Tresspassing Our Love - Comments

  • Lazael

    Lazael (100)

    United States
    very good. it did remind me of Romeo and Juliet in a way, while still retaining its own unique style. i didn't care much for the constant change in point of views, but it was like you said, a different style of writing in general. though it was somewhat confusing because they began speaking in first person, and at times, even though i read whos point of view it was, it was still confusing.

    i loved the picture you used in the story, very lovely. it does give a sort of olden of King's and Queen's time, touch to to it. this was definately an excellent story. i enjoyed the writing style very much. it made me even happier not to see any grammatical or spelling errors! that's always a good thing!

    keep writing~
    August 9th, 2011 at 09:45pm
  • wildest dreams

    wildest dreams (100)

    United States
    Hey there! This was so interesting, and you were right, I have not read something like that before. Yet, another one of your short stories, I wish was a story, so I could read more. Because it's just that good. Anyways, I like loved it, it was so enjoyable to read, I loved it! <3

    Oxo - Morgie <3
    August 9th, 2011 at 09:40pm
  • Nanner.

    Nanner. (150)

    I loved how this story felt like it was in the kings and queens era and had the older way of using quotation marks. You had the most adorable romeo and juliet type of love going on and it was heartbreaking when the guy got killed. The layout goes with the distressed sort of feeling of the story - like they're trying to confess their love for eachother before it's too late. Just heartbreaking but beautiful all in one. <3

    But I continue to do as i said I would. You forgot to capitalize the first 'I'

    I think it would make a bit more sense too if you didn't switch the point of views because it's hard to understand unless you read your description to know that they're two different point of views. Maybe change a couple things and make it so it's a narrator telling the story rather than 'I'. It's up to you of course but it'd make a bit more sense like that. (:

    And uh, yeah. This was awesome and you should definitely keep writing Jess because every time I read something, you improve so much. That and I just love your writing of course. :)
    July 22nd, 2011 at 02:02am