Nell - Comments

  • cute frog mug.

    cute frog mug. (100)

    United States
    I agree w/her ^ up there. Her mom seems really condescending, but it just makes me feel for Nell even more. Update soon!
    May 12th, 2012 at 09:11pm
  • Morpheus' Muse

    Morpheus' Muse (100)

    United States
    I love the way you handled her relationship with her mother. It says a lot about her character, and why she is the way she is. It can also serve to become a possible plot impetus later on in the story. Lovely job, dear. Keep writing!
    May 12th, 2012 at 08:41pm
  • once-ler

    once-ler (100)

    United States
    Okay,so I absolutely adore this story now. I only just read the all of it, and I love it. This is probably one of the first stories that I've read where I've felt like I could truly relate to the main character. I tend to get ignored a lot in school, too, and, having social anxiety, I can understand her fear of speaking in front of people. And she made a new friend, good for her! Maybe that means people will start noticing her more. :)
    November 11th, 2011 at 09:09am
  • chemical romantics.

    chemical romantics. (210)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ooh, you gave me something I definitely wasn't expecting in a good way when I read this. I loved the repetition, and the short chapters - the way you make your style and you make it so likeable. Your style is actually really beautiful to read. I really love this it's beautiful.

    I'm sorry this is so short, I have nothing much to say.
    September 26th, 2011 at 04:21am
  • across the water

    across the water (100)

    United States
    Wow. This is so pretty, I'm not sure what to say. I feel so bad for Nell, but I'm glad that she got a new friend.

    I liked the way you wrote it - it was really eloquent, and just flows really well. I'm jealous; you can express so much using such short chapters, and you can do it really well. Excellent job!
    September 16th, 2011 at 03:08am
  • searchingshells'

    searchingshells' (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    This story is SO unusual! I wasn't expecting anything like this at all really, I don't think I've ever read anything like it ever. Judging from the first chapter at the moment. The story is open in another window, otherwise it's so hard to remember everything.

    I like how you have added the few extra lines at the end of the chapter. No one knows the girl who knows so much. No one knows Nell. I think it adds a bit of atmosphere to the chapters. At the moment the story seems so innocent and kind of sad, towards her that is! But it could change and the reader knows that and wants to read on because of it! :)

    The rest of the chapters are pretty short, but affective and I think it's only when the new girl actually starts talking to Nell that the readers thinks about what they are reader. I was pretty shocked when Nell spoke! Even if it was just her name. It shows that there is a connection between her and the new girl :)

    A complete WELL DONE with this it's perfect!
    September 4th, 2011 at 02:49pm
  • cute frog mug.

    cute frog mug. (100)

    United States
    What's this? An update? And it's become my new favorite thing ever?

    Yep. Pretty much. I dunno how I feel about Stella, though. She seems a bit rough around the edges for Nell. Just my opinion, but I like the way it was written. No matter what kind of friend Stella turns out to be, Nell needs her.
    September 4th, 2011 at 05:06am
  • Morpheus' Muse

    Morpheus' Muse (100)

    United States
    This was absolutely beautiful, darling. Very much like poetry. I'm so glad Nell has a friend - and someone that's good for her, too. Stella seems a bit pushy, challenging of Nell, and that'll be good for her - she's been so used to being alone, it'll be a bit of a struggle to get her talking and acting a bit more typical of a teenage girl.

    I like Stella. She seems very intelligent, and also very kind underneath it all. I'm glad that Nell has a new friend, and that last line was perfect.
    September 4th, 2011 at 05:04am
  • Painted Smiles

    Painted Smiles (100)

    United States
    Layout:I love how simple yet elegant it is. Is it elegent? I have no idea, but its beautiful ^.^

    Banner: I think the banner is beautiful! Where did you find it?

    Summary:This freaking summary is SO good! I love how you give the definition for Nell and that kind of gives you an idea about the main character. Does it for other people? I dont know,but for me it did ^.^

    1st chapter was AMAZING! It was so descriptive and so sad! I mean come on! Students and TEACHERS ignoring her!? I think thats sad, I almost cried :/

    I love how you end the chapters with no one notices the nell :D I just learned a new word.

    Over all, I love this story and I love you for making it!

    Update again?
    September 3rd, 2011 at 11:14pm
  • Charlie McDonnell.

    Charlie McDonnell. (100)

    United States
    Since one of my rules is you get what you give, I'll layout my comment the way you did.

    Title: Excellent. Simple. It lets the reader know that this is a very character focused story.

    Layout: It's simple, like the title, so they match. Though, for the oddness of the story, I would love to see less straight-laced of a layout. Something a little more chaotic, maybe, but heck, that's just me.

    Chapter One: The pattern of this is like a poem. Every paragraph starts with "she notices" and then "but", and I really like that. It's a great literary tool and I'm glad you're using it. The way you set it up is really an insight into Nell's head and I like that. The way you end it is great, too. Sad and poetic and it made me care about Nell.

    Chapter Two: I like that you've mixed it up from the first chapter, but still end the same as the first. I really like the character development of Nell and where you're going with this. I also love the lack of spelling and grammar errors.

    Great job!
    September 3rd, 2011 at 11:03pm
  • MyBrokenRomance

    MyBrokenRomance (100)

    That was very very good
    Very well written
    You had me sucked in!!
    Keeo up the amazing work!! :D
    August 31st, 2011 at 02:52pm
  • AnOrganizedMess

    AnOrganizedMess (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    (Sorry this has taken so long!!)
    So far, this has broken my heart - I feel for Nell so much! She needs a friend so much. And like the person above, I thought it was sweet about the nail varnish, a nice change, and it kind of made her more relatable, if that makes sense? I think this is highly original and I honestly can relate to Nell so much at times - it's easy to kind of 'drift' through highschool. Simply amazing writing. I've subscribed! :D
    August 29th, 2011 at 12:43am
  • cute frog mug.

    cute frog mug. (100)

    United States
    Chapter 1: I feel so bad for poor Nell here. She's so lonely but doesn't do anything about it. It's so sad.

    Chapter 2: It's ridiculous how she's treated. Did something happen, or is she mute, or what?

    Chapter 3: Oh, that was cute. The thing about painting her nails, I liked that, because it's not what everyone would expect. It's kind of adorable, how she has a system for how and when she paints her nails. A nice bit of fluff in an angst sea.

    Chapter 4: I know how that is. I can't speak in front of people, but I've never fainted before. Poor little Nell. I wish someone would just go and be her best friend, y'know?
    August 27th, 2011 at 10:22pm
  • nautical.

    nautical. (100)

    United States
    This is really interesting.
    Im quite interested where it is heading.
    Suscribing :)
    August 27th, 2011 at 01:23am
  • Morpheus' Muse

    Morpheus' Muse (100)

    United States
    Short and sweet, making me a little happier about Nell's life. It seems like her life isn't entirely bleak, even though she most enjoys wearing the color black on her nails. It's rather unorthodox, but it just works, y'know?

    Of course you do, you wrote it.

    You should update soon. I am dying to read more about poor Nell.
    August 25th, 2011 at 03:56am
  • Morpheus' Muse

    Morpheus' Muse (100)

    United States
    Dear, do you have to go and keep breaking my heart into tiny little pieces with every chapter? My goodness.

    So. Chapter Two was absolutely lovely. It was heartbreaking, and yet I enjoyed the hell out of it. Goodness, poor Nell, she's so pessimistic, and I just want to put her in my pocket so she'll never be alone.

    My favorite line: For just a brief moment, her chest swells with gratitude, affection, and respect for this brave woman that stands in front of the horde of desks.

    That was wonderful. My goodness, the way you write, it's almost like poetry. Excellent job.
    August 25th, 2011 at 03:55am
  • Morpheus' Muse

    Morpheus' Muse (100)

    United States
    Oh wow. Oh, there are so many words about this that I can't decide which to use. I'll try not to go on and on, but chances are I will.

    The layout: very simple, clean, precise. I like the picture you used, and it kind of reflects Nell's character, in a way. She sees things very clearly, and the layout somehow communicates that.

    The summary: The approach you made was very clever, using definitions like that. I loved that, just in the way that it was set up.

    The first chapter: I've only read the first, as I'm kind of pressed for time right now, but dear God, this was beautiful. It gripped at my heart and just broke it. Honestly, I just want to wrap my arms around poor little Nell and hug and squeeze her until she's never sad again. It's just terrible, especially knowing that there are people out there like her, going through the same things as she is.

    My favorite lines: She’s seen his handwriting, and it’s like angry scribbles, the ink screaming against the page illegibly. The homework is in loopy, delicate script, each sweeping curve and elegant line deliberate and beautiful.

    ...ignorant of her very presence.

    Love, you're amazing. I love every word you write, and the emotion behind them. I can't wait to read more of this, and I'll be sure to let you know what I think!
    August 21st, 2011 at 08:07pm
  • colorful language

    colorful language (100)

    United States
    First off, I love love love the summary! I love how you took the real definition and matched it to the definition of Nell, it was a really great way to hook the reader and get the point across about the character. I thought that was brilliant<3 I also loved how Nell literally noticed everything because it gave depth to her. I found it kind of funny because one of the things I like to do is watch people walk next to each other and see if they're walking in step or not xD But I don't think I'm as invisible as Nell, or at least I hope I'm not x)

    I thought this was a wonderful beginning and I think you have a lovely story here :)
    August 20th, 2011 at 05:15am
  • mrcuteshorts

    mrcuteshorts (100)

    United States
    This is cute. But, girl, I just got one question for you:

    Are you Nell? From the movie Nell?
    August 20th, 2011 at 05:07am
  • ParadiseIsDead

    ParadiseIsDead (100)

    United States
    ooooooo... Sounds Really Intresting! Please Update Again!!!!!
    August 17th, 2011 at 03:48am