Welcome to Spooksville - Comments

  • I like it :)
    It gave me flashbacks to my younger days watching Halloweentown on Disney Channel around this time of the year.
    October 1st, 2011 at 01:49am
  • First: I just want to say that really like the image above the story. :) It's really quite neat. :)

    Adele took a seat behind to her friends, - took a seat behind?

    Adele loved her friends, someone that - people rather than 'someone' because you're speaking in plural rather than singular.

    place was because the understood - they

    They were both half- - all instead of 'both' because both tends to allude to a pair rather than the three that you're talking about.

    one of few earth faeries - 'one of the few' would read a little better.

    was going to somewhat hectic. - 'going to be somewhat' - just missing a word in your sentence.

    Okay, first thing: you're not allowed to have links within the content of the story. You can put them in the summary instead. And I'm pointing this out because you're the only person who actually submitted a drabble, therefore you're going into the magazine...and at the moment, I can't do it with those links in there, because it's against the rules.

    I liked how you introduced all of these characters in a school bus setting and how they were so different from 'normal' people, I guess. :) But I like how they were relateable(sp) to 'normal' people and the cliques within high schools, that was really nice to read. :) I also like how you used the images to show what kinds of people you were talking about (though they should be elsewhere), it just added to the 'creepy' factor that was missing within the narration.

    And I also like that it was rather simple to read, like there wasn't any overflow of imagery or flowery language, it was just simple and nice and to the point. :)

    However, I did feel a little lack of the Halloween spirit - I feel like it was alluded to with the types of characters, but other than that, it wasn't all there. But in your author's note it did say that this might be a prequel of sorts, so I guess it shows more in what you might plan to write later on. But I was expecting the distinct air of Halloween, I'm not going to lie.

    But it was a nice little read. :)
    September 18th, 2011 at 11:09pm
  • This left me wanting more. Although it was a bit short, I found myself interested in what might come in future chapters. I liked all of the character pictures, they were pretty cool looking.

    ...skulletta Adele didn't recognized - I think you meant recognize.

    The bus doors opened and Adele's man of her dreams walked in, - The word placement is a little awkward to me. I think this would sound much better as: and the man of Adele's dreams walked in.

    It makes me think that maybe Alex is full blooded and, as you said, Adele is only a half-breed so, therefore, they will fall in love and cross those boundaries of the high school cliques.

    :) Very appealing characters.
    September 11th, 2011 at 05:24pm