Bleeding Tears, Crying Blood - Comments

  • I spent literally 8 or 9 hours reading this whole story from beginning to end.

    You kept me guessing for each characters background and trying to guess what would happen next. In the beginning I almost felt like there was three possible mates for Alma but White quickly became the obvious love interest and I was extremely happy.

    Although the ending wasn't a happily ever after, it was still sweet. :)

    I wonder which one of your stories I'll be reading next.
    August 22nd, 2013 at 06:20am
  • Re-reading the christmas special chapter and it's still so freaking CUTE!!! T^T I love how those two met..
    April 20th, 2013 at 10:33pm
  • I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! The ending was sweet :) Even if they didn't end up together by the end it's ok b/c their mates, they can't be without each other long. They will be together in the future :) It makes me happy to know that knowledge :)
    November 7th, 2012 at 06:14am
  • Well..I want to start by saying..HELL YEAH, I GOT ALMOST EVERY GUESS RIGHT!!!!=DDDDD White IS Eva's son, Alma IS Susan's daughter (No wonder she can mask her feelings so well) and Kenny IS Arnold!(I missed him so much!) I'm so happy I love the whole universe xDDD I never suspected Cian would be her grandfather though, a member of her clan yes, but not that close of a relative..kind of stupid of me, but I never made that connection. And Augusta and Alexis were back too (and Wolfram was calling them mother and father *sob sob*) and everything's just so kjhngfvbdihajakathg! No words can describe it! I mean, seriously, Annie was Morrigan??? Talk about a big revelation o.O It was quite depressing to learn about her past, how she used to be and why she became the monster she died as, but I guess it answers many questions about her character. I for one feel better by knowing that at least she had a valid reason for becoming like this.

    It was also sad to almost compare her situation with what could probably happen to White as well..but Alma made the right choice by deciding to give him the time he -they both- needed to figure this out. It's no surprise after all that he wasn't ready, considering the life he must have led so far, being so afraid to trust anyone and all. It's funny though, how knowing for sure who he is now allows me to realize a few important things I hadn't noticed, like the fact that he seems to have his father's infamous temper xD He also takes his skin tone and eye color from him, doesn't he? Oh, how I wish we could've seen a bit more of him in his physical form..And by the way, Arnold now sounds like a person who enjoys teasing others a lot =P I was just reading yesterday the chapter when he gets to meets Alma for the first time and I kept thinking how evil he is for teasing Leroy xD Reminds me of his behavior every time a younger Susan would misbehave in front of Lucius- he always seemed to understand she didn't really hate the guy xD (btw Lucius, unsurprisingly enough, turned out to be quite the affectionate father, didn't he? <3 )

    But, but Vincent lost the sight of his right eye? And both Sonia and Ella are dead? T-T WHY GOD WHY? I know it's twists like these that make stories realistic and more mature, but it's still damn disappointing -.-

    And by the way I have a stupid question: if Cian is Alma's grandfather, he was obviously able to have kids even though he was a dhampir. Augusta is one too, so why does she say, in her story's epilogue, that Eugene would be the only kid she and Alexis would ever have? Does it have to do with him being a werewolf, or it was simply a misunderstanding since she didn't know what she was?

    Anyhow..I'm left wondering about what kind of person Arnold's mate was, and what kind of people are White's other siblings and if Cian will ever forgive Susan..SO MANY QUESTIONS LOL! But it was a wonderful story and I think I should stop ranting now hehe ^ - ^''
    November 6th, 2012 at 11:19pm
  • There is nothing more that i can ask for. They will eventually get together and it is seriously all that matters. so happy! you made my night! love you!!!!
    November 6th, 2012 at 04:13am
  • Beautiful! absolutely beautiful! I am really bummed that I A) have to wait until January and B) that there is only going to be one more story :( but I do know you are an amazing writer, so if having to wait until January is the only way to get the last story, I GUESS it's fine. :P But really, amazing writer, and I am so sad that this will be the last story, coming up. I have fallen in love with all the characters in this series. And also I LOVED that the stories are so strongly connected to on another. GAH! I scream every time someone from another story is in the new story, or when they are mentioned. It's like a long lost friend, back to say hi! Okay I am rambling now...
    November 6th, 2012 at 12:39am
  • loved the ending! can't wait for the next one! :-)
    November 6th, 2012 at 12:22am
  • It's amazing I loved reading this story from start to finish Very Happy now i can't wait for January ;)
    November 5th, 2012 at 10:27pm
  • i loved it (: It was still a happy ending without being too cliche
    November 5th, 2012 at 07:59pm
  • You're going to stress me out all weekend.
    November 3rd, 2012 at 04:17am
  • ....... Can't wait for more :)
    November 2nd, 2012 at 10:08pm
  • Why did you rip out all my fees with this chapter. Wolfram refered to papa wolfy and augusta as his mom and dad! *sobs* and then white's he's eva's son! whyyy didny i see this coming!!!!!! AND SHE'S HIS MATE! OH MY GOSH! I NEARLY THREW MY LAPTOP! and now i have to wait till next week monday! ohh how you torture me! <3333333
    October 30th, 2012 at 02:19am
  • Yay!! I knew they were connected :)Hopefully he doesn't go back on this now... I <3 White :) Can't wait for more :)
    October 29th, 2012 at 11:31pm
  • oh mannn!! <3 I'm so happy! lol. I'm glad he admitted they were mates and wow, just all these revelations lol
    October 29th, 2012 at 09:16pm
  • The recent chapter are amazing!!! alma and white really need to get together Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
    October 29th, 2012 at 07:00pm
  • Oh shit!!!!!!! This story is boss!!!!!!! Augusta and wolf hubby in the mix!!!! And wolfram referring to Augusta as his mother!!!!!!! Sad Mr. Green I really want alma and white to get it together!
    October 28th, 2012 at 06:49am
  • Oh shit!!!!!!! This story is boss!!!!!!! Augusta and wolf hubby in the mix!!!! And wolfram referring to Augusta as his mother!!!!!!! Sad Mr. Green I really want alma and white to get it together!
    October 28th, 2012 at 06:48am
  • I love love love it :) Gabor needs to be ripped to pieces lol. White needs to accept love :( Can't wait for more :)
    October 15th, 2012 at 07:00pm
  • It took me a few days but I finally got through this series and I find myself addicted. You shoul publish this, seriously. I don't have words to describe how immaculate this story is.
    September 28th, 2012 at 05:09am
  • Soo depressing wah :(
    September 24th, 2012 at 04:09pm