Theresa's Story or How Dugongs Brought Her Soul Mate to Her - Comments

  • Oh my fuck, my leg was twitching halfway through that smut. Sexual frustration girl, it was that good! ;)
    At first I was like, holy shit this is so adorable. They're swimming with the dugongs and then it got sexy. Aww yeaaah. Ian was kind of dirty, I liked it. ;) I have to say, I enjoyed this very much. I liked how it was extremely innocent and that they met by happenstance. I laughed so hard at the ending, like I nearly peed it was that great. xD
    My all time favourite part though was when Ian confessed that he had wanted to kiss me since he saw a photo of me. Romantic much? ;)
    I loved it bby, thank you so much for writing this for me. I really and truly appreciate it. <3
    September 27th, 2011 at 06:31am
  • sdgfjroegrjo. IT'S PERFECT SO FAR SWEETIE. :3
    It's so incredibly cute and angsty, the perfection combination. It pretty much broke my heart when Ian was frustrated with nobody caring about the Dugongs and then he decided not to take the pills. I've been there before, so that part really touched me.
    And AWW. Can Ian and I be more cute? I thought the first meeting was incredibly well done, and it kind of hints that there will be more between the two.
    I can't wait until the next part, I love this to pieces. Thank you so much. <33 :D
    September 2nd, 2011 at 03:08am