(I don't know what to name it...Sorry) - Comments

  • WatchingGravity.

    WatchingGravity. (100)

    You're writing is very good. you give quite a bit of description, which really helps draw the reader in. you're characters are strongly outlined as well. (: I think you have a lot of potential, and you're writing is very imaginative.

    If i could give you some advice, i'd say to be a little careful of mixing your tenses (past, present, etc.) it makes it rather hard for the reader to keep track of the story line. Oh - and there is a spell chech given in the story area, try to use it. Proper spelling makes people more willing to read. Also, maybe you should consider breaking up your paragraphs more, and putting more space in? It really appeals to the reader, and its not as hard on their eyes!

    Keep up the good work. i'll definetely subscribe and look for updates. (;
    if you ever need advice or help, i'm willing to give it. Haha.
    September 5th, 2011 at 04:57am