Innocence for Days - Comments

  • katiecharlie123 - Oh yes, what you guessed might happen - kinda happened. I know I've scrimped on details, but there's a lot more of this story to tell so there'll be some definite properly descriptive scenes along the way that are perhaps (although I hate sappyness) romantic and pretty damn steamy :D Hope you like Chapter 8!

    HarryPotterFreakie - I'm not a hot-weather kinda-gal, so the cold is happiness to me. Although, sitting in my room with as many clothes as I can fit on AND the heating, yet still shivering - is starting to get a bit annoying :P I think Gee needs a girl too, and I have noted down your nomination ^_^ Cliffhangers are awesome...I think I love them more than breathing :P

    Kiss_Me_Cryptic - We should all hire out a place sometime...just the GMaRtB/IFD comment Mib-babes; and have epic parties there in the beautiful weather. This is an idea I will daydream about for a while now methinks... :P Writing the Frank and Scarlet stuff was kinda fun, and as for Gerard - well I can't comment on what might happen, but everything that goes on with all the characters is important to some degree...part of a bigger picture if you will ^_^ Ooh, I do love keeping the suspense going...

    I Miss You - Hopefully I'm back on the updating-schedule I was on for GMaRtB, where I update more often - sometimes twice a day if I can (but don't hold me to that just yet hehe) I'm kinda hoping people that picked up the story before I had writer's block, will start to come back to enjoy it if I update more - but if not, I'm still so damn grateful for you guys being here and giving me your honest thoughts on stuff <3 The one with dancers as the photo..? I've made a mental note, and shall go and read it today :D Your bf doesn't like DW?! Ahh well, guess it's not for everyone...and as for the nickname thing, what did you call it before...? :]

    ImFromMars - *Joins in the singing, even though you have a better voice than me and I'm just ruining it...* UPDAAAAATING IS FUUUN AND I LOOOOOVE SEEING COMMENTS FROM LOVELY LEEEE-NA! Oki, I'll stop now before I make it rain :P Writer's block can kiss our asses! You will be glad to know the next chapter didn't take five weeks, so you can quit stalking your e-mail for the update notification missy! :D Hope you liiiiike it ^_^

    rachemical - I just posted on your profile, but I don't care - I love that you comment just as I'm doing the final read-through ^_^ And yes, things are getting a bit hot between Frinja and Johan...and it's all good in my book :D Hope ya like Chapter 8

    Ahh seeing all the nice things you guys say makes me sit at my comp smiling my ass off at how awesome you all are! <3 *Lots of loves and virtual triple-choc cookies to all* <3
    December 11th, 2011 at 07:22am
  • Whoa, things are getting hot between them two, eh?
    I can't help but to think that they will have sex ._.
    Cant wait to read chapter 8!
    December 11th, 2011 at 06:43am
  • *sings* UPDATES UPDATES UPDATEEEEES!!! *stops singing to not embarrass myself completely* Long time, no updates, I'm really glad you won the battle with a certain someone called writers block. I know that dude way to well for my likening and I'm glad he's getting his ass kicked! Haha, I know I'm hilarious. Okay. I'll just stop now..

    I really like that Cassie's in LA (the fact that she's with Mike doesn't make things worse either..) and I love they guys cute, immatureness on the beach. I don't like seeing Gerard as he is right now, something wrong and I don't like it, I'm sure it'll turn out good though, since the holidays are coming up and all, Christmas makes you happy (most of the time)!

    Now I'm just going to casually go and update my email until I get a notification that you've updated, but hey; no pressure! Seriously, I will be happy whenever the next chappie will be posted. Even if it's in like.. Five weeks. I'd rather see that it's in one week or so though..
    Okay. As usual, the comment is turning into unimportant rambling, time for me to sleep. So long and good night my dear friend!
    December 11th, 2011 at 12:36am
  • Oh, things are heating up!! showers and towels, next chapter could be interesting ;) loving it, was so excited to see a new chapter up so quickly again! yay, you've got me hooked :) um, if you were going to read my stories, you'd probs like the one with the dancers as the photo (can't actually remember what I called it that's how long it's been lol) I know, can't wait for dr who, boyfriend isn't so into dr who but he'll just have to put up with it lol keep at it hunny, I'm gonna have to start nicking my teachers computer again x
    December 10th, 2011 at 09:32pm
  • A beach sounds so good right about now >.< lol I'm all betters now just the occasional sneezing. haha So loved this update, poor Gee :( , and Frankie and Scar :), so can't wait for the next update keep at it girly!
    December 10th, 2011 at 08:47pm
  • I wish I was in California right now... we hit 16 degrees F yesterday...ONLY 16!!!!!!!!

    I think Gee needs a girlfriend...I nominate myself.

    I liked the cliffhanger...
    December 10th, 2011 at 05:06pm
  • need chapter 8 now haha can probably guess what will happen
    keep writing girl xx
    December 10th, 2011 at 11:40am
  • Kiss_Me_Cryptic - Any word is vastly improved by adding '-ness' to the end of it. I do it far too much, I know...but I don't care - it's awesomeness (a word hard to write when the 's' on your keyboard keeps sticking lol)! Oh noes, cold-having-ness sucks :[ I hope you feel uber better soon...and hopefully my new update will help a little ^_^

    rachemical - Yay! I'm glad I could surprise you ^_^ Surprises are's blindfolds that suck ;-D I hope you like the new shiny update m'dear :D

    HarryPotterFreakie - YAY for readers still being here! :D I appreciate it muchly ^_^ I've told my writer's block I hate it...and it told me it hates me too :P Where Solihull is, is practically the middle of the country, so since we're nowhere near the coast we get any bad weather/good weather last. It was meant to snow tonight...but none has appeared (even though it's -1 degree celsius). I'm informed on the forecast we'll get some next weekend (when I'm off to a gig), but I hope it actually turns up this time! A move to Minnesota may indeed be on the cards if not...

    katiecharlie123 - Indeed I have returned! More has been written, and is up now for you to enjoy ^_^

    Aimbo - *UPDATE DANCE!* Ray is lovely, and when I figured it should start in his POV, the update began to make sense and become easier to write :] Btw, my update dance consists of spinning fast on the spot, before moshing and then falling on the floor in a giggling heap <3 "I said ashes to ashes, we all fall down...I WRITE INNOCENCE FOR DAYS!!" The ultimate Queen bitch...yep, I can most definitely agree with that statement :D

    I Miss You - Aww bless you! I have so much reading to catch-up on now I'm back to Mibba (I rarely come on when I'm not writing anything), so I need to check out some of your stories! As long as it's like a good soap, then I'm happy :P I like that - 'Once a Doctor Who addict, always a Doctor Who addict'...that might become my new mantra ^_^ I can't wait to see what you think of Chapter Seven :]

    You guys rock <3 xx
    December 10th, 2011 at 04:43am
  • YAY!!!! Was so happy when I saw this was updated :) this story is the only reason I come on mibba these days really. Writers block is annoying, I just tend to give up on my stories, have about 15 stories that are midway through being written with none completed lol Keep it up hunny, it's really gd, like a soap, but Way better (see what I did there?? lol) Yeah, I'm not sure if I want to watch this dr who, don't want to cry, but will end up watching it still, once a dr who addict, always a dr who addict lol. See you on chapter 7 :) x
    December 9th, 2011 at 08:45pm
  • Lyszi! You updated! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! That makes me, so, so very happy! It was amazing! Cassie! Yay! Poor Clair though :( You, miss, are amazing, and so was the update. Ray is just, so nice :D

    I got kicked off the net yesterday, so sorry about that, but I'm online now if you're anywhere around :D

    *dances like a dragon whose tail is frozen into a glacier*

    "I said, ashes to ashes we all fall down, I wanna hear you sing the praise"

    Writers block is the ultimate Queen Bitch.
    December 9th, 2011 at 12:20am
  • ahhh your back yay love this chapter write more xx
    December 8th, 2011 at 05:36pm
  • YAY for updates!!!
    Tell your writer's block I hate it. Do you have snow in England yet? Or is it just cold and rainy? Want snow? Come move to Minnesota!!! It's freezing here! (This sounds like an advertisement).
    December 8th, 2011 at 05:23pm
  • naw what a great surprise!
    I wonder what's been bothering Gerard :s
    can't wait to read chapter 7 :)
    December 8th, 2011 at 11:41am
  • YAY! even though at the moment I suffer from a cold I enjoyed this lovely little update! Missed Your creativeness (yay another word I didn't know was a word excuse me I'm head is all in yuckness which isn't a word) I've had the case of writers block as well don't worry lol. Can't wait for more loveliness
    December 8th, 2011 at 06:32am
  • xlookalivesunshinex - As promised, I finally kicked my block's butt and got a new chapter out! At this point, I feel we must thank Ray - since I realised that starting in his POV made looooots of sense and fitted well :D Mikey the man-whore...niiiiiice ;-D Enjoy the new one!!!

    katiecharlie123 - More has been took a while, but it got here.Hope ya like it :]

    Kiss_Me_Cryptic - I felt it needed to have some 'Mr Mikey Awkward-Knees Awkwardness Way' in, I wanted to throw in the dating thing :P I'm so sorry it's taken so long, but a shiny new update has finally arrived for you :D

    Aimbo - Mikeyland...population: Amy. ^_^ I don't think it's the greatest sequel of all-time (especially considering my suckiness at updating); but I'm definitely trying to make it the right sequel for GMaRtB :] Btw...I constantly sing 'we've got innocence for days' continuously whenever I start trying to write for this :D P.s. My internet totally died earlier and I couldn't get Skype back. Going to try and come back on now if you're still around...?

    I Miss You - I have to make an apology to you most of all. You 'pester' (I don't think of it as pestering...more like helping me keep motivation) me, and I sit at my computer trying hard to get the next chapter out of my head...move the story to where I want it...but I've been so blocked that I just felt like I was failing and letting you all down. I feel slightly worse for letting you down though since you have so much faith in this I'mma try and sort this out and keep the updating as often as possible. In other news - apparently the Doctor Who Xmas special is going to make us all cry...I'm so excited for it!!

    bubbleloveworld - Update is here m'dear ^_^

    bratney - I'm so humbled you've read it all and caught up, so my sincere apologies for keeping you waiting - but you'll find a lovely new update posted right now for you :D

    HarryPotterFreakie - I shall keep that in mind my dear... ;-D

    LovesNochturne - I'm so glad that my red-herring of Mikey maybe like-liking Scarlet still managed to get you all *insert evil gleeful laugh here* ^_^ 'Mikey loves Sheeeel-bie, Mikey loooves Shel-biiiie!'

    FrankieSpanky - You don't need to apologise...I do for keeping you all waiting for so long! I re-read the story from the beginning earlier before I wrote; and since my memory at what I had written myself is so shit, I was laughing my ass off at the Frankie/Johan dialogue ('specially the cutlery in bed bit) - it's seriously the most fun to write...and hopefully the most fun for you to read :D More F/S time will come soooon...don't worry ;-D Enjoy the new one!

    rachemical - Eeeek! I'm so grateful and thankful you read it from the beginning, and that you stayed up late, and that you enjoyed it so much! ^_^ It always makes me so humble that you guys like it as much as you do - seriously, I grinned my ass of reading your comment! Also, welcome to the comment-party thread - we have cake and punch! And everyone here knows I like predictions of what you think might keep it coming ^_^ <3

    SpankMyFrank - You cry?! :O I don't want to make you sad or upset...I hope the crying is a good thing? :/ I'm never really comfortable with making people cry with my stories, but I really love it when other people make me cry with theirs - is that too weird...? Anyway, thank you for the comment - and enjoy the new update!

    You guys are amazing, and patient, and...yeah - I loves you all serious amounts. Welcome to the comment-thread party/rave lovely new people, and hopefully I can get back on track with my updates!! Bring on the excitement ^_^ <3
    December 8th, 2011 at 04:55am
    November 6th, 2011 at 07:35pm
  • I just read the whole story from the prequel to this one (I even stayed up late to read it :D) and I'm in love!
    Even though things are sorta depressing with the whole Andrew thing, but Scarlet's friendship with the My Chem guys are so fun to be read!
    I wonder whether Gerard still has a crush on Scarlet or not...
    cannot wait to read some more!
    October 31st, 2011 at 01:52pm
  • I can't help but apologise you work really hard to write these stories and I always feel you deserve the feedback.

    Gerard sounds kinda scary in the morning but I could totally imagine him going all zombie-ish for his coffee! Mikey's back!! And he's a playa haha I can't believe that, I never saw Mikey as a guy that would date tons of girls everyday. I loved the little moment between him and Scarlet though I was really worried that he was not gonna be over Scarlet so I was both shocked and relieved when he said it was Shelbie!

    The little bits of banter between Scarlet and Frank is awesome and most the time pretty imaginative on your part as they can be pretty funny, the names they call each other make me smile (:

    Another awesome chapter
    More Frankie and Scarlet time pleeeease

    Update soon
    Loves x
    October 9th, 2011 at 02:18am
  • Hey, where did you go again! Don't make me come over there! lol (but seriously) ;) Really looking forward to next update :) x
    October 8th, 2011 at 03:03pm
  • Haha! Gerard's like a zombie without his coffee.

    Mikey's such a pimp. xD At first I thought Milky Way was like-liking Johan because of all the awkwardness and such. I was like :O But then I was like, "Awwww! He's in love with Shelbie! Awwwww!"

    I loved this update!

    Little Frin-han and Jo-inja~ xp
    October 5th, 2011 at 02:06am