Ridiculous. - Comments

  • Icamane Hatake

    Icamane Hatake (250)

    United States
    I finally got to judging xD

    So, I quite love it. You made good use of the space alotted while still breaking it up into sections to make it easy to follow. The repetition worked so well. Normally it would have been tedious, but this piece really needed it. This bit was seriously my favorite: "his big brown ridiculous eyes that are like something out of an actual cartoon and that Jesse has officially banned from deployment because they render him utterly powerless;" In Love It's just so cute and friendly and very much your style.

    I did feel though that the ending was a bit abrupt. I totally understand why, but it just didn't seem like it did the rest of the piece justice. Maybe it's just the "and all" that I'm unsure of. IDK.

    Other than that, I love your writing a ridiculous amount xD
    August 24th, 2011 at 05:03am
  • Aria T'Loak

    Aria T'Loak (150)

    United States
    I told you I’d be back to stalk more of your oneshots, and here I am! tehe This was sdjjl;kfds-worthy, let me tell you. I’m assuming that the contest was to keep your drabble to a sentence, but I didn’t look to make sure. At any rate, this was so adorable and sweet and just UGH all over. I love how you repeatedly used the title of the drabble all throughout, and it just tied everything up in a nice little bundle of adorableness. My absolute favorite part was this line: “the way he bounds around like an honest-to-god actual baby deer”. It was just so adorable and perfect and I could imagine it so well. Once more, you have astounded me with your talent.

    <3 Haven
    August 1st, 2011 at 09:48pm
  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    First off, I've never really considered this pairing before; I mean, I absolutely adore Andrew Garfield but I'm not a huge fan of Jesse Eisenberg. Nonetheless! Also, I love the layout for this; I mean, I always love your layouts but this one is just so pretty, with the purple and the pink. And that banner! My God, that was just adorable.

    So, you basically deserve the biggest comment ever on this because it was just absolutely wonderful in every way, shape and form. By the time I had finished reading, I had fallen in love with Andrew through Jesse's eyes. Your description was absolutely flawless; in only two hundred and fifty words, you managed to write both characters better than most author's would take five chapters to do. I also loved how you just wrote the thing in one sentence by using all the semi-colons; it flowed so well. I honestly wish that I could say more but I'd just end up repeating myself and rambling so I will end with saying that this was lovely, you're lovely and you had better well win that Faulkner contest. (And yes, I'm saying this even though I'm in it because I honestly think you deserve to win it. Arms)
    July 26th, 2011 at 02:05am