Innocence for Days - Comments

  • I can't believe that he cracked her sinus wall! Done it, it hurts like a super bitch.... LOL! amazing A's always!
    September 7th, 2011 at 04:45am
  • Hello Lovely sorry I didn't get a chance to read your amazing sequel till today, I was shocked this morning when I learned of Mike's 'theft' seeing as that's all we know of it, your right it was stupid on his part, lol. Anyways your sequel is starting off amazing! I can actually admit I've had the trunk of a car or boot as it's called in Europe, slammed into my nose on accident lol, sucks but I've never had a bloody nose from it which I think is good. I love this sequel just as I loved the prequel can't wait for more!!!! XD
    September 7th, 2011 at 03:00am
  • HouseOfWolves - First official comment on this story...wooopWOOOP! *Hands you the first comment trophy, and shakes your hand* More has arrived, and I'm so glad you liked the bathroom was just randomly put in there :P

    DreaBrat - Yaaay! My intention was to make everyone's September's better, so I'm glad I've succeeded already ^_^ Welcome to the new comment party :D

    tongueless; - Daydreaming is never a bad be honest, that's what this whole thing is. Well, the good parts at least...

    kinkieboots - Aww that's so sweet of you to say so! I kinda felt a bit weird without the story as well (hence my increased arty streak/ambitions to be an artist right now haha); so it's good to be back writing for Scarlet again :] Enjoy the new update!

    katiecharlie123 - I'm really glad you liked the first chapter...hope the second chapter isn't too much of a let-down :D

    xlookalivesunshinex - Yoooou lovely lady had the first glimpse at Chapter Two...and I'm glad you did, 'cause you gave me confidence in it. Also, I figured out why it seemed clunky and moved stuff around to make it awesome :D That's down to your help lovely lady! *huuuuge hugs*

    LovesNocturne. - I...LOVE IT when people guess what's going to happen on the comment thread! Like sometimes I'll be like 'yeah, that's actually a pretty sweet idea'...and other times I'll just giggle at the accuracy of some of the thoughts. I won't say which I was reading your comment though...just to keep you in suspense ;-D And dude, I had TOTALLY forgotten I'd written the Moldova Merlin Babcock Harris thing - and when I read your comment I genuinely grinned and thought 'I have the most AWESOME readers for remembering that!!!' :D <3 Enjoy the neeew update ^_^

    HarryPotterFreakie - Procrastination kicks ass...I do it WAY too much ^_^ Gee in leather was too much of a good thing to pass up ;-D

    FrankieSpanky - I've never been to America, and I'm terrified of fucking up with the story because of it. Like seriously, I'm on a major-research kick atm...but there's only so much I see on a computer screen :/ Either way, Gee in leather and Frank surprising her - yeah, they were pretty much my plot-points for the first chapter ;-D I'm so glad I managed to make your day better..I hope I can again with the new update ^_^

    angy_kaulitz - Yaaaay! I'm glad you really liked it...that means a lot to me ^_^ And wooopwooop - Love ya too lovely lady!! :D <3

    ShelMoriahLiz - Heeeey, don't be sad Miss Shelbie!! I'm glad you liked it, and you may wanna keep an eye out for some awesomeness to come my dear *winks and seals lips shut* In other news, how flippin' CREEPY were the wooden doll-things in Doctor Who on saturday..? :|

    Miss A - I'm not a fan of nose-bleeds either...although mainly 'cause I associate them with either Mad Cow disease or Zombies *interesting-but-boring fact about Lyzsi #58* The Hitler thing was cool in Doctor Who - and as if I hadn't figured out he was still in the closet?! :O The one on Saturday creeped me out completely - those wooden dolls, and when Amy became one...? ICK OOKY ICK!!

    brigeisfalling - Haha, we're both waiting for I'm glad I can help with this sequel to keep you occupied :D I've never been to an airport (or abroad really ever) so I was winging it...reading your comment made me happy though 'cause you totally got what I was trying to do with the jetlag and stuff - so thankyouthankyouthankyou for that my dear! :D Enjoy the neeeew update ^_^

    coolchessplayer - I'm guessing that means you liked it...and that makes me a rather happy Lyzsi :D <3 you toooo! ^_^

    ImFromMars - I LOVE your awesome keyboard freak-outs in my comments section...They have been missed :D I think a bleedin' nose is ok in the context of the story...then again, what do I know? :P More has been delivered - so hopefully you had a good day with updateyness to read! :D

    *Dances like a maniac* - Dudes, you have NO IDEA how much I missed the comment party on here! You all rock, as per usual ^_^ <3
    September 7th, 2011 at 01:45am
    dfbdgoihlfsjoöeirhpwefNSCNIDRHGSDJFDKLefgsjidhFJAWDOÖksocdgiehjo Gaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Gosh, my happiness is endless!!! :D:D:D hahah!
    I'm SO incredibly stoked to read this, i can't wait to see how it all goes!

    I have to tell you, first i was like 'seriously Frank?!' when he wasn't there but then he popped out of that car, so it turned out okay! Or.. that depends on if you see a bleeding nose as 'okay' but still, you get my point!

    However, i am completely sure of the fact that this story will kick ass and basically; I CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE!! :D<3
    September 3rd, 2011 at 07:34pm
    September 3rd, 2011 at 02:28am
  • LYZSI!!!!! I am so loving this sequel! You have made my wait for Ocotber so much more enjoyable!! Thank fuck for you and this story. I laughed at your bastardization of the English language and I totally know how it feels to be all jetlagged and whatnot. I hated security at LAX but seriously coming back from France we stopped at Heathrow and damn we waited in a tight holding area for at least three hours before boarding. Anyways enough of my airport troubles. I cannot wait for more adventures with the MCR guys! ^__^
    September 2nd, 2011 at 06:46pm
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE! Yay, you're back!!! Absolutely brilliant, lol, I hate nose bleeds, ever since the school sent me to the hospital after having one, anticipating that I might need a blood transfusion lol :) Great, can't wait for next chapter.
    P.S. Dr who was EPIC! Unfortunatly, I'm working Saturday evening, so if my brother doesn't record it, I may through a fit ;) lol. btw, my boyfriend pointed this out to me... Hitler's still in the closet! lol! yay. Loving the Doctor's come back... Hitler: "You saved my life". Doctor: "Trust me, it was an accident"! lol :)
    September 2nd, 2011 at 11:25am
  • waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
    i wanted to be first!
    i'm all sad now!
    but, i guess this makes up for it!
    I'm excited to see the adventures of My Chemical Romance and Scarlet again!
    this is great!
    September 2nd, 2011 at 01:53am
  • I loooooooved it. It was fucking amazing. :)
    Love ya
    September 1st, 2011 at 09:48pm
  • Of course, Frankie breaks her nose...

    I have to say, Gee in all leather? You have made my mind a very happy place.
    September 1st, 2011 at 09:08pm
  • My day has officially been brightened! I've had such an immensely bad day at school and man am I happy to see this!
    I was uber disappointed when I found out Frank wasn't there to see her but obviously as I read on there he appeared ! I so thought that the boot door would fly in her face but I didn't expect Frankie to be there and I didn't think she'd come out with a broken nose.

    I love the way you described Gerard the whole dressed in leather thing for some reason made me smile ;D I really wanna go back to America now! Unfortunately we don't have enough money and my only way of getting there would be with my dad whom I am not to fond of at the moment.

    Great to see you back (:
    Update soon.
    Loves x
    September 1st, 2011 at 08:58pm
  • YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You have given another way to procrastinate!!! Thank you darling!
    September 1st, 2011 at 08:54pm
  • Yaaaaay! Sequel is heeeeere!
    We gotta love Frank and his surprises. xD Johan hasn't been in America for even a day and got her nose broken already, ouch! She's definitely not having a good day, but the guys and Frank make up for that.
    I wonder what Cassie's awesome news is. Maybe she's gonna come to America, too! Or maybe, she's getting married to Mike! Orrrrrrr, she found out she can have kids after all! If so, she's definitely gotta name her kid "Moldova Merlin Babcock Harris"! Jk jk. xD
    Can't wait for the next update! Johan and Frankie foreverrrrrr!
    September 1st, 2011 at 06:42pm
  • all I can really say is....
    I can't wait to see where this goes, honestly, i'm like squealing with happiness right now! I LOVE YOUUUUU!!!! :D:D:D:D:D xxxxxxxxx
    September 1st, 2011 at 05:21pm
  • this is so awesome dying to
    September 1st, 2011 at 05:08pm
  • welcome back hun i cant wait for this story. i knew there was something missing in my life and this was it.. :)
    September 1st, 2011 at 04:01pm

    This successfully managed to distract me from my incessant daydreaming... *sigh of relief* I happy nao. FROHNKITYFROHNKYFROHNKFROHNK
    September 1st, 2011 at 02:01pm
  • My September has already been made 15 million times better:D yay!
    September 1st, 2011 at 07:14am
  • WOOHOO!! First comment!! Yay! Anyway, it's amazing as usual! Loved when she was trying to find a bathroom, haha. Gerard, of course, gotta have that Starbucks. He couldn't function without it! Oh, no!! Frank smashed her nose!! Can't wait for more!
    September 1st, 2011 at 05:59am