Breathe - Comments

  • Comment swap brought me here, and oh my god this is probably the most beautiful story I've ever read on this website. You wrote this so artfully and beautifully, and the plot itself was incredible. This could honestly be published professionally, no question about it. Great job!
    January 2nd, 2016 at 08:06am
  • Oh my goodness.... I have so much to say but do not know how to say it!!!!!!!!!
    The moment I saw your title (I love one worded title it's weird I know) I was totally in for it. Then I saw your layout (I was like, "Yes totally reading this!")
    "First you have to be broken hearted to understand how love heals. First you have to be defined by others to understand they are wrong. First you have to die inside to understand how to breathe underwater."

    I love this kind of writing style, it literally pulls readers in right away and I write liket his too but more poetic like.

    This was just amazing, so beautifully written, so much detail in minimized sentace structure. You were totally gramatically correct with your sentances.... my goodness I can't say anymore or else I'll take up this whole page!

    You are the kind of writers in who I praise for their beautiful structure, format and realness.
    August 9th, 2012 at 04:49am
  • I'm not usually into femmeslash stuff but this was beautifully written. I really liked it! I liked the flashbacks to the night before and jus all of it. Great job! It was actually real seeming! Keep writing <3
    July 26th, 2012 at 08:40pm
  • I'm sorry to be commenting on this story so much, but I can't get a new story for the swap until meet a certain character quota. That's life, I guess. Anyway, this story isn't the kind I'd read normally, but I've been learning lately that different things are good and okay and it doesn't hurt to leave your comfort zone every once in a while. The background's a little distracting but maybe it's just me because I'm a bit of a minimalist, I suppose. Anyway, all in all, you did a simply fantastic job and you should be really proud of yourself for doing so. Please keep up the good work, darling. (:
    June 28th, 2012 at 12:51am
  • Also, it was sweet and simple and it wasn't overly dramatic and it was really...different. I don't know. I liked it. c: I hope you won the contest for this entry!
    June 26th, 2012 at 05:57pm
  • The flash backs were nice and cute and I like how the ending sort of just ties this whole story together. Good job.
    June 26th, 2012 at 05:56pm
  • I like how you went back and forth with what happened the night before and the present.
    That was good.
    And I love femmeslash.
    So bravo :3
    October 1st, 2011 at 05:19pm