Promise Me - Comments

  • I'm goin to say this once becuz I'm a bit pissed off.....DELIA GET UR FUCKING HEAD OUT OF UR ASS IT'S NOT A FUCKING HAT U FUCKING BITCH!!!! I hope tht Abby grows a pair and punches u soo fucking hard in ur face tht the last thing u remember is Abby's fist hittin ur nose u fucking whore....for someone who claims to be worried about their sibling u got a fucked up way of showing it u piece of shit u maybe the fucking bride but lose the fucking attitude becuz if I was ur maid of honor I would have shut ur ass down from day one and thn promise to ruin ur fucking day if u kept with the attitude and told u to test me becuz I got a pair of scissors in my purse and I will fuckin cut every single detail I helped u put into this wedding from the dress to the reception snip snip bitch snip snip....Abby dear u need to grow a pair of balls and tell tht gold diggin tramp to shut the fuck up and be grateful tht u r helpin more apologies tht u don't mean becuz she won't listen, tell tht bitch off and I promise she will wish she never cross ur path again and thank god for Brian defending Abby he is a good man im glad he was there anyhoo can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)
    May 3rd, 2013 at 06:57am
  • As I always tell you, DELIA NEEDS A GOOD PUNCH IN THE FACE. Like seriously, can you say bridezilla. Wow home girl needs to CALM DOWN. Stop being such a crappy person.
    BUT BRIAN STUCK UP FOR ABBY YES. PERFECT. They're in love and that's just what it is. Everyone can deal with it. Delia can walk across a floor covered in legos.... WITH THE LIGHTS OFF.

    I loved this update! Yes. It was absolutely fantastic. <333
    May 3rd, 2013 at 06:05am
  • Please please please please please updateeeeeee. I'm in love with this story so bad its actually an addiction. :(

    i think this is the fifth time i've read it...... whoops :D

    UPDATE!! Mr. Green
    April 29th, 2013 at 12:51am
  • I forgot to mention from the previous chapter... about the scratch marks on Brian's back, I just got this idea in my head that Abby probably hadn't had sex in such a long time and has all this pent up frustration that I bet she scratched the absolute effing hell out of his back during sex. IF ONLY WE COULD READ IN FULL HOW THAT SEX SCENE PLAYED OUT. Lordy, lordy. xD Especially given the fact we know how completely trashed their hotel room was.

    Aww so sweet of Brian to hold her hair back for her while she's puking her guts up. xD
    LOL. "God's okay, too." What a goddamn smart ass lol.
    I love how he continues to take care of her and actually feel bad about what he's done to her, like a gentleman. Yet he stills keeps trying to picture her naked and gets all worked up when he catches glimpses of her. :P
    Not to mention it was so nice of Jimmy to agree to come and see Brian with little convincing. It seems like a true testament to how strong their friendship was.
    I like how "childlike" Abby was described in this chapter by Brian and that he genuinely feels badly like he's ruined her or something. It was interesting to actually get his perspective on her character and the whole situation so I'm glad that we got to have a chapter from his POV.

    "...change my name to Olga." I literally almost spat out my drink laughing at that line.
    LOL. Oh my God. Okay. The fact that Matt can just shove Zacky into the wall like that just made me burst our laughing, along with the "Mind the fatty." line.
    Plus I love the whole "silent conversation" between Brian and Jimmy. You just know they had that sort of friendship where one of them knew immediately what the other was thinking.
    Lol, oh Matt. Always the mature and diplomatic one of the group. When he wants shit done, he expects it to get done.
    Wow so when Matt gets upset, I gotta say I felt a little intimidated. Which sounds weird since I'm only reading the words on the screen rather than ACTUALLY being confronted by him myself, but still. And I can totally picture him "roaring" the words. Like a lion. A sexy ass lion. xD
    Awww! I couldn't help but feel so bad for Abby in this chapter, especially when Brian is being called an idiot and such. I can only imagine how she must have felt, sitting in this room of people who were still basically strangers to her, and probably thinking she'd be getting the blame or being chewed out next.
    I HATE THOSE OBSESSIVE FANS! They shouldn't even be allowed to call themselves fans, just effing annoying ass little teeny bopper fan girls.
    I just wanted to give her a great big hug by the end of the chapter, now that she knows how much shit she's in for - not just from her family but also with the guys - and how serious the situation really is, given how famous they are.

    March 20th, 2013 at 12:42am
  • Can I just say how much I love that Jimmy calls Abby "Munchkin"? It is the most adorable thing in the world. Especially the "Munchkin! Come to me!" and the "Leave my friend alone!" Lol. And I love how completely trashed Abby gets. xD
    OMG. Taylor and the ripped sleeve dress! That sounded too real for it to be made up. xD Has that happened to you or someone you know? And the whole thing with her hiding from Matt and then losing the shoes... I don't blame her for being upset because those shoes chosen for her outfit are absolutely GORGEOUS.

    Oh man... I'd be worried too about waking up next to someone when you don't even know what you'd done the night before to get to thst point. Not to mention, waking up naked next to that someone. I'd be so weirded out.
    Lol! Oh the "I'd heard Canada was nice" line was so good. And the line about them having good bacon. xD
    Oh. My. Lord. The description of Brian in bed with her and with the scratch marks on his back. A naked Brian is a good Brian. That should be our new saying. xD
    OH MY FUCKING GOD. The "It's not gonna fit." and the "Oh baby, it'll fit. JESUS, LYNDSEY. I'M DYING! DYING! I just about pissed myself laughing reading that line. But yet, it was so hot at the same time. Sweet baby Jesus. ;-)
    AND! Now that we found out they've gotten married the night before, I see that the marriage comment that Taylor made in the previous chapter was foreshadowing! LYNDSEY, YOU GENIUS!
    Oh when Brian sees the picture and first has to laugh at his friends before he notices the chapel sign. He's such a dope and such a total guy. xD
    Also Brian's little outburst at the end where he finds out that they got married and then Abby rushes to the bathroom to throw up... HILARIOUS.
    March 18th, 2013 at 09:39pm
  • LOL. The wave she gave Brian when she said hello. I would have done the same thing. I regularly do that to people and I don't know why haha. And the fact that the first thing he says to her is about her height... that just made me laugh. xD
    Aw, special exploring time. That just might be damn near the cutest thing I've read on this site. Ever.
    OMG. Okay. Brian's reactions to the flower displays at the end of the chapter... excuse me while I go choke on some laughter lol.

    Oh God, the piggyback ride. That's about the most adorable thing in this chapter. I love how he just offers himself up to her and then invites her to come and see him and the band play. I also love the fact that they spent four hours together, just getting to know one another and having fun. It sounds so sweet.

    LOL. Oh my God. Abby's little "I made it", accompanied by the shrug. She's so lame haha. It sounds like something I would do though. xD
    Aw, Jimmy's so adorable when he meets Abby for the first time. I love how he inadvertently tells Abby that Brian's been talking about her all day and how Brian gets really embarrassed. So, so cute! Oh, the adorableness!
    I was so hoping that she was gonna stick around to see them play, at the very least. And I liked how the girls were nice to her even though they'd just met.

    I can almost understand the silent treatment that Ronnie is giving to Abby. I mean, Hanna and Mallory are just plain being rude and Delia's being, well, Delia. I think that Ronnie may have just been worried about Abby since she was the last person to see her, she may have assumed something bad happened to her. At least she comes to sit with Abby after dancing, even if she doesn't speak to her.
    Jesus, Hanna is such a fucking nosy bitch. How many times did she repeat the question to Abby? She's almost like Delia version 2.0 just by the way she's acting towards her.
    LOL! Brian's message about Hanna. It was so deserved. xD
    Oh boy... Delia going off on Abby like that. I have a few choice words for her lol. The major one at the top of my list would be straight up calling her the c word. And I don't use that word often because I hate it so much. But goddamn... since 'bitch' doesn't even describe her accurately...
    It sucks that Abby was reduced to tears when she at least tried to stand up for herself.
    And her text message: I'm coming. Awwwwww! Perfect way to end the chapter.

    God, Brian is just so awesome to look after her like that even though they're basically still strangers at this point. He really cares about her so much and his comment about family not treating you like that is dead on. The man knows what he's talking about.
    I was kind of expecting them to stay in his hotel room. Maybe make out a little? Haha. But that'd be wishful thinking since they've only just met and all. Still... lol. I know I probably would have made a move on him. xD
    February 26th, 2013 at 02:47pm
  • Good lord, I'm not even halfway through this chapter and I hate Delia already lmao. "You have five minutes," Seriously, who does she think she is? The Queen? Jesus. :P I don't know how Abby has gone all these years without busting Delia's head open.

    LOL. She ran into Matt and not a brick wall. But seriously, she may as well have because he sure as hell is BUILT like a brick wall. :P

    OMG. Fucking banshee. Brian is brilliant. :P

    All right. Delia is a goddamn bitch. She needs a good slap across the face. End of.

    I love how Matt is, so far, portrayed in this story as being really diplomatic and always trying to keep the peace. I guess with that soft voice of his you can really jump to that conclusion that's what he'd be like. And how Zacky is the defiant, sarcastic and argumentative one.

    "I'm a gynecologist." OMG. Okay, can you just picture Zacky saying that for real? Like with his cute little lisp and everything? It would just sound so adorable and so funny you wouldn't be able to take him seriously. I love how he just says it out of nowhere. xD

    Oh God... what I wouldn't give for Matt to pick me up and carry me like that...

    LOL! Abby keeps apologising. xD

    I love how in the end she realises she can't do anything for herself because of her injury. And Zacky just about moving into the room with them lol.
    February 24th, 2013 at 04:38pm
  • Lol, Delia is such a ball buster. Poor Abby, I feel so bad for her that she already feels exhausted and worn out at the age of 24, and her older sis is just so demanding of her. I like Ronnie better. xD Seriously though, I love how this first chapter established the three sisters and how they all have their own individual personalities. That's really important and I thought you did a good job of it. :) I also read the character profiles afterwards, which gave me a further insight into Abby's family and I can say with certainty that I already feel so bad for her already, especially because of her mother and Delia.

    And, yay, a mention of Brian already! However brief his appearance, his comment made me laugh.

    I was hoping to read the second chapter as well, but since it's so big, I'm gonna have to give it a miss for now 'cause I have to go to bed. I'M JUST SO HAPPY TO HAVE STARTED THIS STORY FINALLY.
    February 7th, 2013 at 08:10pm
  • AHHHH!!! This update was so crazy!

    Woman, you have a way with words cause I felt that panic attack coming on. Holy shit. I have no clue what I'd do in that situation. Abby's fam seems killer. :(

    Update soon gain!! :) <3
    December 15th, 2012 at 04:44am
  • You really need to update sooner! This is tooooooop
    December 15th, 2012 at 04:17am
  • yeeeey a new updateee :'D I loved it!! Jeeez I love the way you write and the way you describe things. Just awesome! Can't wait for the next update
    December 13th, 2012 at 04:51pm
  • Perfect update darling! PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT as always and I hate you for writing it so well. You know how I feel about you and your writing. Great update! Can't wait for more.
    December 13th, 2012 at 07:38am
  • Shit is getting crazy, can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)
    December 13th, 2012 at 07:26am
  • you kind of made my day by updating this, just to let you know. i re-read a few of the last chapters and fell in love all over again. <3

    hahah god the guys are such a handful... i love it.

    i feel so bad for abby though. yeah, she made a crazy drunk decision, but that's it. and her sisters are such bitches to her, but they're still her family and she still cares so much about what they think of her. and she thinks it's all her fault. i hope brian and abby will get things sorted out, one way or another. but i'm sure brian knows what he's doing.
    December 13th, 2012 at 05:26am
  • Wow I love this chapter! I mean the conversation alone made me laugh. But now Abby is having a full blown meltdown when she got the text from her sister about bringing their parents in. But man it would suck if both of her parents completely blamed Abby for things she couldn't control! I look forward to the next update!
    December 13th, 2012 at 04:32am
  • Boy was Johnny a little shit in this chapter!
    I had to read the Oreos line twice, just because I couldn't believe he'd said it.
    And poor, poor Abbey. Dealing with her sisters is going to be a nightmare. I can't believe no one has decked one of them yet, honestly.

    Loved the update dear!
    December 13th, 2012 at 03:52am
  • Loved this update!!! I'm super excited to see what happens next, I'm especially anxious about the sisters
    December 13th, 2012 at 01:34am
  • great update!
    December 13th, 2012 at 12:27am
  • "There is a pill for that, you know."
    HAHAHAHA WOW I find this line so much more hilarious than it probably should be.

    "I was there?" she sounded surprised and looked at me for confirmation before she grinned widely. "Awesome."
    Yes, just yes.

    I am so jealous of Abby and Brian. Elvis marrying them? Excuse me, can you say my dream? Oh man I would love that. I'd like to be sober though.

    I just have to say that I LOVED this chapter. It was absolutely amazing. Even in this really stressful moment you have the best comic relief and I adore it. I will literally stop and laugh for a good minutes before continuing on.

    Zacky is such a little pissy drunk, that's what he is. Johnny too. And Johnny needs to spend like thirty dollars on Oreos to make it up to me. Just saying.

    AND ABBY oh my gosh, all her emotions. I would be terrified if I had to deal with her family on top of being married to someone I had only known for a couple days. And Delila OH GODS SHE IS GOING TO KILL ABBY. RUN ABBY RUN! And if the fans find out? AND THE GIRLS? Oh things are not going to be pretty.

    I cannot wait for the next chapter. It's going to be super fantastic!! <333

    and since I haven't said this in a while....
    butt pants
    December 13th, 2012 at 12:10am
  • «I could move there, live in the mountains and change my name to Olga.» I had to laugh at that x’D
    I like Oreos tehe

    Dear lord, what to say? Gimme back my words, dammit! >.<<br /> I love how this story creates such opposite emotions within me. First, the whole thing is just exquisitely hilarious. I don't think I've ever laughed so much and smiled so much like a creep like I've been doing throughout the whole piece. Everything is just ridiculously funny x'D But then, there has to be this part when I want to cry. Poor, Abby! D: It really is a problem she cares too much about a family that obviously doesn't deserve her, but alas, I don't think she's changing that side of her soon. At least not in the near future - story plot-wise.
    But I can't say I'm not happy about the outcome. Married?! That must be the cherry on top of an extreeeemly delicious cake ;)
    And uh Oh, Delia is gonna have the time of her life when she finds out x'D

    You are sooo one of my favorite writers on this site, for many many many many reasons :')

    I need more!! :D
    December 12th, 2012 at 11:39pm