Dimples - Comments

  • swell

    swell (150)

    Oh, I like the graphics of the word dimple. Simple, but pretty.

    This was really beautifully written. I love the amount of description you have put into this and even though it is short, you can really picture the sight in your head (in a non weird way). It is short, simple and sweet and the way it flows is just perfection in those one hundred and thirteen words. Originally, I thought this was going to be about the dimples on your face, but I loved that you focused on the back dimples and tried something different, as opposed to going for the expected result. Great job!
    July 14th, 2013 at 01:05pm
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    Ohh I had not even noticed that this was another drabble by you! Now i'm excited to read because I know that you're a great writer, and I have some expectations for you. tehe

    I really like how artistic you made the word dimples look, and essentially feel. I just don't think i'll think of it the same after reading this. I kind of guessed it wouldn't be about the dimples on our cheeks, and tehe I was extremely thrilled this was about back dimples, they are so underappreciated and this just made me smile. Your drabbles just seem incredibly poetic and lovely to read. They flow really nicely. I believe that my favorite part of this one had to be, I like all the creases of your body, dog-eared and bruised in some places, like a book I like to read. Several times. ~~ Very nice.
    July 13th, 2013 at 11:22am
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    Ohh I had not even noticed that this was another drabble by you! Now i'm excited to read because I know that you're a great writer, and I have some expectations for you. tehe

    I really like how artistic you made the word dimples look, and essentially feel. I just don't think i'll think of it the same after reading this. I kind of guessed it wouldn't be about the dimples on our cheeks, and tehe I was extremely thrilled this was about back dimples, they are so underappreciated and this just made me smile. Your drabbles just seem incredibly poetic and lovely to read. They flow really nicely. I believe that my favorite part of this one had to be, I like all the creases of your body, dog-eared and bruised in some places, like a book I like to read. Several times. ~~ Very nice.
    July 13th, 2013 at 11:22am