Love Medicine Part (1) - Comments

  • DiedAgainToday

    DiedAgainToday (100)

    United States
    This story made me giggle! (:
    July 28th, 2011 at 07:32am
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Hey honey bun! =D I just finished part one after a night of tossing and turning with boredom, which, unfortunately, kills brain cells, and it is the only thing that has caught my attention and made me stay still for an outstanding amount of time in the 6 hours, give or take. Frankie's poor gonads! That older man is certainly no gentleman, but in all fairness Frank was assigning for something bitter to taste, that is what is called instant karma I suppose. =P I love the idea of Frank hating V-Day, it is very original. =] And the idea of him working in a flower shop makes it even more ironic. I love how you have his character seem perfect for those one night stand types of guys, but then you tell us that his heart is passionate for commitment, and a serious relationship, it is adorable, yet, again, ironic. One of my favorite scenes has to be the lacey panties. Were they really his, or was his friend, Ricky I think, I hope, just pulling his leg? Er, being the third wheel sucks, but thankfully it might end up being worth it, eh? I love how Frank just turns his attitude around, smiles warmly and says that he will try to make the date fun. I also love how shy Gerard got in that awkward moment, but how he seemed to be concerned when he was checking up on Frank and his friend, though he hardly knows them. Wow, that reminds me that Gerard is taking a huge freaking risk by going over there, for all he knows he could have been set up to be gang raped then killed O.O oh jeeze.
    I loved it darling, and I hope that you make a part two sometime! =D
    July 25th, 2011 at 08:59am
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Hey honey bun! =D I just finished part one after a night of tossing and turning with boredom, which, unfortunately, kills brain cells, and it is the only thing that has caught my attention and made me stay still for an outstanding amount of time in the 6 hours, give or take. Frankie's poor gonads! That older man is certainly no gentleman, but in all fairness Frank was assigning for something bitter to taste, that is what is called instant karma I suppose. =P I love the idea of Frank hating V-Day, it is very original. =] And the idea of him working in a flower shop makes it even more ironic. I love how you have his character seem perfect for those one night stand types of guys, but then you tell us that his heart is passionate for commitment, and a serious relationship, it is adorable, yet, again, ironic. One of my favorite scenes has to be the lacey panties. Were they really his, or was his friend, Ricky I think, I hope, just pulling his leg? Er, being the third wheel sucks, but thankfully it might end up being worth it, eh? I love how Frank just turns his attitude around, smiles warmly and says that he will try to make the date fun. I also love how shy Gerard got in that awkward moment, but how he seemed to be concerned when he was checking up on Frank and his friend, though he hardly knows them. Wow, that reminds me that Gerard is taking a huge freaking risk by going over there, for all he knows he could have been set up to be gang raped then killed O.O oh jeeze.
    I loved it darling, and I hope that you make a part two sometime! =D
    July 25th, 2011 at 08:58am