Forbidden Pleasures - Comments

  • Juggalette4Life

    Juggalette4Life (100)

    United States
    @ xLxOxVxEx
    Thank you for the feed back on my story. ^-^
    I usually have more spacing between them when I type everything out in word, issue is when I copy and paste it all here I have to go through and fix everything up again. Sadly as things look I'm going to have to completely start over on the newest chapter. I had lots typed for it but then my computers hard drive died on me. There is a chance to get all my stuff back but it will cost about $50 that I don't have to spend at the moment. Between writing for this story, my other (that I also will have to re-start the chapter) and getting ready for a major trip I'm taking it may be some time before the next chapter is out. I hope you and everyone else readying will stay with me here I'm doing my best to get it out. Hope you enjoy the newest chapter once I'm able to get it out. I'll go see what I can do about the spacing on my other chapters. Again, thank you for your feed back. ^-^
    P.S. The major spacing in my stories is for changing point of view from one character to another.
    October 5th, 2012 at 04:15am
  • xLxOxVxEx

    xLxOxVxEx (150)

    United States
    Oh my... I recommend more spacing between paragraphs and dialogue. I was fairly intrigued by your introduction then BAM! a whole lotta words and no spacing (Concernign first chapter) You were much better with the second and third chapter but it's still slightly difficult to follow keep everything straight :( It's a really good story and I will still subscribe but I definitely hope that the extra spacing will be added!
    October 4th, 2012 at 07:00am