The Free Land - Comments

  • raja sahara

    raja sahara (100)

    United States
    Wow this was REALLY GOOD. Like, AMAZING.
    Your writing is fantastic and this story was simply so enticing. I really hope you do a full story about this or anything because you can definitely call me a fan of your writing :)
    September 4th, 2011 at 06:26pm
  • satellite mind.

    satellite mind. (100)

    as bad as this sounds, something i hate more than anything in the world is when i read someone else's writing and it's about a million times better than mine could ever be, no matter how hard i try. i mean, it happens a lot, but mostly with books by professional authors and it never fails to make my heart drop a little.

    but at the same time, i do love reading great writing. i'm just a terribly jealous person and always compare it to mine and wish that i had the same imagination and way with words as they do. well, as you do. haha. i really thought that this was amazing. i mean, at first when you said you hadn't written since middle school, i got a bit worried, because if i was reading something that wasn't very well-written and had to give my opinion, i wouldn't want to be mean, but i wouldn't want to lie. you know? but this wasn't poorly written and it wasn't jumbled in the slightest. it was amazing and i'm very jealous of you. i wish i could write like you can. haha. i also generally don't like oneshots. they always annoy me because i'm like, 'why would i want to read one chapter instead of a whole story?' but i really enjoyed this as a oneshot. i don't know if it would be the same if it was a full story. i think it was perfect just the way it is.

    well, i suppose i'll stop rambling now. haha.
    September 3rd, 2011 at 11:49pm

    BUSTANUT (100)

    United States
    That is pretty much all I could come up with. This was completely amazing. I really fucking loved it.
    You should definitely do a whole story about this, from how they first met and how strange their relationship was. I really fucking enjoyed this, put my writing to shame. And i'm being completely honest with you. I actually want to turn this into a story. We should do it! hahaha
    September 2nd, 2011 at 10:42pm