Stray - Comments

  • CultureCreator

    CultureCreator (100)

    United States
    This story is wonderful so far. I tried to click the link to see which contest it's for, but it didn't bring me to the right page. ANYWAY!
    I love the way you described her death, as odd as that sounds. You used such detail and gave me something to think about. In fact, your attention to detail is apparent throughout both chapters. The rotting wood of the pews, the faded color of the car, everything!
    I think the only issue I have is the motivation. I'm not sure if everything was going to be revealed at the end, but I just find myself a little confused about what's supposed to be going on. But again, maybe everything will be revealed later and I'll just have to re-read. :)

    Keep on doing what you're doing!
    December 31st, 2016 at 10:47pm
  • SadieJBlue

    SadieJBlue (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    The layout is very simple yet I found this quite quiet and soft and it appealed to me instantly.

    I would have liked a summary on the summary page so I knew what this story was about before getting into it. I did however love the way you started this off, it really drew me in. Did you win the contest? I'm curious to find out.

    It had a very slow pace but I guess that was intentional. Anyway, I loved your style and keep up the great work! Sadie J. Blue xxx
    July 9th, 2012 at 06:01pm