Time - Comments

  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    Soooo the very first thing I notice about a story is the layout and this one is just so pretty and simple. I love the colors that you use and how they match the banner. Prettyful! Anyways, moving onto the review :D This little story is just so...lovely. First of all, I love Birdy and how her music is just so soft and amazing. I can really tell how you were inspired by this. I like your use of details here and the whole "stream of consciousness" idea. I absolutely love stories like this :D

    I can totally relate to the events here that coincide with time. Time is a very, very confusion concept, but it's also very interesting and mysterious. Like Alex said, I remember being a freshman and thinking about how much I wanted to fly up the ranks of high school and be a cool ass senior who drive a pretty car and had a bunch of friends. A lot of my little wishes didn't happen, but hey, we live and learn. With that said, I feel that time went by too quickly for me; here I am, 18 and starting college and it feels like yesterday that I was an itty-bitty freshman who was terrified of her own shadow, haha x]

    “Make it stop,” I’ll whisper, but by then it’ll be too late. The time will have already crashed in front of my feet and slowly everything will be gone. Omg, I've been in that position so many times before, just standing there, wishing that time could stop. This is beautiful <3

    Buddy, you've massive talent. Huge. Gigantic. This is beautiful and mindblowing and just plain amazing. Great, great job! <333
    August 26th, 2011 at 09:10am
  • Em'ly

    Em'ly (100)

    United States
    I've been thinking of writing a piece like this, kind of like a stream of conciousness. Time is a very mind boggling thing to me and really sparks my interest.

    Fantastic job and very beautifully written.
    August 18th, 2011 at 05:52am
  • crowning.

    crowning. (105)

    This was utterly mind blowing.
    July 31st, 2011 at 07:47am
  • youth and whiskey.

    youth and whiskey. (415)

    United States
    This was very moving, Chelsey. It made me really think. I love when pieces have the ability to do that. Not even going to lie, I got goose bumps up and down my arms. I think this is really going to make stop and start appreciating things. To "stop and smell the roses" if you will. You really did a great job with displaying how, I am sure, the majority of us feel. I remember at the start of my freshman year of high school I was constantly saying "I cannot wait for freshman year to be over, I can't wait to be a sophomore or a junior! Especially not a senior!" and then the end of my freshman year came and I was moving again. I really wished I would have cherished that year even though it really wasn't that great.

    Also, the part where you talked about people saying "faster, faster, faster," to the clock made me die laughing. In middle school health class I sat by this dude was the biggest goober ever and the last ten minutes of class every day he would say "go little clock go! Go little clock go! Go little clock go!" over and over again. That sentence just reminded me of that and made me realize that I miss that.

    You've really made me think about things with this and for that, I thank you. Also, wonderful job! <3
    July 31st, 2011 at 12:04am
  • turducken

    turducken (100)

    My lord I adore this piece incredibly so. I think more than anything, what I like the most about this is how... real it is, I mean just last month I was complaining how this school year has gone by so fast. I think everyone can admit that they've realized that before, and just the way that you describe it is amazing.

    And even though it's going by so fast, it's almost like at the same time nothing is happening. That was a really good point you brought up. I think my two favourite parts would be "bind me to a web of unhappiness" and the "faster, faster, faster". I like how the first you sort of compare how small we are compared to the world, like insects, and the second I just love because.

    My only thing would be the last line, should it be "is gone" or "be gone", the gone seems a little not finished.

    I love writing that actually has a point, like a... moral, or something, trying to get something across, and I think that's why I loved this so much. Really, aha, it's definitely a favourite by me! :)
    July 30th, 2011 at 06:11pm
  • mistresseulalie.

    mistresseulalie. (100)

    United States

    Very simple, not flashy and very easy to read.


    It pulled me into the story wonderfully. :DD


    I love the way you wrote, about how things might have changed... like different music or a different haircut. It was amazing. ^.^
    July 30th, 2011 at 01:32am
  • waves wash

    waves wash (155)

    United States
    First Comment!
    I liked how you expressed yourself. The message was nice. I enjoyed it.
    July 29th, 2011 at 11:18pm