Soulseeker - Comments

  • divine;

    divine; (150)

    United States
    Writing first of all is just so amazing. While I was reading this I was curious with questions of 'What trip? Where do they go?' which really just makes me want to read more and more to find out. Which I have to say is a hard trait for a writer to hold the curiosity of a reader.
    August 21st, 2011 at 07:49pm
  • Teddi Manni

    Teddi Manni (100)

    United States
    This sounds very interesting and unique. I love how the quote is just perfect in the summary.

    The prologue is very mysterious and I wonder who this Death person is. Is he a real person? It seems as if you have written him so. Your writing is very well written; you keep it simple but eerie.

    This sounds like an extraordinary idea that could be published. Keep writing :)
    August 20th, 2011 at 08:18pm
  • volta.

    volta. (1000)

    New Zealand
    Is this kind of like Final Destination, or inspired by it at all? I've never seen the movies, but heard about them from friends, and your summary reminds me of them being able to see how people die and such. Just a thought. :)

    I like that it's called a 'gift' because it reinforces the positive idea around saving people from dying, rather than calling it a curse. So it's neat that there's those instant connotations around it. :) And I also like how you present the conflict, death not liking to be cheated. I think it sets the story up for intrigue and possible bad things happening. :)

    I like that this chapter is by death and he(?) hints at the goings on of the character introduced in the summary. I also like that Death, in the prologue, appears to have taken a form that readers can imagine him as a person. I think it's always neat when that happens - otherwise it just feels weird having the idea as just an idea. The characterization of Death just almost makes you want to sympathize with him(?). I also like how the prologue has a conversational tone. I like that it's almost like Death is a Vice - trying to get the readers on board with him(?). I just think it's neat. :)
    August 19th, 2011 at 07:18am
  • saint mungo.

    saint mungo. (150)

    United States
    Well first off, of course is the layout. I love it! Nice and simple, yet still eye catching. And I simply ADORE the quote you used in the summary. It's so perfectly fitting for your story, and I appluad you for finding such a matching quote!

    I love stories that are written from the POV of Death! It always adds a bit of mystery, darkness and mysticism to a story. I love that the writing was very realistic, and yet still managed to be poetic in a way, which I love to see in stories! I read in one of your journals a brief summary of the plotline of the story, and I just love it! It's very original, and unique, and I was going to check it out anyway earlier, but then you wanted to comment swap, so I was like "Okay! I was going to read it anyway!"

    Definetly subscribing, and can't wait to see more! <3
    August 18th, 2011 at 06:57pm
  • Fantasy Monroe

    Fantasy Monroe (100)

    United States
    First off the layout is really beautiful, I love it!

    The summary had me hook, it drew me in; making me want to read more.

    The prologue was amazing, it didn't give alot way but just enough to draw people in. The way you describe and kept things a mystery was really good, it made me wanting to find out more. And like everyone else said writing in Deaths POV is very good, its way different and I like it. I can honesty say I'm kind of hook, and I will be read more :)
    August 18th, 2011 at 04:58am

    INACTIVExx (150)

    United States
    Let me start off by telling you that I absolutely LOVE the layout. :) It's awesome.. It's simple yet very pretty :D

    Anyways, I love the prologue. You did a very very good job with death's pov. Not to evil, not to serious, not to quirky. It had a touch of dark humour but very cool :) And the words you use.. oh my god.. it just flows so naturally.. and you know what. I am subbing. :) I have found that you are a very good writer. You just have that thing that makes you great at it ;D

    Oh, and I very much appreciate your comment. I am sorry I couldn't think of what else to say, I am just honored I can read such awesome work :D
    August 18th, 2011 at 12:08am
  • reasons for insanity

    reasons for insanity (100)

    Okay. This was amazing. I've never read anything quite like that, and I LOVE it.

    The last line of the summary drew me in completely, and the layout is very pretty as well. As the person above me said, it does remind me of Final Destination. However, I think I'm going to like this story more than I did those movies. :P

    The idea of writing in Death's POV is really creative and as I read through, it really made me think about ideas you were portraying, such as how Death would be the only entity (as I'll call it) who would ever "meet" every person on earth. Very interesting! Your grammar and spelling were perfect as well, at least as far as I noticed. I think the first paragraph is my favourite; it completely draws the reader in, sets the tone, and gives Death somewhat of a personality. That's not something I've seen many authors do!

    In short: Well done! I will definitely be subscribing, and am looking forward to an update! :)
    August 17th, 2011 at 10:55pm
  • owltype

    owltype (100)

    United States
    I like the picture you use for your layout. The coloring is very beautiful, and the innocence of the boy and girl holding hands is sweet. I wonder though if the picture has any big significance to the story?

    The story is written wonderfully; I couldn't find any spelling or grammatical errors. The writing itself is descriptive enough without being overbearing. I like that kind of balance in a story.

    The concept does remind me a bit of the Final Destination movies. But there are many directions you can take this story in. I'm intrigued to see how you handle it.
    August 17th, 2011 at 05:41am
  • leeannuhh;

    leeannuhh; (100)

    United States
    Okay first off, I love the layout. It honestly pulled me in, and it's also not distracting in any way.
    The summary was just..awesome. It's short and sweet, and doesn't give a whole lot away. It gets right to the point. Derek seems like an interesting character to me.

    The prologue is amazing. You write in such detail, yet it's not overbearing to me. You can definitely tell that Death doesn't like what's going on in that town. I love it.

    I am Death, and I don’t like to be fucked with. That line is my absolute favorite.

    So, I really love the concept of this. I can't wait to see where you take this. I'm definitely subbing.
    August 17th, 2011 at 05:06am
  • Estella Marie

    Estella Marie (100)

    United States
    To start off, the layout is beautiful; I like the picture of the girl and boy holding hands (that's what they're doing right?). It's very soft and simple, and doesn't distract, which is nice :) As for the summary, in a sense I guess this reminds me of the Final Destination movies xD I really like the concept though, of someone keeping people alive and Death is not happy about it. The quote and divider are also very nice :)

    Onto the prologue:

    Okay, the first paragraph hooked me in almost immediately. It's the way it was worded that I just love, like "I'm everywhere, yet nowhere. I'm everything, yet nothing at all." It just really caught my attention. However, that wasn't my favorite area.

    I am Death, and I don’t like to be fucked with.

    That one line made me start cracking up, no joke. xD

    Anyway, I'm a bit surprised how much this is bugging him: that one little town with no huge deaths makes him angry. Personally, if I was Death, I would suck it up. But, I can see how this is unnerving to him that someone is beating the system.

    It makes me wonder, can Derek see his own death? Hmm, I wonder.

    Awesome job so far :D Can't wait to see what you do with it!!
    August 17th, 2011 at 04:15am
  • purpledragon1995

    purpledragon1995 (100)

    Awesome Story. Keep Wrighting. Update Soon XD
    August 17th, 2011 at 04:13am