Take Me in & Throw out My Heart - Comments

  • This story is amazing. I adore your writing and just... oh my god I can go on and on about how well written this was! I adore this. Please, keep up the amazing work. You have amazing writing. Don't let anyone tell you else wise. This was amazing!
    June 6th, 2012 at 07:47am
  • You're an amazing writer! I loved this! I didn't see the twist coming at all. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing ^^
    June 5th, 2012 at 04:13am
  • A unique and intriguing twist. Very well written.
    April 25th, 2012 at 07:57am
  • I'm not really a big fan of anything that's to do with Z but this was different.

    I wasn't sure about this at first 'cause her and Ryan flaunt their new found love in front of an heart broken Brandon who Ryan's just broken up with. I believe that he honestly has all the right to be pissed at Z when she turns up on his doorstep as heart broken as he was back then.

    But wow, the twist in this story. I didn't see them ending up fucking, I really didn't. But it's perfect for this because it's that one last bit of Ryan they're both in desperate need of. The lust is so overpowering in this piece and just incredible.

    Sorry if my comment doesn't make sense but honestly, I fucking love this piece In Love
    January 11th, 2012 at 01:17am
  • hot damn, this story looks brilliant just from the summary. i love how simple the banner is and how it all just works, it's awesome.

    hdfkjghdfkj Brendon is so jealous, it's perfect. Your characters are awesome, always awesome, and i love how he's so grumpy about it all. he clearly hates Z on principal because she took what was his and that's not okay for him, not okay at all.

    Brendon has all rights to be pissed, oh my god. and z is so precious and nervous and you can tell she's terrified sort of, and I can just hear how pissed Brendon must be. How getting over Ryan is like a vtial part, just those words set the tone for the rest of the fic. It shows that she's not going to cope well with it, and she's shocked that Brendon, who had been with him for presumably longer/been more intimate with him because of the band, was able to get over him. you can sort of assume he's lying though, i dunno.

    that's the worst thing in the world to have in common, an ex. and god i just want to give them both giant hugs right now, i love how brendon is so reluctant to even be in her presence, like she's the scum on the bottom of his shoes and he jsut wants her to please leave and never come back.

    hot damn, this is getting really good. brendon understood how ryan worked - maybe he has really come to terms with it? - and i hope ryan one day finds someone whose riddle-y enough for him to be happy. he seems like such a sweetheart and like he doens't know how to make himself happy and he knows he hurts people but he can't help it.

    and brendon where are your manners, seriously.

    whoa, what a change of events, holy fuck. that was not forseen at all. i really llove this for some reason - probably going to add this to my recs on my profile, i'm loving it that much, and how the title plays into the story at the end it sort of ties it all together. and brendon, that final line. you are brilliant this made me cry a little ;_;

    they’re lips touched again, this time more heated and determined. - their lips touched :P
    August 22nd, 2011 at 02:49am
  • This piece was very nice. It was written well, the grammar and word choice was really lovely and the flow was amazing. The emotion was so powerful, you could feel it merely by reading the words you'd written.
    I really liked this and the ending was a little shocking but good nevertheless. Keep up the amazing work.
    August 13th, 2011 at 07:47am
  • This was beautiful, Sally. The emotion was raw and it felt very realistic to me. The way Z and Brendon came together was understandable and well done. This entire piece was well written. But what I liked the most was how in short time these two character slightly mature in their own special way. At first Brendon didn't like Z, because she was the girl that stole Ryan away and you portrayed the essences of karma pretty well.

    I wasn't expecting the ending to end like that. Throughout, I felt how ashamed Z was and sleeping with Brendon made perfect sense to me because it was like she was having a piece of Ryan back that she missed so much. The only thing that brought them together was the one thing that tore them apart - Ryan.
    August 12th, 2011 at 05:06am