Oh Captain - Comments

  • pulling teeth

    pulling teeth (100)

    United States
    I like how Seb is noticing more and more about Cash. It is like he is crushing, but he doesn't want to admit it.

    I really cannot wait tostead what happens next. I enjoy the style of your writing. <3
    August 26th, 2011 at 06:27am
  • turducken

    turducken (100)

    God, I feel like this is going to be one of those stories that I'm going to religiously obsess over, checking my sub list all the time waiting for an update. Even the first chapter, there's just a certain thing about the way you write. It's professional but not overwhelming to the point of confusion with too much flowery crap. And there's almost like a certain tone of voice that makes me really like Sebastian.

    I think it's so totally cool that his dad's in a band, I've never seen that before so I thought that sort of put an interesting twist. Especially with him behind on the tour when he was younger, it gives him that sort of unique perspective that really makes me like him more. He just seems like a really cool dude, aha.

    One of my favourite things is how there are these little quirks that make it really... well, real. Like how they call him "captain", I think that's really cool that you added that in there. Or how they have this giant family with almost-family there too because I feel like it's really common to have those family friends that are pretty much cousins and uncles, but no one ever really adds them in there. Which is weird. And they all have these distinct personalities in his family. But it makes me feel like someone there could be a Sebastian out there with a dad they call Captain, which is probably why I love this so much.

    "Sebastian hangs up because Cody’s obviously not getting how pissed off he is with hushed tones..." I don't know why, but I really liked that. Mostly because I know what it's like to try and show how pissed off you are when you're trying to whisper and it's hard.

    I feel bad that he has gonorrhea, but it caught my attention. I can truthfully say that I've never read a story that starts off with someone contracting gonorrhea, but it definitely makes it all the more interesting, considering how it's not really common but more likely now.

    Cody was a curiosity turned infatuation…turned infection. I'll admit, I sort of laughed at that. NOT IN A MEAN WAY BUT IN LIKE A... whatever, it made me smile.

    His relationship with his father interests me too, a lot. I mean everyone sort of crowds around him and almost puts him on a pedestal, well that's what I got from the welcome, and he just sort of didn't care at all. And considering he's away a lot, it just sort of makes me wonder how he feels about it. I have no doubt that I will get to know more about this mysterious Sebastian character soon, aha.

    I'M MOST DEFINITELY COMING BACK FOR THIS! And yeah, this is probably going to become one of my new favourite stories on this site, since lately I've been trying to find one to just attach myself too, and this does seem well awesome enough. :)
    August 19th, 2011 at 09:06pm
  • pulling teeth

    pulling teeth (100)

    United States
    This is so great. I absolutely love how this is written, and it is much different from what I thought it was going to be like. I'm really excited about how it is going to turn out. <3
    August 19th, 2011 at 06:54pm