Playing for Keeps - Comments

  • Love this
    July 29th, 2012 at 04:27am
  • lol Matt sounds like a whiny little kid and I don't think there's any way he's gonna be nice - he's too much of a horny little fucker for that

    I had to smirk that she scared him when she pulled the gun on him - big tough man wasn't expecting her to get the drop on him :-)
    July 21st, 2012 at 11:50pm
  • Okay, so I tried to edit because I made a spelling mistake, and for some reason, my computer has wacked out and won't let me see my comment. Here's what I wrote, haha!

    Headed here from comment swap. I'm not even gonna lie, Avenged Sevenfold are possibly one of my least favourite bands, so I'm reading this as an original fiction because I know literally nothing about the band.

    I watch WAY to many police procedurals, so when I realized this was about an FBI agent, I nearly cried for joy. I love Nora already; she's cocky, she's slightly arrogant and she's completely awesome! You've written her really well, I really get a sense of the character within the first few paragraphs.

    I like how you've got two different sides to the story through two different points-of-view, although I was slightly confused at first; there didn't seem to be any warnings that the view had changed, and it took me a moment to realise I was actually reading Destiny's view.

    All in all, a well written story, with a good plotline behind it. Both characters stand well, if not ever so slightly polar opposites (like a few people, I'm unsure of how that plays out. I'll leave it for now though, it seems fine), and the writing stype is fabulous! Keep up the good work! :)
    July 8th, 2012 at 11:52am
  • Headed here from comment swap. I'm not even gonna like, Avenged Sevenfold are possibly one of my least favourite bands, so I'm reading this as an original fiction because I know literally nothing about the band.

    I watch WAY to many police procedurals, so when I realized this was about an FBI agent, I nearly cried for joy. I love Nora already; she's cocky, she's slightly arrogant and she's completely awesome! You've written her really well, I really get a sense of the character within the first few paragraphs.

    I like how you've got two different sides to the story through two different points-of-view, although I was slightly confused at first; there didn't seem to be any warnings that the view had changed, and it took me a moment to realise I was actually reading Destiny's view.

    All in all, a well written story, with a good plotline behind it. Both characters stand well, if not ever so slightly polar opposites (like a few people, I'm unsure of how that plays out. I'll leave it for now though, it seems fine), and the writing stype is fabulous! Keep up the good work! :)
    July 8th, 2012 at 11:50am
  • ooh she kind of put her foot in her mouth didn't she but Zacky will be back - underneath that tough exterior he's nuts about her and I don't think he could stay away even if he wanted to

    hope the move goes well - I just helped a friend move a couple of weeks ago and damn she had a lot of crap lol
    July 4th, 2012 at 12:25am
  • Hey coming here from comment swap! :D

    And I have to say that i... really liked it. It was something different, something I haven't really read before and it kept my attention, Keep up the good work.
    June 15th, 2012 at 09:00pm
  • I absolutely adore Avenged Sevenfold and when I saw that comment swap had handed me an Avenged Sevenfold fic as my first story of the day I jumped for joy!
    I noticed that ZackyEffingVengeance was a co-author so that instantly told me that this story would be a great one!
    I love the detailed description behind the characters in the summary. I think I'll grow to like Nora more because she sounds a lot like me, haha!
    I really like how you interpret the lives of Avenged Sevenfold in a different way and especially as bad boys :]
    I'll look forward to reading the rest! Keep up the good work :D
    June 13th, 2012 at 05:21pm
  • I don't usually read stories that aren'tz slash but this seems very interesting and well written. Also I love Avenged Sevenfold and your characters are really intersting. I personally like destiny a bit more but nora is tough and cool :D
    June 9th, 2012 at 09:01am
  • This is interesting. Zacky Baker and Matt Sanders as the two main characters. Zacky's my favorite and Matt's my second favorite. I can definitely imagine them being drug dealers. Their bulky body build just suits the title. LOL!

    This story is very interesting and both the authors are amazing. I love reading both Destiny and Nora's POV. I like Nora's character because she's like this tough woman and I like a tough woman character. Destiny is a lot like me. I hate violence and I mostly just try to stay out of anything dangerous. I'm not much of a risk taker.

    I really would love to see where this story is going.

    I don't usually read a story that isn't slash but this story is good. ^_^
    June 8th, 2012 at 11:33am
  • Well, I kind of like the way I'm writing Destiny, so she's staying this way. She is now my character, and I'll write it the way I want too, I have my reasons and it goes with the plot I have in mind for her and Zacky.
    May 30th, 2012 at 04:00am
  • it's well written and the plot is good but Destiny's almost too timid to pull this off, and Nora is probably too much of a bitch to be able to pull this off. With that mouth of hers she's liable to get her face shot off, unless Matt finds he has a liking for prickly females who keep cock blocking him lol
    May 30th, 2012 at 03:57am
  • I really love this story!
    May 29th, 2012 at 05:22pm
  • Uhm, well that's kind of how I want Destiny to be. ._. I mean I'm the author? I don't exactly know how this is going to play out yet...
    May 28th, 2012 at 08:58pm
  • Could Zacky be lying? Nora's really obnoxious and Destiny's really shy. It actually kind of annoys me, and they're not even real people. xD
    May 28th, 2012 at 07:49pm
  • loving this so far and very well written. Subscribed and looking forward to reading more :-)
    May 28th, 2012 at 01:06pm
  • Wow. I'm loving this so far. I read the first chapter just now and I'm already hooked.
    LOL I love stories where the guys are all bad and naughty. =D
    I'm going to read more!
    May 6th, 2012 at 02:14am
  • I can't wait to help write and finish this cowrite up :) it's actually pretty interesting, so i hope i do a good job c: I'll try updating it tonight. c:
    May 4th, 2012 at 08:08pm
  • I dunno, Nora seems a bit pushy :\
    she's too hard on Destiny, she isn't in the bureau like Nora):
    I'm curious as to see what happens next.
    January 10th, 2012 at 04:33am
  • Love it. Destiny needs to grow some lady balls, be more like Nora.
    January 9th, 2012 at 11:50pm
  • Well she does not do good under pressure does she....
    January 9th, 2012 at 09:47pm