Rest, Shame, Love - Comments

  • Hey, i just read your story and i really enjoyed it even though i have to admit i have no idea who James is. oops. But i did enjoy the idea you came up with and the way you presented and portrayed it but i wish it was a bit longer or you continued it because i have loads of questions i was dying to ask. This is a great story and i feel that if you did choose to extend it you would have loads of happy little readers.
    June 9th, 2012 at 10:00pm
  • It's been a while since I've read a James/Camille story... well it's also been a while since I've read one from you. I agree with you that this plot fits more with James and Camille, rather than Kendall/Camille. I love that Camille usually is just this spastic actress but this fear and nerve just eats her up to the point where she is unable to muster up the energy to pretend like she is unfazed by this tensed silence of James contemplating. But oh my god, james scares the hell outta me. I mean, his expressionless scares just builds up this anxiety in me of whether or not he is willing to take up his responsibilities. I am just so scared that he will end up cowering away. But I love how there's two sides tugging at him. Big-man responsibilitie vs. childish fear. It's been a while since I've explored this theme (or it's been a while since I've read much stories).

    <3 Camille "Right now, just love me" I think I amost cried from that line. The emotions in me, gawahhhh
    February 1st, 2012 at 07:57pm
  • +3 points for being on time! total points for Round One: 67 points. :D
    July 22nd, 2011 at 06:13am
  • 18/20 Originality and Creativity.
    I haven't read a story like this in a while. nice job.
    20/20 Follows Prompt.
    good job following the prompt! I really like how you incorporated the details from the picture into your story.
    10/10 Spelling and Grammar.
    I didn't catch any mistakes.
    4/5 Vocabulary.
    no exotic words, but it was amazingly written. I like the way you describe things.
    5/5 Appeal.
    great layout picture!

    +1 word count.
    +1 contest link.
    +5 for reaching exactly 1,000 words.
    (waiting for all entries to be submitted to announce favourite layout)

    64 points for Round One. awesome!
    July 18th, 2011 at 09:59pm