Unrequited - Comments

  • bucky barnes.

    bucky barnes. (705)

    United States
    Oh Percy D: Normally it's really hard for me to feel bad for Percy in fan fiction (a lot of authors paint him as really unsympathetic) but this just did it for me. I could really understand his curiosity with Luna and how he's so enchanted by her; she's quite the character.

    I love the way you portrayed his confusion with her, as well as how nervous he is when he tries talking to her. All he can talk about are his prefect duties, amirite? xD It's very in-character for Percy, especially considering how different he and Luna are. She's a total enigma to him and he doesn't know how to handle it, and it completely throws him off because Percy Weasley is supposed to be able to understand and handle everything. He's an overachiever in school and later at the Ministry, and so I like this portrayal of how that confidence and success doesn't exactly apply to his love life (or lack thereof).

    And Luna just seems so oblivious to it all, which is also very in-character. True, we don't get her side of the story, but I like it written with Percy's perspective. It's so well done and wonderfully written :)

    Good luck in the contest!
    September 29th, 2011 at 11:13pm
  • tiffany danielle

    tiffany danielle (100)

    United States
    This broke my heart. No kind of, no would've, it did, aha. I mean, it's not even that Percy let her go, it's how easy he let the potential for love go. It was obvious that his feelings for Luna could've turned into something more - imagine, that reaction from someone you barely knew. That could grow into something so beautiful. But he let her go because as perfect as she may have been, he wasn't perfect for her. I can understand where he's coming from, but gracious, I wouldn't have been able to do it. I envy that he could because I find myself in a similar situation and I'm clinging to it dearly. Another thing I'm jealous of this mister Percy on is the fact of how easy it seemed. I mean, he just let her go? One look in the hallway but not another thought about her? It breaks my heart. ): </3 But I guess his duties were rather distracting. He did seem pretty infatuated with those, too. Eeeep. I'm rambling, I'm sorry, aha.

    Really, this was amazing. <3 Short, sweet, and to the point. It made me feel for Percy (obviously, lol.) and wonder about Luna. Did she ever notice any of this? Your writing was lovely. <33 Gorgeous words, missy, gorgeous. :) It's a crime that this doesn't have more comments. Another thing that breaks my heart. ): </3 Jeebus. At this rate, I'm going to be heartless. ); But then I'll just come back and read your beautiful writing, because it's chockful of heart. (; <3 Really, good job. <3 c:
    September 17th, 2011 at 06:15pm