Taste Of Poison - Comments

  • This is very interesting. There were a few grammar mistakes but the spelling seems to be perfect. I really wasn't expecting the end; Honestly I thought this was some vampire thing.

    My only question is did she mean to kill herself as well? She seemed to know the wine was poisoned but she drank it anyways. So the ending sentence is kind of confusing being it leads one to believe she didn't plan to die.
    June 15th, 2012 at 05:21am
  • Wow I really liked this the ending surprised me nice job!
    September 21st, 2011 at 12:23am
  • I really liked the beginning of this, and how dark the whole story seems. I think it really shows in your writing, and it's very real. But I found there were some grammar problems throughout. It kind of put me off. But I did like this. I think that if you had a beta reader, or even if you just combed through it a bit, that it would be even better. More than anything I think is the placement of commas and periods. I think if you fixed that then you wouldn't have to change anything else. Maybe I didn't read this right? I feel like I read it wrong or something. Sorry if I did. Hahah. But I really liked this. (:
    August 23rd, 2011 at 10:24pm
  • Well I know I don't need to tell you how much I love your writting but I will anyway I love how your wrote this out just how simple it was just how it flowed I guess you could say...

    Your layout is amazing I have to say I love it, it really helped me picture the story that was being told before me, and just it was easy on the eyes and all that good stuff..

    I adored this story, but I have so many questions that I fill need to be answered like why did she want to kill her husband? Why did she drink the wine if she knew it was poisened? Why is she worrying about what people think about her now that she's dead? And if she loved him why kill him?

    I hope you do a before the death chapter to this or something or atleast some more short stories this one was great
    August 23rd, 2011 at 10:15pm
  • I love the very simple yet dark aspect of this. Amazing twist at then end makes me a bit speechless.
    August 21st, 2011 at 09:04pm
  • Yeah so I love this.
    I love the twist in it, the fact that she murdered him and then died herself, it was, very creepy. I loved you're writing style as well, it flowed easily and progressed from the beginning to the end beautifully. I did notice some grammar issues, but they can be fixed easily. A beta could fix them in a heartbeat :)
    So overall, well done for the very creepy piece of writing! :)
    August 20th, 2011 at 09:22pm
  • I love the simplistic writing style that you've got going on here. It sounds very much like the speaker is in shock (which I'm assuming she is, if she's mourning the death of someone close to her) and you've done a great job reflecting that shock in the simple sentence structure and narrative.

    I also really like that she goes through her day, trying to pinpoint where everything started going wrong. I guess she feels guilty over the death? Maybe regret.

    I still try to replay the memories but the memories were lost, I couldn't remember it all, it’s hard when your mind no longer works right.
    I think that's my favorite line of the whole piece, and I agree - when something's shocked a person so much, sometimes they can't think straight.

    And the ending itself was creepy and really, really dark. I loved it! You didn't break the morbid theme you had going on, and I adore the ending line. This was a really good read :)
    August 18th, 2011 at 05:02am