Fistfights Can be Romantic. - Comments

  • Jefferson Starships

    Jefferson Starships (330)

    United States
    This is good! This is really good! And I've recently started watching Doctor Who just a few months ago and I finish Series 6 just a couple weeks ago and I ship Matt/Karen so much!!!!!! And this is the first proper Smillan story I've read, and it's so good! It's funny and cute and really funny, extremely well written! And it's over a year old! I really hope you've written more!!!!!!!! Laughing
    July 12th, 2013 at 02:46am
  • Get Off My Lawn.

    Get Off My Lawn. (100)

    ohmygod- first- THAT PICTURE IS AMAZING.
    another- I can't even write long comments, sorry... Because I'm shhhiiitttt... but anyway. My first Karen/Matt story to read ever and I loved it!! :) zero regret.
    I also love how there isn't any kissing... or maybe I'm half blind and somehow skipped it.
    anyway, all in all, I love your writing style :D
    October 4th, 2011 at 07:07am
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    You said you were looking for title suggestions, I'd suggest not changing it. I actually saw this story on Mibba's main maybe about a week ago and I'd bookmarked it to read later because I found the title really interesting. It certainly wasn't a title I'd seen before and it drew me in. (And I'm happy I peaked in the Story Review thread in time to catch this, otherwise I may have never gotten back to that bookmark to actually read it.)

    So I opened up the link and was pleasantly surprised to see a picture of Matt Smith and Karen Gillian. I love Doctor Who (watched the season premier yesterday) and I think this is the first fanfiction involving them (as themselves or as their characters) ever. I like that the summary is short and simple and to the point, because it really highlights the ridiculous circumstances of the story itself, which makes me want to read more.

    After reading the first full paragraph I thought that the banner photo seemed unfitting, because we're not really talking about “The Doctor” Matt, but the 'real' Matt Smith, the one who would find himself at a part with lots of booze and one that would get drunk and smoke pot in a room inside a party. This sounds more like “Leather jacket and kick-ass boots” Matt and maybe the banner should be a bit more reflective of that.

    I really liked the little tongue-in-cheek moment of this Matt Smith pondering something that's very The Doctor-like, and I liked that it's realistic done by having these thoughts come to him as he's high.

    Matt managed to drag her ungracefully out of the passenger seat and throw her over his shoulder, stumbling under her weight. It wasn't that she was fat or anything but he wasn't exactly the strongest guy in the world and he was quite exhausted. – I really liked this bit here because it's so realistic. I'm used to seeing fanfictions with these (arguably) scrawny guys lifting girls in distress like it's no big deal because it's supposed to appear 'valiant', but I'm always thinking, 'I've seen that guy in pictures, he doesn't look like he could lift anyone without a lot of effort.'

    ...and his unconscious companion to the ground. – Again I liked the bit of cheekiness here, where you're alluding to the show.

    I was a bit disappointed by the end, but only because I wanted to read more; I wanted find out what was next. The link I liked the most about this story was the kind of removed attitude Matt had towards Karen. From your summary, it seems that the two end up together at the end, but from the way he's reacting to her now, there's no hint of that, and I loved that. So often in stories, the guy and the girl meet and even if he's not really into her, there's hints in how he treats her that that's where the story is heading. Maybe he looks at her and thinks she's cute or he remarks on how soft her skin feels or how bright her eyes are, but there was none of that there and I think it works wonderfully for the story and keeps the situation true and real – even if she's gorgeous and perfect, she's drunk and pukey with a bloodied broken and probably smells awful now which certainly isn't going to be appealing to a stranger.

    I also like the small details you fixed into the story which showed the kind of person he is and his state of mind in the story. That he stays in her room, instead of maybe going into the living room and sleeping on a couch, and that he chucks his filthy shoes into her clothes heap, instead of maybe putting outside. That he cleaned her face, instead of letting her wake up to a bloody mess, and that he sleeps -upright and uneasy – at the edge of her bed.

    Overall I think this story is really good. I like that the language is a little plain because it doesn't have to be flowery, the situation speaks for itself. I like that the characters aren't romanticized or demonized, they're just people and they react as people do.
    August 29th, 2011 at 02:59am
  • fooleish

    fooleish (205)

    Great Britain (UK)
    First off, deds always make me feel warm and fuzzy. Thank you, and thank you for writing this story and for using my prompt to write this story because I can just tell it's going to be incredible already. I think I'm just going to list all the things I love about this, because there are kind of a lot.

    -first line! That is an amazing first line, I love it so much. I think it might have more pazazz if it were separated from the rest of the paragraph, but that's just me.
    -Arthur and Matt are best friends, this is something that should never change. Will there be nose/chin banter? :D? :D? :D?
    -sequestered dear lord are you trying to kill me with your pretty words In Love
    -Matt pondering the fabric of time! If he says wibbly wobbly timey wimey at any point, I will probably die of glee. Seriously, though, the imagery in this paragraph is fantastic.
    -I love Karen the mass of colour. Especially that yellow jumper, I think that's my favourite piece of clothing she owns.
    -though unless you've suddenly made them American, use bin instead of trash.
    -Karen's reaction to throwing up on Matt is so precious, I can't even. Drunk!Karen is incredibly precious, to be fair. I just wanna snuggle her (though preferably after she's been cleaned up, puke is nasty).
    -Matt describing himself as a cool cucumber is somehow both hilarious and perfectly in character. Arthur's reaction to the situation is also so perfectly hilarious, YOU DON'T STEAL A GUY'S WEED, MATT. XD
    -also my knowledge of hospitals is limited, but I think the emergency ward is usually referred to as A&E (Accident & Emergency) or Casualty, but yeah.
    -I have a wonderful mental image of Matt dragging Karen around her house, nearly tripping over all her stuff.
    -Karen is Matt's (unconscious) companion, I love it, references!
    -grumpy!Matt is also adorable, I love his mental moan about just wanting to get high.
    -the last line is perfect! And now I need more, woman, I demand to be given more of this delightful Matt&Karenness. :D :D :D
    August 14th, 2011 at 04:59pm