Thank you my lovely, talented dear! This was awesome! Definitely different, but I really enjoyed reading it. You showed different sides of the charactrs and I feel like I understand more having read both versions. Amazing as always <3 ^-^
I just found this. O_O That's so good I jizzed my pants, that's how good that was however sad that it was angry sex but damn, Jay's still mad if they weren't spent I'm sure they're going for third. Haha.
Darling, how could you not be DISGUSTINGLY happy with this? It was AMAZING! (And thank you for the shoutout ^-^) If you finish the other one--which I hope you do--I will be most joyous :D I look forward to the rest of the sins and the second chapter to Angel (yes, I'm still waiting for it x3). I've said it before, and I can never say it enough: you're an amazing writer!