Wings - Comments

  • DragonxFox

    DragonxFox (100)

    United States
    Sooo I was expecting some odd one-shot possibly dealing with demonic possession because you mentioned the dark demented voice that was nothing like the girls remembered Minas being. I got jut as curious as the girls but did not imagine she was killig birds. Another person or that she was bein tortured, possibly even kiklin herself, but I never thought of birds. That was a great twist.

    It left me with questions as to why she fell over the line of normalcy and sanity.
    Really liked this, great job.
    October 10th, 2011 at 06:57pm
  • Nanner.

    Nanner. (150)

    This was so sick and twisted and I just loved it to pieces. It was one of those stories that literally made my skin crawl. I could picture each detail and the end especially I found creepy. I was simply not expecting such gruesomeness out of something called "Wings" baha. <3 I also loved how it was at a boarding school and all of the girls were listening through the door... it could almost be made into a scary movie our something. I don't know what else to say... this was just awesome, unexpected, and written wonderfully. (: <33
    August 18th, 2011 at 07:36am

    INACTIVExx (150)

    United States
    Woah.. I really didn't imagine that! I mean, I imagined a million things before that D:
    I like the way you start in the middle of the whole mess. I was like: wtf is going on?

    And when the whole ripping thing starts I was like: O___O what the hell is happening.. And it was creepy. In that good way where you're creeped out but want to know more.

    I kind of laughed when the elderly lady was all like clueless xD I don't know why, it just seemed funny
    And when Mina was on the floor I was all uptight and wanted to know what had happened to her.. so the whole bird thing was just absolutely unexpected :O which made it even more awesome :D

    The ending was creepy.. although the story is short. it's very well written. And I think it leaves you wanting more info on this Mina girl. Awesome job :D
    August 18th, 2011 at 12:21am
  • Sweetest Blasphemy.

    Sweetest Blasphemy. (100)

    United States
    Sounds emit from a single room in the otherwise quiet boarding school, the noises sickening and disturbing.
    This created instant interest for me (as most of your stories do. Your first lines are most excellent.). I wanted to read on and figure out what the noises were along with the other girls. It was so gripping, it just pulled me in.

    Your description of their horror gave me such a clear picture of them, even though their details aren't given. I could see them huddled together. See the looks on their faces as they listened.

    It was so chilling.

    And Mina.
    She was so haunting. So tortured. I almost felt bad for her. I wondered what could have happened to her to make her this way.

    Beautiful job!
    This was such an enjoyable chill, that I'm saving it to my list so that I remember to come back and read it again.
    August 16th, 2011 at 05:21am
  • Apathetic Squirrel

    Apathetic Squirrel (100)

    United States
    Okay, at first I thought she was killing another girl -shot-

    For some reason, I felt even worse that it was birds -brick'd-

    But I loved it, the dark layout making my focus purely on the story, letting your exquisite detail take me into the drabble with the other girls and wonder, What is Mina doing?!, I applaud you mon ami because it was wonderfully creepy. It holds its own meaning of symbolism, I assume that Mina was a girl who believed she wasn't pretty and free, so in her jealous insanity, she took her rage out on something, well pretty and free.

    Thanks for the comment also, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :3
    ~Till next time, A. Squirrel
    August 16th, 2011 at 03:06am
  • divine;

    divine; (150)

    United States
    It was creppy. In a good sweet twisted way. Even though this was a short story you could just tell that Mina back story is something twisted, and demented. She doesn't have all the crayons in the crayola box. Plus the detail of the story is just so nice. In love thos dark little story. Good job!
    August 16th, 2011 at 12:51am
  • Miss_AnnaChan

    Miss_AnnaChan (100)

    United States
    Well that was crazy and creepy, but well written ^_^
    you write so well Jade-sama!!!! :D
    August 16th, 2011 at 12:31am