The Way of Love - Comments

  • jewelia.

    jewelia. (2225)

    United States
    I think this was absolutely amazing. I don't have anything wrong with sex scenes in slash or smut stories; but just by the way described everything--it made it a little like a sex scene. When you described the way the narrator felt towards his partner, you could just picture them in love! I also like when you were realistic, like when the partner had been a little embarrassed when the narrator snuggled close to him. You incorporated love and sex and all the things two male creatures could possibly feel!
    The layout was nice, I loved the picture and the background matched with it :3 The story area was perfect as well; it gave everything a gentle touch. The title is amazing as well--it really went well with this story.

    And yes, I did read all of it. Just because it is flawless doesn't mean I didn't read it (:
    August 21st, 2011 at 02:22am