When We Collide - Comments

  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    ahhhhhhhhh they relapsed anyways lol. i'm happy/unhappy because look how it turned out! both admit that they love each other, but frank's right, he shouldn't be scared of being with gerard and he shouldn't go back with him. it takes people a while to get out of situations like that and it would hardly be fair to have gerard thrust frank right back into it. gerard's right, they can never be "just friends", doesn't work like that. unfortunately, that means that frank will probably never want to see him again. at least that's what he's telling himself.

    you're right, it doesn't matter lol.

    and oh my gosh!!!! only two more chapters left?! i can't believe it!!!!!!!

    i can't wait for moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

    January 28th, 2014 at 05:36am
  • Cyan1d3

    Cyan1d3 (100)

    United States
    God, the feels of this chapter.
    Gerard has been through so much in such a short period of time. I'm glad he didn't slash his wrists, but I have a feeling that's not the of his suicidal thoughts.
    Honestly, I just really want Frank to take him back even though I know their relationship will never truly be healthy and there will always be a lot of pain between them. But than again maybe they will help each other cope.
    Great, now I'm going to be up all night thinking about how they can have a functional relationship. Haha.
    January 23rd, 2014 at 09:07am
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    i feel so bad for gerard, he really doesn't deserve any of this. he should find ray and just kill him lol, but then again i'd rather if he just leave ray alone. i still remember what he did to his back!

    and of course i'd mention frank as his last chance. we all know that those two belong together! but i'm not sure frank will take him back. it took a lot for him to get rid of him the first time and it was like gerard was his drug. so if gerard really cares about frank, he won't allow him to "relapse" for him, you know? cause he was all for mikey not doing drugs anymore, so the same should be for frank, as much as it kills me to say that lol.

    so patricia's out of her coma? i wonder what she had? i guess it doesn't really matter in the long run lol

    i would LOVE to meet paramore. hayley seems like she'd be the perfect best friend lol. i didn't buy tickets though, i'm just hoping that the radio dj just gives me a pair, and that maybe i can wheedle him into either giving me a meet and greet, or just taking me back there regardless. since i can't meet mcr anymore, i'd like to meet paramore haha

    January 21st, 2014 at 10:52pm
  • Superkid34

    Superkid34 (100)

    United States
    Poor Gerard.After so much pain it keeps on coming, I feel like he is going to snap under the all the pain and join Bob and Mikey. That scene where Gerard imagine what could have been if Mikey had just tried to get better, dammit it goes back to Mikey.
    I'll hold off on asking any questions since you said most of them will be answered in the coming 2 chapters.
    I'm going to miss our chats too, I looked forward to them every week. I might comment in your edit of this story and we can have another conversation that is a reply a week Cool
    Three more chapters. Hope you are well and good luck in school. I'm well, thanks for saying I'm strong, a lot of people think I'm weak in that respect. Well I'm rambling now, best to stop now. Until next time friend.
    January 21st, 2014 at 09:21am
  • murderdolls_queen

    murderdolls_queen (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Listen here you! If you don't start treating Gerard a little better I'm going to take him away from you! That boy deserves a bit of rest, a bit of happiness in his life. Poor bugger has suffered far too much at your hands! Also, next point, that baby better be called Laura! I'm fucking surprised if the baby isn't mentally handicapped after the beating she and Patricia took from Mikey, but hey. I'm not happy with Ray anymore, as much as I love him and Patricia as a couple, he's upset Gerard one too many times now! You have ruffles my feathers!
    January 21st, 2014 at 06:43am
  • SquiddyTheMouse

    SquiddyTheMouse (100)

    <3 poor Gee
    January 21st, 2014 at 04:50am
  • Cyan1d3

    Cyan1d3 (100)

    United States
    I have so many things to say, I'm not sure where I should start.
    First of all, I kind of feel relieved that Frank broke up with Gerard. I mean sure, it would be cool if they could be together happily but it was apparent from the beginning that it wasn't that kind of story. Though Gerard loves him, he honestly treated Frank like crap. It just took almost dying for Frank to realize that life with Gerard will never be happy or easy.
    AND HOLY FUCKING SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT THE HIT ON BOB! I feel like when Gerard wakes up, he wont be able to take it. He's lost everything over the course of 3-4 weeks AND found out what really happened to his mom. I feel like Frank is the only one who'll make it out alive.
    And also, Congrats on 1000 readers! You very much deserve it!
    January 16th, 2014 at 12:17pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    oh geeze, i didn't think bob was actually gonna die. i remember the cake, but i thought that the cake was gonna be the end of it. that's fucked up for him to die right next to gerard, not revenge my ass! and fuck nathan yo lol, i hope someone hires a hit out on him!!

    and ok that makes a little bit more sense. i guess the baby's doing ok then? just curious.

    well, it was just weird that she would hire a dectective if she knew where he was, you know? granted she probably didn't wanna show herself right away, but still why waste money? and i could see his dad being ok with it i guess. you're right about adding his parents in more, i feel like i really don't know anything about them.

    poor gerard, he's not gonna last long. frank's literally his last chance otherwise he's probably gonna end things himself. why bother living (in his mind) if everyone either hates him or ends up dead?

    lol i'm gonna try to win tickets (or just get them this guy i know works for the radio station that's giving them away) but camden is the show i would go to. i'm hoping he'd give me a meet and greet pass too but we'll see. did you get a regular ticket or did you pay the obscene amount for a "vip"ish ticket lol

    more soon!!!!

    January 15th, 2014 at 04:04am
  • murderdolls_queen

    murderdolls_queen (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Lol I'd totally forgotten about this until I read the word peanut cake, and I just sorta went "Oh yeeeah, Ray's gunna kill Bob for an insane amount of money so he can live his life with Patricia!". But dude, poor Gerard! Can't he just have a happy life with Frank now?! Poor fucker has been to hell and back about eight times throughout this story! I'm sure however you end it will be good, because the rest of this story has been flawless. I can't wait to see where the next chapter leaves Gerard (probably in a bloody mental asylum at the rate this is going!) and I can't wait to see if we get the gay wedding :3
    January 14th, 2014 at 06:58am
  • Superkid34

    Superkid34 (100)

    United States
    Poor Bob. He was one of the few people in this story that was a good person and he seemed to greatly care for Gerard. Damn Ray. Damn Nathan for hiring Ray just to take over a company. It's sad that Gerard is losing everyone that he has cared about. I want Bob to pull through by some miracle, but as you have said before this story isn't going to end happy. I wonder where Frank is in the story. Will Patricia pull through? Will Ray be caught? What will happen with Gerard, how will he cope? So many questions so few chapters left to answer them.
    That's great that you are doing well in school. Don't be sorry for me I think they have made me stronger than most before I went off to school. I'm doing well in school, keeping my grades up. Hope you are well.
    Until next time friend.
    January 14th, 2014 at 03:01am
  • SquiddyTheMouse

    SquiddyTheMouse (100)

    January 14th, 2014 at 01:34am
  • chemicalkid101

    chemicalkid101 (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    My tears. Why can't I stop crying. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME! I need Bob ;_; Gerard needs Bob ;_;
    January 13th, 2014 at 11:22pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    so wait, patricia's alive alive? or is she alive in like a coma or something? you said that she's breathing, but some coma patients can breathe without machines right? i'm just curious, it wasn't that clear to me.

    and gerard's working for bob? should've expected that since he and frank are no longer together. wonder if frank will ever want to see him again? not too sure, he did go though hell with gerard...but speaking of frank, what about that whole private eye business? his mom hired the dectective? something about a dectective lol i can't quite remember.

    shit went down when mikey was younger and it doesn't sound like it was entirely his fault. dad sounds like a fucked up whack job whole screwed around with his head. still, you have the power to change and he didn't. RIP mikey

    can't wait for more!!!!!!!!!!!!

    January 9th, 2014 at 09:24pm
  • chemicalkid101

    chemicalkid101 (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yay! I'm going to be so sad when this story is over though :(
    January 7th, 2014 at 03:43pm
  • murderdolls_queen

    murderdolls_queen (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I will always be your dear old reader. I'll follow you to hell and back with this story (I think I already have!). I'm SO happy Patricia is alive! Yay! This pleases me ^.^ I just hope Frank and Gerard get back together, even though it's looking a bit unlikely right now D:
    January 7th, 2014 at 10:27am
  • SquiddyTheMouse

    SquiddyTheMouse (100)

    <3 I love this

    I really hope Frank and Gerard get back together :(
    January 7th, 2014 at 10:12am
  • Superkid34

    Superkid34 (100)

    United States
    Wow. So in the end there was no redeeming quality in Mikey; he raped, beat and helped kill his and Gerard's mom. Half way through the chapter after Bob told Gerard I was thinking "so Mikey became like his dad" and then not one paragraph later its stated in the story , I was like "yeah!" *fist pump* Then I was like Mikey got what he deserved, he died because he almost beat a woman to death and Ray wanted revenge, after hurting Gerard for so long.
    Gerard misses Mikey but at the same time is glad he is dead. I can somewhat relate, some of my family was horrible to me and I would be glad if they're out of my life for good, but at the same time they have their moments, you've been through so much together that you miss them when they are gone.
    Gerard is on medication now? and he skipped a few days? Now he wants take them to feel numb, seems like he just want to forget everything, including having to avoid his old life to give Frank space.
    Hope everything went well in school and you enjoy your break before your next semester. A little sad that this story is ending in, what 5 chapters? Hope you are well. Winter here isn't bad, hope it isn't bad for you. Until next time friend.
    January 7th, 2014 at 03:06am
  • SquiddyTheMouse

    SquiddyTheMouse (100)

    :( <3
    November 29th, 2013 at 09:01am
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    congrats on reaching 1000 readers!! very impressive and I'm very proud of you!! :) and getting to meet frank jamia and James?! getting a hug from frank?! super jealous!!! I've been near him a couple times and he signed a ticket stub once but that was it, no hugs :( plus he thought Vineland was farther south than cape may and that pissed me off lol

    getting back to your story though...glad you didn't kill off frank!!!! you would've felt horrible lol especially after meeting him in real life!!! glad he's doing somewhat ok!

    Gerard what can I say about him? dude's a fucking wreak and to have lost mikey and now frank's breaking up with him? not too sure how long he's gonna last :( poor guy

    hiatus huh? guess it's to be expected this time of year, as you've said it's the end of the semester and all. I remember that all to clearly...take all the time you need ;)

    can't wait till you post again!!!

    November 29th, 2013 at 02:52am
  • murderdolls_queen

    murderdolls_queen (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yay! Miraculously rushed to hospital and saved! Booooo he broke up with Gerard.... Ow I poked myself in the eye half way through the chapter ¬_¬. I'm glad you're taking a small hiatus, it means the story will last longer and I wont have to panic that I've missed a chapter because I'm working non stop at the moment. xD. I'm a little sad that Mikey's dead, but not really, is that heartless of me? For someone who was on the fence for so long with this story on whether I wanted Frerard or Waycest? Gah, I want Gerard and Frank back together though >: I want them to be happy! At least they're alive. That's a step in the right direction! I feel a little sorry for Ray though, he would've been happy with Patricia :< You should know by now that I am your number one fan, and I can't even remember how long I've been reading this story for. You deserve all the compliments :) <3
    November 28th, 2013 at 08:40am