A Crow and Its Feet - Comments

  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    Fantastic, I love coming to drabbles that are exactly one hundred words. It just thrills me because I always think, they worked hard to keep it at one hundred words, I wonder what it's going to be about and how much emotion they can stuff it with. Because drabbles need emotion, and that's something I love to read about.

    This banner is so nice, I just had to say it. I love the arrows on the font and the font itself, it just looks really nice.

    Awh, I really liked this. I love how it wasn't just like any other love story or fluffy drabble, and it was cute but not overbearing. It was sweet. Arms
    July 13th, 2013 at 11:17am