Everlasting Love - Comments

  • Getting around to giving you your piece of candy. Finally. :p

    First, the layout is beautiful and everything goes together so perfectly.

    Salty warm droplets cascade down her face. She was beautiful in his eyes. I feel like this is somehow unfinished.

    He was the moon and sun to her every day. Aw, oh my god! This part is so adorable. They're such simple words but they say so much.

    I felt like you could have explained how he was feeling when he was getting out on one knee. Was his heart beating fast? Was he nervous? What was her reaction when she saw the box?

    This was so adorable though. If I saw this happening I would just swoon over the adorableness. It can be explained for so much love people can have between each other if they're in a long distance relationship or if they just can't see each other often. Gah, I love this so much <3
    November 12th, 2011 at 11:08pm
  • Ahh, very short and sweet. There's nothing much I can really say. Might be a little cliche but what love story isn't cliche?
    Honestly, I'm not one for love stories but you set the mood really well. The imagery you create with the perfect adjectives is wonderful.
    Nice work.
    November 5th, 2011 at 12:48pm
  • Oh my goodness :D This was very good.

    It’s very sweet, especially for a one-shot, and flows very nicely. It has a fairytale-ish feel to it, which is probably added to by the gorgeous layout. It’s short, but it’s just lovely. It matches the title, and I just adore the ‘And they lived happily ever after’ bit, it was just very satisfying. Haha, I’m sorry, I’m gushing over your story. It’s just very good, and leaves you with a good feeling when you‘re done.

    And it isn’t dumb in the least =) reading this actually improved my day a bit.

    Okay, I’m done gushing XD.
    October 29th, 2011 at 11:20pm
  • Wow, pretty layout. I wish I had layout skills. Sadly, I do not. Anyway, this was just adorable! I was all like "Awe!" This is just so sweet. I liked the way you described her eyes like a pile of mud, it was sweet in a way.

    I love that this is a proposal, it's all mushy gushy! I love it! It was just so adorable and I’ve had a rough day, this just made me feel a little better inside. So, thank you.

    October 27th, 2011 at 04:52am
  • The layout is beautiful! The blue really sets a calm and soft feel to it, which I'd say it pretty suiting. I love how well the banner matches with the story, too. The summary was adorable and, whether someone believes in god or not, it's hard to deny that it was, indeed, pretty cute. It was capturing.

    Reading the first paragraph, I felt like I was reading a poem. It flowed flawlessly.

    Seeing how short it was, I first thought it would be somewhat rushed. But it wasn't in the least; it was perfectly put together and definitely something that every girl wants. I like the idea of how they were in a long distance relationship but managed to keep it going. Every couple can last if they put the right amount of effort into it. :)

    One tiny little thing I would change, is to add a comma before and after Melissa's name when he proposes. Other than that, absolutely wonderful story!
    October 26th, 2011 at 08:18pm
  • This was absolutely gorgeous. I seriously teared up a little bit and the whole time I was reading I had this large, ignorant looking smile plastered across my face. You detailing was marvelous, the way you described her eyes was just, amazing. Comparing them to mud was interesting, but then how you said they were the prettiest puddle of them all made me go "aww!" inside and smile even bigger. And then when he proposed? I could have just died of cuteness. This is seriously the sweetest, cutest thing I've read in awhile.
    September 19th, 2011 at 08:48pm
  • This is beautiful. Short, but sweet and calming. I love the wording, the sweet flow.

    Although, I noticed at one point it said she managed to say to him between quite sobs.
    I think you meant quiet, but that's alright. That was the only mistake I caught.

    Besides that, this is beautiful.
    September 2nd, 2011 at 06:14am
  • He missed throw’s eyes. Did you mean those eyes?

    And He pulled a small ribbined box out of his leather jacket and opened it slowly.

    It's ribboned. I'm not trying to sound like a douche just helping. And this was beautiful. I love how sweet and innocent it is.
    August 27th, 2011 at 06:54am