot unfold. Your writing style is amazing.
*Comment Swap* I really liked this! The first chapter/ introduction with the parts was amazing! I loved it! The other parts were a bit vague but I guess when you continue this it'll all clear up. Best of luck!
I kind of agree with sparrrrow, this story is sad, and vague. I like how there is hope, but I don't like how it comes when she's drunk and drugged, you know? It should come out of something good. Something bright, maybe her talking about herself.
So you've brought this back and I am so happy. Freddie is still absolutely wonderful (as always) and Dolores is so sad but that's okay because she's got a mouth on her too, so it's a balance. And then there's Isadora (I still have the urge to call her Izzy hahaha) and she's so in love with Parker (who've you made a bit nicer this time around, I think) and she's nosy but (mostly) because she's protective. And then the ever-present him (is that still Frost or...?) and whoever he is is wreaking so much havoc on Dolly's state of mind right now and I can't stand it. But I like how you're keeping it vague. Like you know that Dolly wasn't the most, um...stable person, and it's obvious that he had something to do with it, and while you give hints the reader still isn't very sure and I can genuinely appreciate that because it keeps me wondering.
Have I ever told you how much of a wonderful writer you are? Because you're wonderful. Absolutely wonderful.
I think the second paragraph is my favorite (I was gonna copy and paste into my comment, but it's long and that'd be dumb) because it's so honest. Like, sure there's the beautiful side of love and it's all dandy, but it's also completely terrible and man, you write such relatable things. Also, I loved how you described Freddie and his too blue eyes and his (probably) fan-made La Dispute sweater.
I like him and Dolores together already. LOVERS 4 LYFE!!!
Hello, I'm from the Comment Swap. Your writing is lovely--the repetition in the beginning of this is really wonderful. It drives the point home, and you can almost hear someone bitterly spitting it out. The parenthetical asides are also funny and very human. Something I love in stories told in first person are the little contradictions people make/think daily and the pushing away of thoughts they shouldn't have and the romanticizing of bad things--you manage to do that incredibly well here. I love it!