Burning Giraffes - Comments

  • gurue

    gurue (100)

    United States
    This is another one of those cases where my mind is blown because I'm wondering why this doesn't have any comments yet. I absolutely love this. It's so simple of an action, just driving by and calling once a year, and that one moment is so precious - then it's gone. See, part of me was kind of creeped out because I almost thought it was sort of stalker-like and that there was a restraining order involved, and then the other part of me felt like the situation was much deeper and more thoughtful than that, ahah. But either way, the way you described this was very lovely.

    And I love the Salvador Dali painting and the picture. At least, I believe it's a Salvador Dali painting, it has the characteristics of his paintings. Anyways, brilliant piece, I enjoyed reading it :')
    August 6th, 2011 at 10:09pm