Only Darkness - Comments

  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Not only did this have incest in but it involved a lot of blood in.
    The incest was an automatic like and the blood was a bonus. xD

    Anyway, back to the entry.
    I love when people get into their sadistic sides and bring out acid. I don't know why, it just entertains me because acid can do vast amount of pain and plus the bonus of hearing skin fizzle.
    When it became known it was his brother doing it to him, I started wondering what had prompted said brother to do such a thing.
    And then I realised that I didn't care because spontaneous things are just as good.
    Also that it's even more entertaining when family members do it to one another, killing and torturing one another.

    The layout gave a dark vibe too and the title matched it.
    I must say, I like your sadistic side. x)
    August 16th, 2011 at 12:01am