Thicker Than Water - Comments

  • Lanabear

    Lanabear (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Have just finished reading this story so far after starting this morning... oops. I love it so so much, and have subscribed on the off chance there is still an update left to come from somewhere. ❤️
    May 19th, 2021 at 10:46pm
  • Rocket Queen

    Rocket Queen (405)

    Okay, so when I went on holiday, I saved a couple of chapters of this story to my laptop so I could finally get around to reading it. God knows it's been so long since the first time I read the first chapter, lol. So anyway, here's my comments so far! Hope you guys get a kick out of it. ;)

    Chapter One
    So I'm pretty sure that I commented on this chapter the very first time that I read it, but since I've had a chance to re-read it, I'm gonna go ahead and comment on it again now that it's fresh in my mind.
    I absolutely loved the scene at the beginning with the fight between Aubrina and Dan. It wasn't overly done at all, like you see a lot of the time on this site - it seemed like a typical argument between a real couple with the things that they discussed and the way they reacted to one another. Nothing too over the top, no annoying screaming in caps and punctuated with about a billion exclamation marks, it was just perfect. It was realistic. I believed that these two are couple who have a shared history and their fair share of ups and downs and this fight was just another to add to it. It really made me like the character of Aubrina because she seems fairly level headed and rational, and it was good to see that she didn't take the stereotypical girlfriend route of screaming the house down and throwing things at her boyfriend during their fight. Dan, on the other hand, wow, lol. It sucks that he took so long to answer her question about cheating and his whole dickish reaction to the thing about not having had sex in a month. I'm left wondering how he's going to redeem himself in this situation.
    And Brian... oh, Brian. What can be said about him, huh? tehe The fact that he stumbled into the pub like he'd had a few drinks already just made me crack a smile because it's just so him. I love how supportive he is of Aubrina - how he's still sympathetic toward her because his little sister has just had her heart broken. Yet at the same time he's trying to rationalise his best friend's behaviour by trying to make Aub understand just what it's like to leave behind someone you love when you go on tour. Although he doesn't know yet that Dan has cheated and I'm sure that's going to raise all kinds of hell when he finds out. XD
    Oh, and the line where Brian wonders if it's going to messy for everyone involved? Simply perfect. It totally sets up a theme for the story that shows when a couple breaks up, it's hard NOT for everyone to get dragged into the middle. I was definitely left wanting to read more to see how this all turns out. This chapter had me hooked immediately like a good first chapter should. :)

    Chapter Two
    I adore that this chapter is called Brother Dearest. tehe
    Nicole is a really great friend to Aubrina. And based on this chapter alone it's easy to see just how great a friendship that these two have - between Nic letting Aub stay with her right away to her going to the bar to kick her brother's ass - it's very easy to see why these girls are the best of friends and how far their bond really goes. And that Nicole will fight for her even though she's completely torn between her best friend and her brother.
    Oh, Brian... ever the chivalrous knight when he turns up to rescue Nicole from her brother and then to more or less tell Dan that he's had enough. It made me wonder though, if Nicole had never shown up, would Brian have still done that or would he have been the enabler to his hurt friend by allowing Dan to continue drinking and to go home with his floozy. I was thinking he was doing it only to impress Nic since it's now been established that this pair have an obvious attraction to one another. Nic's whole thing about picturing Bri's aggression projected toward her... well, that was totally hot and I'd be picturing that in my mind as well.
    And despite the drunken mess that Dan is acting like in this chapter, I actually did feel as though my heart was breaking for him when he was asking if Aubrina would come back to him once she had time to cool off. He wasn't just being an annoying asshole anymore, he was actually showing that deep down he really does care for her and the future of their relationship. It makes him a little more redeemable but not by much. By now I'm also getting the sense that he may not have actually cheated on her and that he just want everyone to get off his back about it.... so we'll just see where that goes.

    Chapter Three
    I just love the support system that Aubrina has with her group of friends and family and how they just rush to her aid whenever she just needs to blow off some steam. I adore the scenes where the girls are just hanging out together and I especially love Michelle in this story. It's good to see you guys not making her some evil witch like most other stories do because that's such a cliche - it's nice to see a mention of their relationship having not gone anywhere but they decided to remain good friends. And adult McKenna! She just seems absolutely darling and I love how she can hang with the older girls but still ends up getting treated like a child, lol. Reminds me a lot of myself in my own family.
    Oh, man, and when Dan showed up? I felt like punching him in the face myself but the very fact that he tried to stop Aubrina from getting completely tanked when he could see how bad she was already actually made me feel for him because I'm sure he wasn't doing it for a bad reason, I truly think he just didn't want to see her make herself sick considering he's probably seen her in this state loads of times before and just wanted to keep her from getting into trouble.
    The fact that he keeps dodging the question about the girls is seriously pissing me off though, lol. Like, just answer already, Dan! GOSH.
    OMG BRIAN. HE KNOWS NOW. I can only imagine the little talk that he and Dan had after finding out that Dan had a whole bunch of girl's names in his phone. THE PLOT THICKENSSSSS.

    Chapter Four
    Wow. That fight between Dan and Brian was EXPLOSIVE. I really thought that they would end up throwing punches and maybe they would have, if Nicole hadn't shown up just in time to stop it from happening.
    I feel so bad for her, probably more than everyone else in this story, just because she's so torn between two of the people whom she loves the most. Of course Brian is going through a similar situation, but I just feel like she's probably feeling it worse than he is. And I think the fact that she broke down in front of him just goes to further prove that point - and then he goes on and acts like a total perve, lol. Good thing that she didn't notice that. Or maybe she did. XD Anyway, I get where she's coming from when she says she feels like such a bad sister because she attacked Dan just like everybody else instead of trying to be there for him when he really needed it. I can only imagine how he's feeling throughout this ordeal and I totally hope to get to hear things from his perspective really soon.
    Oh, and the relationship between Brian and Nicole... looks like things are starting to get interesting. ;)

    Anyhoo... that's all for now. I'll post more when I read the next few chapters. :)
    June 24th, 2014 at 06:58pm
  • gothique4

    gothique4 (100)

    I think I let out a happy squeal when I saw this was updated and it didn't disappoint.

    Damn, the wag haters are just too much aren't they. Insecure jealous little fuckers. I don't know how the real girls put up with all of that shit sometimes - it's almost ridiculous that teen girls get so riled up because a guy they've got the hots for is married.

    I have a feeling that it's Case that took the photos - Cora seems a bit too dumb to do something like that
    September 15th, 2013 at 02:21pm
  • rarelytiredlights

    rarelytiredlights (100)

    United States
    i basically had to go re-read most of the entire story to refresh my memory, but i'm not complaining. ;) glad to see it updated!

    i wonder who's been snapping pictures of the girls and putting them on the internet? i have a sick feeling it's case, and he's just been using aubrianna. but case could be a nice guy after all and it could very well be cora.

    i'll be looking forward to the next update, no matter when that is! :)
    September 14th, 2013 at 09:59pm
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    I'm so glad that you through the "WAG Haters" into this, because that's not something you see in stories too often. And let's face it - it's a part of the fandom, and it needs to be noted. I liked the way Brian reacted to it. No doubt, he'd seen it all before to some capacity.

    This was a lovely update, even if it did take forever. =)
    September 7th, 2013 at 02:52am
  • hachie

    hachie (100)

    United States
    So Dan and Brian are going stay and enjoy the night since they haven't been together since Nikki's ex interrupted the party. I love the comical part of this story! Like how Nikki was thinking in this chapter, it just made me laugh! I wonder how things will go since they are going to stay one more night in Vegas! I look forward to the next update!
    August 13th, 2012 at 12:08am
  • rarelytiredlights

    rarelytiredlights (100)

    United States
    YES. I got the email this morning and pretty much said exactly that. and I'm pretty sure that you subconciously updated today because it's my birthday (even though you had no way of knowing that.) lol. ANYWAYS I read it way earlier but I'm just getting around to commenting now so...

    it's so like brian to freak out about his sister and girlfriend being alone and drunk in vegas... and then decide to stay another night and party. love it. I can only imagine the shenanigans they might get themselves into... it should be interesting.
    July 27th, 2012 at 07:17am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Hmm, I wonder what's going to happen "tonight". Should be interesting, to say the least.

    Short, but still good. ;) Sorry for the crappy comment too, but I gotta get ready for work. D=

    July 27th, 2012 at 01:42am
  • soapy

    soapy (100)

    United Kingdom
    yaya they are going to stay! those boys are so funny, bittering like old women haha. i wonder what will happen tonight :O you must update again soon! i love this story :D
    July 26th, 2012 at 11:31pm
  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Something sexy's gonna happen!! Tee hee. Or it will be viewed as a HUGE mistake!! Or both :D If this isn't the case, then I'mma be thoroughly disappointed!! :P

    A night in Vegas with those four can only mean drama. Something I can't wait for...

    ...hint hint. Nudge nudge. Wink wink ;) x
    July 26th, 2012 at 11:30pm
  • boriquachicka

    boriquachicka (100)

    United States
    Ah so Dan hasn't really hooked up with anyone since Cora?! Ugh, and I do not like Case. He keeps checking out Nicole while he's with Aub. Douche moves. She better not move in with him! She and Dan just need to get together again, he needs to explain those numbers. Ugh. Love the story so much I'm emotionally invested.
    July 18th, 2012 at 06:00pm
  • hachie

    hachie (100)

    United States
    So before Dan and Brian got there, the girls had their name tattooed on the inside of their lips? Man I have a feeling that the guys will surprise once they find out! lol Brian is definitely not going to like having Aubrina moving so far away! He'll probably demand that she stays there! Sometimes Dan can be a sweetheart like right where he and Aubrina were getting hot and heavy but he stopped because he didn't want Aubrina to beat herself up in the morning because she cheated on Case with her ex boyfriend. There a definite attraction between Dan and Aubrina, if only Dan would get off his ego and actually stop flirting and sleeping with women when Aubrina isn't around then he could be back with the woman that changed him! I can't wait for the next update!
    June 17th, 2012 at 05:06pm
  • rarelytiredlights

    rarelytiredlights (100)

    United States
    It's funny, I read this the other morning when I woke up early because I was feeling nauseous (and apparently fell back asleep and forgot to leave a comment).... Hmm

    Anyways, loved the chapter. I still like Aubriana and Dan together... but I'm glad Dan stopped it from going too far. She would've hated herself for it. And is it wrong that I laughed at them getting those tattoos on their lips? :)
    June 16th, 2012 at 06:57pm
  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    LOVED IT!!! :) Mhm, yes I did.
    Can't wait for more!!!!! x
    June 16th, 2012 at 05:36pm
  • Synyster Gates;

    Synyster Gates; (100)

    United States
    I love this
    June 16th, 2012 at 04:10pm
  • soapy

    soapy (100)

    United Kingdom
    ahahaha oh wow! got names tattooed on their lips uh? they must have been so drunk & clearly there is much more to it that because of they were drunk, of course of course. i love this story! its amazing! mostly because you two are great writers! update again soon, you must :D
    June 16th, 2012 at 12:59am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Ha ha ha! Tattooed! XD Well, when in Vegas...

    So, that didn't turn into the disaster that I thought it would. I really hope she breaks up with Case soon, 'cause she and Dan are just...meant to be. Evidently.

    Sorry for the short comment, but I'm sorta tired. Can't wait for more. =)

    June 15th, 2012 at 09:51am
  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I vote that Brian and Dan turn up in Vegas, hands on their hips and capes wiffling in the breeze behind them :) and yes, wiffling isn't technically a word but I enjoy it!! Tee hee.

    I can't wait to see where this goes!!!
    LOVE IT!!!! x
    May 24th, 2012 at 09:22am
  • pjrox

    pjrox (100)

    Protective. I love it!
    May 20th, 2012 at 02:41pm
  • rarelytiredlights

    rarelytiredlights (100)

    United States
    I knew that Brian wasn't going to be able to stay back and let the girls go wild. Actually, I half expected him to just follow the girls there before he even had a valid reason to go (them being absolutely shit-faced and with random dudes.) Over-protective? Yes. But in a good way.

    Great chapter as always. :)
    May 19th, 2012 at 05:17pm