You Are, in Fact, My John Cusack - Comments

  • That was perfection. It truly was.
    It was so simple, yet so beautiful, emotional, and heartwarming!
    I would love for that to happen to me and I believe that she is definitely one of the luckiest girls ever. (;
    I don't even know how to explain it, but it was just so good!
    Though I honestly can't help but wish that it was longer or even continued. tehe
    Thank you for this adorable read! <333
    October 27th, 2012 at 10:43am
  • So I’ll start by saying I absolutely adore the banner. It all meshes so well—the font, the paint splatters, and the boom box, wow. Perfect. The gray story area works well, too, but I’m not a huge fan of the black background. I think even white would look okay if you want to keep it a simple solid color, but the black makes it look unfinished.

    This is such a cute story. I feel like I may have read it a while back, actually. I’m not sure why I didn’t comment, because I love it! This is one of those stories I feel like every girl should relate too. I hate that cliché, Lady and the Tramp romance, but even I smiled reading this. We all think it at some point in our lives. The concept of perspective is a cool focal point in this story—that’s one aspect of the ‘80’s romance movie I hadn’t ever considered. I sort of get the idea that this girl is looking back on a lost love, though. Going back and looking, I don’t think you said anything like that, but I get that vibe. Maybe just because she’s remembering it and asking him if he does. It feels like something important has changed because of that line *shrug* I don’t know. Either way, though, this was cute and well written :) Great story concept.
    January 7th, 2012 at 05:31am
  • I don't like John Cusack, the movie Say Anything, or when things are written in second person. Nevertheless, this was irresistibly cute. I felt like your narrator was actually talking in my ear. There was just an easiness about this. Like you wrote it with ease. I read it with ease.

    "Then, of course, I laughed. I couldn't help it. Because it was so you."

    Like that! I felt like I could actually hear her laughing. This was cute and fun, reminiscent. It makes me want a boy to come to my window, holding a boombox and proclaiming his love for me. I really enjoyed reading this, despite my many dislikes. XD. It didn't seem forced or anything like that. The title is great, by the way, and the layout is nice. I like the banner. Good job on this one. <3
    November 1st, 2011 at 04:37am
  • I hate being picky, but I found the grey background mixed with the black font really hard to read, and I had to change to the default layout so that wouldn’t affect my view on this story. I think the banner is cute though, especially the ink droplets. Try using one of the lighter colours from the banner for the story area perhaps? I think lighter colours would give this story a happier feeling (cause that's the feeling I got from this piece).

    I really like the tone of the piece, just from the first line I felt I knew the narrator and those questions were to me personally. All the questions give the piece a mysterious feeling, especially the last line in the opening paragraph “It must look different from your perspective” I thought this line was really intriguing, and different.

    You have really nice descriptions, when reading this piece I can see everything clearly, and I feel this is a nice twist on the idea which has been used a lot. You made it yours. I’m glad you’ve used more rhetorical questions throughout this because it means the current time could be anything, like someone writing a letter, or they’ve met unexpectedly and the couple are reminiscing. I especially love the last line, it’s so powerful.

    Great job!
    October 1st, 2011 at 11:05am
  • First of all, the title is wonderfully compelling, and would make anybody want to read it. I love that it begins so quickly with the inquiries. It feels very naturals, as if the narrator was actually talking to the addressee, or perhaps writing them a letter. I just adore the "that was you" line--again, so natural and idiosyncratic. The narrative pains a very clear picture of what the narrator is like, and how their relationship was. The imagery is fabulous, you have me grinning like an idiot just reading it. You dip into a few cliches here and there, but I almost think its appropriate here, because the narrator is so wrapped up in being in love as a teenager and what teenager doesn't talk like she's in some cliched romance novel when she's in love for the first time? The last paragraph is my favorite, you end on such a strong note. The image of that kid running with a boombox in hand and grinning madly just resonates so well. I actually adore this--and I rarely find teenage romances that are pulled off so well. Very well done!
    September 6th, 2011 at 05:56am
  • For some reason, after reading this drabble, it made me think that something happened with their relationship since she’s saying how she remembers the moment, but maybe he doesn’t. And then the last sentence made me think that she wants him to do more cheesy but romantic things like that in the present. But, that’s what I got out of it. Anyway, I think this was a wonderful and adorable drabble. Good job!
    August 31st, 2011 at 03:53am
  • I loved this. Beautiful banner, beautiful words written below it. I love how you used the questions, and the second person perspective. Very well written.
    August 29th, 2011 at 09:02pm
  • I’m quite a fan of your banner, this has nothing to do with my review/comment yet, I’m just saying. It makes me thing of the Gym Class Hero’s song Stereo Hearts. (Although I know that's not the reference you were going for, haha. I'm just strange.)

    It was quite a sweet drabble. I liked it. I think the ending it was made it great. I don’t know if this is how every one reads it, but there’s a pause before that final line and it’s perfect. It makes me wonder, would he do it again? And something in me says he would (:
    August 28th, 2011 at 02:49am

    It was so innocent and simple, and told a truly beautiful story. I totally want that to happen to me (like most girls in the world, probably.)
    August 26th, 2011 at 04:15am
  • (I've been tempted to read this after seeing the request for a banner in the forums for it). :)

    I like how simple this is. :) To me, it read like a personal account and I think that's why it sounds so simple...because it's not in third person to give it all that extra flowery language. It's almost like something raw - just the basics of what needs to be told. And I also like how it's just about one moment in time, and it's got humour in it - hiding in the shrubbery instead of, say, climbing in through the window and such. I also like the small questions being asked, because it kind of feels like maybe that phase of young love has passed and it's either gone or moved on to something else where they don't do things like that, which is seen in the line: Would you do it again?

    I think it's a lovely piece. :) Simple and lovely to read. :)
    August 26th, 2011 at 03:25am