Remember Me in Green and Brown - Comments

  • CarryOnWanderer

    CarryOnWanderer (100)

    United States
    ^^^ whoa I've never seen that before. o.O

    But I read this story and man, I was also amazed :) It seemed to me it was all told from a very distant perspective, like someone who wasn't emotionally involved but just trying to get a point across. Which is hard to do because one doesn't want to overkill a serious story with too many emotions but I agree on wanting more feeling to Maggie's character. Though I suppose the fact that you've made me wanting to know more about Maggie is something to applaud too since I usually don't end up feeling this way… ^.^ Anyway, nice job on the contest and good luck on any future writing you do!
    October 30th, 2011 at 03:44am
  • eight letters late.

    eight letters late. (100)

    United States
    This sentence: She took a breath, picked up the knife, and her world dissolved in green, brown and red.
    Beautiful. ;__;
    This was so wonderfully written. I wish you would have expanded it a bit more though, gone deeper into the emotions of Maggie and what was going on in her mind a bit more.
    September 27th, 2011 at 09:13pm
  • Jyrki69

    Jyrki69 (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I loved your entry! I loved how her death was a way of setting herself free and not an actual death! It was beautifully written, and Bret was such a believable character- he truly jumped from the screen and made himself well understood!
    Good luck!!
    September 18th, 2011 at 10:53pm
  • Shawn Ashmore

    Shawn Ashmore (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Awesome! First of all, I'd just like to say that I'm in LOVE with the banner! The picture is just perfect!

    I like how it wasn't in first person, therefore the character in your prompt wasn't particularly the main character which is great!, because it gave room for other characters chance to react to the awful streaks.

    I'm glad that Maggie and Brett didn't end up falling in love. As soon as I saw his name I was worried that this would turn into some sloppy romance, but thankfully it didn't! I really like the sweetness of his character, and how in reality he was actually very distant from Maggie, however the only one with guts to say such lovely things about her at the funeral.

    And on that note, the suicide!? Ahh, shocked me to bits! Really nice touch, if you know what I mean, it really brought out the emotions of the story as it was obviously causing her distress.

    A very nice entry that I thoroughly enjoyed reading! Thanks again for entering and good luck! :)
    September 12th, 2011 at 07:18pm