Saviour - Comments

  • Oh, my goodness, this is so beautiful. And the music I'm listening to synced up really well. Do you want to know something crazy? First I was listening to "Hospital" by Lydia, and then "Robert" by Dark Dark Dark came on. It's a sign. I was meant to read this!

    The layout is stunning. The image at the top evokes so many feelings for me; just that image. Maybe it's my current mood or the music I'm listening to, but it almost brought tears to my eyes.

    This whole story was so emotional. I don't know which character I feel worse for, but I can relate to Lydia's emotions. You portrayed them so well.

    And the imagery was good. When at the beginning of one chapter you described her pulling her hair back and blowing out a candle, for some reason I could picture it really well. Maybe I was just immersed in the story.

    Over all, a very powerful story, and very emotional. Super well done! (And Merry Christmas!)
    December 16th, 2012 at 07:29pm
  • Thank you. I love this story so much.

    It's realistic. It's two people falling out of love with each other. It's exactly what I needed to read.

    Update faster.
    March 29th, 2012 at 09:58am

    I have been checking your profile for updates, I kid you not, at least three times every week.

    This is so sad. I want to know more about their beginnings. How they fell in love. And then how they fell out of it. Or at least how they came to be this way. What are they holding onto, and why?

    I love your work. I read everything you never stop.
    March 23rd, 2012 at 06:58am
  • Okay, I have one simply question to ask you on this very cold New Year's Eve: How/why are you not published yet? The world is a sad, sad place when I go into a bookshop and I don't see your name and beautiful stories on the shelves next to freakin' Shakespeare and Woolf. I know I've said this a thousand and two times, but you simply must be published soon c: Anywhore, onto the review!

    I haven't read this story in a little while, so I had to go back and read the first two chapters. I still stand with the same opinion that I had previously; this story is purely amazing. I'm in love with Lydia and Robert and their toxic relationship. I know that relationships like that aren't...good, but theirs isn't very toxic, in a way. I dunno how to describe it, lmao.

    Lydia seems to be very fragile in the third chapter and Robert is basically as hard as a rock compared to her. Nonetheless, both of them seem very scared and aprehensive at each other's presense, like their words might break each other. And I could totally imagine the scene where Robert shakes Lydia clearly in my head. It makes me sad that, just by them being together, they are just so...not together. They're both poisonous for each other, but they can't seem to let go :( That's heartbreaking.

    I'm super excited to find out what happens next. Update soon-ish, pwease? c: <3
    January 1st, 2012 at 08:21am
  • I love this story, it's so unique and beautiful, each sentence flows with one another and brings inspiration to me.
    my favorite line was also
    She opened her mouth, ready to spit out the fire she’d created because she just felt so small and sad, but then she heard a sound that made her insides knot like a boa constrictor around her heart and squeeze.
    Your an amazing writer, I did not see anything grammar errors or nothing, this is well written and ment to be out there published, it really is a good story, i love the way you portray your character though and the way you described her feelings and such. This was outrageously beautiful writing.
    December 1st, 2011 at 02:32am
  • I absolutely love this! Keep updating! I'm subscribing and will be looking forward to more chapters. :)
    November 5th, 2011 at 04:02am
  • I really like this story, like the story of those who were once in love, are not anymore.
    It's so heartbreaking and yet fascinating at the same time.
    Update soon :)
    November 5th, 2011 at 01:29am
  • I am in love with this story! Thank you for updating. The second chapter was just as heartbreaking as the first. Sometimes I wonder if you went through some heartbreak and you just aren't telling me, because you describe the pain as if you have felt it before. I guess you're just that good of a writer!

    This loneliness wasn’t a new feeling to her, but it never got any easier.

    I love this line! It's so impacting and true.

    She opened her mouth, ready to spit out the fire she’d created because she just felt so small and sad, but then she heard a sound that made her insides knot like a boa constrictor around her heart and squeeze.

    This line was my favorite in the chapter. He's made her feel so insignificant and she's ready to unleash her wrath, but she doesn't. She went from one side of the spectrum to the other. The boa constrictor part is fantastic. I felt my heart ache with her. I know that feeling, but you put it in words.

    Great chapter Jasmine :)
    October 13th, 2011 at 08:08am
  • The opening for this broke my heart, oh my goodness. It was so realistic it was breath taking. I mean, when most people speak like that, it that narrative, it's supposed to be realistic, but this just almost knocked me down, aha. I think it just smacked close to home or something. <3 Aha, don't mind my crazy, please. c: <3 I loved how elegantly worded the intro pargraph was. It was very, very well constructed. <3 I love all your stories, each and every one, and I'm sure this will be no exception. C: <3 I'm not going to lie though - I'm kind of hoping for some happy to fix my broken heart, eheh. <33 c:


    I love you woman. <33 There's just no getting around that. This is bloody brilliant, gigglys. I mean, it depressed the mess out of me and made my heart ache like no tommorow, but I adored it. You're one talented little thing and there is no getting around that. I swear, don't you even be modest. Accept that you're amazing!:)

    She’d look like a freckled flower gracefully placed atop the ice.

    I love, love, loved this line. <3 It was so sad - so scary, how beautifully she precieved a possible death - but so cute and gorgeous in a way. <3

    Something I like about this is that everything is so realistic. It's not all mush mush kiss, kiss, you know? It's real, about people who fall in love, but not out of each other, you know? It's lovely and heartwrenching ina ll the best ways. I'm so tired right now, so I'm sorry this comment is god awful, but please know that I think this is an absolutely amazing start to a story that I am sure is going to be absolutely amazing. c: <33 You're a great write, Jas.<33 c:

    P.S. I'm glad she didn't die then and there when she was feeling all brave and daring.<3 So glad, aha.
    October 8th, 2011 at 09:16am
  • You've done it again - created two characters that, within two chapters, the audience has already fallen in love with. The way you describe everything is just so beautiful, from the walls, to her nightgown, and everything in between. I felt so awful for Robert; poor guy. I wonder why he's crying :( Their relationship seems so broken up, disconnected, but still together somehow. They don't know how the other feels because they don't talk, even though they're still somehow connected. It's such a tragic, but lovely story and I have no idea why this doesn't have a thousand and two comments like it should deserve. Fer realz <3

    Anyways, I'm excited for the next update :D Lovely job, Jazz!
    October 8th, 2011 at 07:01am
  • This is absolutely lovely.

    I love the descriptions you use, like how you describe their blue house and the January snow. And I feel terrible for Lydia, and I am stuck thinking what happened to make things that way.

    What happened that changed their relationship? Where had he been for 17 hours?

    Everything about this was just amazing. The layout, the wording, the descriptions, the characters, the plot, the summary...

    I am a bit speechless xD
    September 5th, 2011 at 03:50am
  • I love the way this is written, so beautifully done. I love the layout and the ending was perfect. I love the way you describe things and the imagery was amazing also.
    August 31st, 2011 at 02:20am
  • After all of the drabbles you have written, I started reading this as one. It's a strange coincidence that I'm reading this after what happened to my parents tonight. It was something similar to this, they simply fell out of love.

    Robert and Lydia had made a perfect ending to a cliche movie. You continued the story to show the reality of it all. The two are just roommates now.

    I love the story. Please continue.
    August 30th, 2011 at 05:34am
  • Jazzy, my love, you've done it again. And again. And again! You have such beautiful ideas and I already know - even though you've told me about this marvelous idea before - that this'll be one of my favorites by you. Okay, everything of yours is my favorite. K? K. Onto the lovely story!

    First thing that caught my eye was the summary. These two people seem so toxic for each other, but in a way, they seem so perfect for each other. I think you're one of the few authors that can pull off such loveliness with stories like this. I'm excited to continue on (:

    Lydia and Robert. I like these two already and their routines, how they're perfect for each other, despite their differences. I feel bad for Lydia, especially when I read this: Now those flowers were dead and covered in January’s snow and Robert never read the newspaper and they were definitely not perfectly in love. Gah, that breaks my heart. :( I wish that all love stories can be perfect, but unfortunately, something as beautiful as this can't be as well. fkjdsaklgjaklj

    Lydia is definitely an interesting character. Her thoughts really intrigue me and her actions do too. She's complex, it seems, and complex characters are so hard to maneuver, if I may, but you pulled this off so amazingly. It made me really sad to read as she stepped onto the snow. It's not like she wants to die, but she wants him to notice her, almost? I dunno, haha. That's my mind wandering right now. But I'm glad that she went back in <3

    Okay, so I'm hooked, my friend, and you better - better - update this ASAP. I'm absolutely amazed with this. I love it so much. Amazing, amazing job, loveee! <3
    August 28th, 2011 at 10:31am
  • I am absolutely in love with the first chapter and the premise of this story.
    I can honestly feel myself becoming emotionally invested in their relationship and can not wait to read another chapter.
    You write beautifully!
    August 28th, 2011 at 10:22am