100 Ways to Become a Groupie - Comments

  • Oh my, well thank you for the layout offer. If I ever need one, I'll remember that Cute

    But I loved this update. I think that if someone really wanted to be a groupie, they could use this story as a legit guideline lol. Once again, Candy is great. She swears like a sailor and doesn't care, haha. That story about the nudes was hilarious and I died a little from laughter. Stoked for more! :)
    June 18th, 2012 at 12:26am
  • LOL!!! I started reading this story, and I cracked up at every chapter. That point in chapter two where it says. "Don't get too many though or you'll look like a skanky metal face who looks like they think STD's are Pokemon; you aren't supposed to catch them all, sweetie." Hah! Amazing story--well written from Candy's point of view!
    June 17th, 2012 at 11:56pm
  • I love this story, lol. And I love how the chapters keep getting longer and longer.
    June 17th, 2012 at 10:51pm
  • LOL! I love Candy trying to be "nice". That cracked me up! xD

    Holy crap on the guy asking her to marry him! o_O
    You bringing in her family just made her seem even more like a real person...Very nice add.

    I got thanked! Awwww! I feel so special now! ^-^

    Love the longer chapters! You're def on a role now! Awesome! :)
    June 17th, 2012 at 10:16pm
  • OH MY GOSH, I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS. STILL. I've had abit of catching up to do on stories, and I lost interest with alot of them. Except yours, of course. It's amazing how much I have in common with Candy, to be honest. She's awesome! Dude, keep up the good work. I'm amazed at this. <3
    June 17th, 2012 at 08:23pm
  • That entry had me laughing so hard! And when it said ''So this dirty bitch was sending that picture around to everyone and their brother'' I nearly pissed myself. I love her sense of humour :3
    June 17th, 2012 at 08:10pm
  • Candy is absolutely brilliant. I like that she's decided to create a new class of groupies that aren't the typical variety. Candy's advice is golden and I also like how she draws the line on what is and isn't okay. I find it a little neat that Candy included one of her personal experiences in seeing what can happen when a groupie sends in some pictures. Candy's words at the end seem like a good motto for all groupies and I hope she'll have more wisdom, and humor, to share in future chapters. :)
    June 17th, 2012 at 08:02pm
  • i would LOVE to hear from Marston again. it seems as if there's some unfinished business, and i'd like to see where that leads :)
    June 16th, 2012 at 09:54pm
  • When I started this story, I thought I would hate it, but... It's awesome :D Keep updating!!
    June 16th, 2012 at 05:29pm
  • So I just spent the last half hour or so reading this and dear lord you are a brilliant, brilliant woman. I can't even put into words how amazing this is. I'm usually not a big of 'How To' stories, but this is perfect. Candy is hilarious and very straight forward which is absolutely lovely. You're an amazing writer and very creative with this. I love, love, LOVE it and can't wait to read more :)
    June 16th, 2012 at 09:37am
  • I have a clinger! I'm going to take Candy's advice on it! But I'm not a groupie, just a roadie and photographer tehe.

    I would love to see Marston come back into the picture and maybe try to win her over or something. But obviously, Candy would put her foot down (or up his arse).
    June 16th, 2012 at 03:07am
  • I would love to see what happens/Candy's input if Marston came back! I love this chapter and can somewaht relate as, while I'm not a groupie, for some reason I see to attract super clingy guys. I meet them once and all of the sudden they're all up in my personal space and are asking my friends if there is any way to contact me. I also love this chapter because when I'm in situations like that with clingy guys, I feel bad when I tell them no. I'm thankful that Candy's pointed out what can happen if you don't let them know that it just isn't happening as soon as possible and that sometimes, being mean is the only way to get the point across.
    June 16th, 2012 at 02:18am
    I kinda love him.
    Please update soon!
    I love Candy, I can't believe I used to hate her! D:
    June 16th, 2012 at 01:51am
  • bring some marston back into the picture ;)
    June 15th, 2012 at 11:49pm
  • I am so fucking addicted to this story, every time I get an update for this, I just smile so big. You give me inspirations to write about a groupie or something, and bring marston back! It'll make it even more interesting! :D But anywhore, keep updating! I'll be waiting patiently! <3
    June 15th, 2012 at 11:05pm
  • You brought me to a sudden realization. An ex-boyfriend of mine was a Puppy Dog - a bass player too AHAH ohgod, yes it does seem much worse when it's the guys who get clingy. But good chapter. Creepy, but good.

    Yes! Bring back Marston!
    June 15th, 2012 at 10:19pm
  • you are honestly such a nice person.
    I DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW, but I just know you are.
    thank you so much for the thing in the a/n, haha, but I honestly cannot think of anything I'd like right now, probably because I'm exhausted, but PLEASE UPDATE THIS SOON (:
    Candy is honestly one of my most favourite characters ever invented, and she proves to be a sweetheart in this chapter<3
    June 15th, 2012 at 07:29am
  • Rewards? That's something new. Hahah and I'm not gonna be a pain in the ass bitch about it (; Anyway, finally caught up!

    Okay so of all the tips Candy has given - and whatever possible tip you've come up with, on a more-serious note, I think the married man part is most important. I feel for those wives, man, I do. Love this still.
    June 14th, 2012 at 07:32pm
  • Oh man I fell behind so bad with this. But I am back! I'm still catching up but I have to comment on the Rejection chapter with a simple: HAHAH. just, the whole barking up the wrong tree thing and thinking what's wrong with you and listening to Lady Gaga. Greatness.
    June 14th, 2012 at 06:58pm
  • I can't even begin to describe how much I love this! <3 Update soon!
    June 14th, 2012 at 04:42pm