Once Upon a Midnight Dreary - Comments

  • Black Dog

    Black Dog (100)

    Well, I certainly like the prospect of the plot. It's very interesting and I love the idea of Bruce finally settling down, his wife knowing he's Batman (and still supporting it), and that she's not completely useless.
    However, there are two main concerns I have. One, Bruce didn't know that the Joker had killed your main character's family, but you have her walk by Batman as Gordon calls her in to trace his steps and help in the process of finding him. This meaning, I was a little confused as to why Bruce wouldn't question her being there and helping find the Joker. And not even that so much, but if she's hiding her history with him, shouldn't she want to avoid her husband while doing so, so she's not questioned.
    Secondly, you move very, very quickly. Which isn't such a bad thing (some stories can drone on forever), but for instance-
    "I was done taking a bath and was walking out of the bathroom. I saw the Joker and he looked rough.
    'Well, well, well look what we have here…..Laura Wayne' He said slicking his back.
    'Get away from me' I said.
    'Sorry princess I can’t do that' He said grabbing me.
    I hit him and saw Gordon walk in. Joker hit me hard and I saw the darkness..."
    It's not even that it's written poorly, it just needs to be structured and lengthened to give the story some plot. You could have said, 'I finished taking my bath and was walking out of the bathroom when I spotted the Joker. There was a roughness to him, like his job was finally catching up with him." Just by adding more detail, it can really help the reader fall into the story more and get a realistic feel for what is going on.
    Otherwise, as I said, the plot is very interesting! Maybe you should consider a beta? They're great for these kind of things. (: I wish you the best of luck with further writing!
    July 15th, 2012 at 05:33am
  • bewareofdogs

    bewareofdogs (1350)

    United States
    Dear JustThinking,

    you're not being hated. You're feed back is most appreciated. :D

    Sincerely, bewareofdogs
    July 4th, 2012 at 12:57am
  • JustThinking

    JustThinking (100)

    Okay, so I like the idea of the story, the concept is good, but the time line is completely random at times, the events in this story like her pregnancy suffers from it and it lacks some more background, some fillers and some more details in general. So that I as a reader would be able to follow and believe the story as it goes on. I think this is a good story in general and it has great potential, I just think right now it's not quite there yet.

    As an example she is 3 months pregnant, she gets kidnapped and then she's in labour. I don't know if I'm missing a hell of a lot. But that doesn't seem realistic, or some time lapse memos are missing. I'm not trying to be rude, mean or anything like that. (you can hate if you want to.) but I just think you guys can do better. Hope I'm not too hated right about now. Smile good luck with the story.
    July 2nd, 2012 at 12:12am