Thicker Than Water - Comments

  • So the girls are in Vegas having a fun time and meeting new people.
    Though Brian does not like it because he doesn't trust the guys that his sister and Nicole will run into because those two girls are gorgeous!
    He's worried that Nicole and Aubrina could get hurt and he doesn't want that to happen.
    I just knew that Brian is going to make his way to Vegas once he got done talking to Nicole because of how drunk she sound.
    I definitely can't wait for the next update!
    May 19th, 2012 at 06:11am
  • Hmm... Not sure if Brian's just being over-protective, or if he genuinely has a reason to worry here. Three guys hanging with two girls they just met in Vegas. Could be innocent, could be sinister. It really makes me wonder where you're going to take this. So many directions it could go in...

    As always, beautifully written and a lovely update! Can't wait for more!

    May 19th, 2012 at 03:28am
  • My insides just melted when Dan gave her that advice about moving to LA for herself and not for her boyfriend.
    And if either of them leaned just a few inches then they would be kissing!
    But that was really sweet of Dan, giving her advice and it clearly shows that he stills care deeply for Aubrina and it irks him that she is going to be moving away from them, especially him.
    So Nikki is still uneasy around Case because of happened between the both of them during the party.
    I have a feeling that issue is going to be brought up later in the future,
    I can't wait for the next update!
    May 8th, 2012 at 06:39am
  • so I've been reading this but I've never commented... so I thought I'd change that. I just wanted to say that I really love this story. I absolutely love the storyline and the whole sister/brother best friend thing you have going on. :)

    going to agree with Haylie above me and say that I'm not a fan of Case either. can't put my finger on it, but he just irritates me for some reason...

    Also, I just wanted to say that I love how well your writing flows together. you can hardly notice two people are writing it. I think you're both amazing writers <3
    May 7th, 2012 at 06:09pm
  • I dislike Case more and more every time he makes an appearance, for one reason or another. Blehh.

    I can't wait to see Brian find out that she's moving! And I'm also excited to see what goes down in Vegas, because even 24 hours there would mean something interesting is going to happen. And you've given them 72. You both must have something planned. I can smell on the air, all the way down here in Australia. Or maybe that's the cookies.

    I wish I had an over-protective older brother. D= ...okay, so maybe not OVER-protective, but anything would beat the two idiot younger brothers I got landed with. =P

    As always, adored the update, and can't wait for the next!

    May 5th, 2012 at 07:08am
  • so um. have i ever told you how addicted i am to this story?
    well, i am. very much so. and i'd like another update.
    things are going so well for brian and nix; even i didn't see dan's dumbs caving so early.
    on the other hand, dan and aubrina have a bit to go until they work out their drama. aubrina and that creepy model (don't think i forgot how he tried creeping on nix), and dan and his little groupie bitches. if those two could get it together, i'd be very happy. :)

    UPDATE MORE!!! <333
    April 3rd, 2012 at 02:37am
  • So Danny and Nikki has reconcile with one another.
    Though Danny still hasn't accepted that his little sister and his best friend are going out but he is baring with it because Nikki is happy and he can see how happy Brian is when he is with Nikki.
    So he swallowed his pride and apologize even though it must be hard since he is very prideful and won't admit defeat.
    So is Nikki the only that knows that Aubrina plans to move to LA where it's closer to her school, her work and her boyfriend?
    I know many of the people won't like it since she is going to be away on her own and won't around with those she loves and cares for.
    This has definitely made my night!
    And I will always enjoy you guys updates no matter how short pr how long it's takes to update!
    I can't wait for the next update!
    April 1st, 2012 at 08:05am
  • LOVED IT!!
    I do feel that everyone needs a swift smack round the back of the head and then maybe knock their heads together, just to make sure their brains really rattle and then settle with some form of common sense inside!!
    I can't wait for more!!! :) x
    March 19th, 2012 at 10:03am
  • Ah drama. Love
    March 18th, 2012 at 01:38pm
  • I swear Dan doesn't grow up!
    He always has to ruin the peace and quiet by bringing some girl that he knew or knows.
    I would think that he would at least lessen the girl he brings instead he does the total opposite.
    And now there is high tension between Brian and Aubrina since they haven't talked about what's going on.
    I definitely think that Aubrina needs some time away from her family since they all live close together and they see each other almost everyday if they aren't busy.
    And she wants to move on from Dan since he is already and she can't if she always sees him.
    Man Dan has a lot of fuck buddies or ex-girlfriends around.
    I know both Dan and Brian won't like the idea of Aubrina moving to LA with Case.
    I can't wait for the next update!
    March 18th, 2012 at 07:40am
  • Oh Daniel!!! What are we going to do with you??!!?? Though I can see where he's coming some extent.
    This is all getting very complicated for everyone involved!!
    Including myself as its making me think whilst I read it, trying to work out if I'm on anyone's side...not sure I am. I feel like herding all four of them into a room and smacking them all upside the head and telling them to pull their heads out of their arses and just be happy for one another. They're all grown ups. If shit hits the fan, let them deal with it themselves!!! :) Just my two cents!! Tee hee.

    Loved the update and can't wait for more :) x
    February 17th, 2012 at 10:41am
  • I am so happy that you and thank you for the heads up too!
    Well at least Aubrina and Nikki worked things out but now the hardest part is her older brother.
    But Aubrina won;t be returning back to the apartment since Aubrina and Brian will continue to see each and that really doesn't sit well with Aubrina.
    She isn't use to the idea yet but hopefully she will be, though I hope she gives Brian and earful since he was so against her and Dan going out.
    And it seems that Dan is really pissed off because he completely ignored Brian on his way out and wouldn't let Nikki come near him.
    I definitely can't wait for the next update!
    February 17th, 2012 at 03:56am
  • uh ohhh, dan seems a little angry. tsk tsk tsk.
    its good that aubrina and nikki made up though. it could've been a lot worse.
    more, more, more!!! :D
    February 17th, 2012 at 03:02am
  • I'm such a terrible friend. I need to comment more. But you guys throw so much drama into such a little time frame it's overwhelming; in a good way :) FINALLY THEY HOOKED UP. PROPERLY. That needed to get out there. Now what's going to happen? The aftermath is the most exciting part.
    January 26th, 2012 at 04:48am
  • Uh oh.......
    So it was Aubrina who walked in on her brother and best friend.
    Man that is a lot of drama that is going to coming in the future.
    Like she said, everyone gave her and Dan hell when they first started to go together, Brian telling Aubrina that Dan isn't worth it because of how he is.
    And the stupid oath about they can fuck with any girl they want but they can't bring it home with them, it stays between all of them.
    Now the friendship between the four of them will be on rocks and I know other people will be dragged in too.
    I can't wait for the next update!
    January 26th, 2012 at 03:29am
  • awesome update - can't wait to read more
    January 25th, 2012 at 11:33pm
  • So I read this first chapter a little while ago and figured I should comment on it while I try and catch up with the other chapters.

    I seriously felt bad for Aubrina - not only is Dan cheating on but he has the audacity to even suggest that she has been cheating on him as well! I wanted to punch him in the throat, just so you guys know. XD He sounds like such a little douche bag.

    I was sort of surprised that Brian didn't go into all overprotective brother mode like I expected him to, once he finds out that Dan has cheated on his sister, but I guess I can sort of see his side to things given that Dan is his friend and he probably feels torn. That and, being a guy, would more than likely understand the temptations Dan has on tour.

    Dun dun DUN! Ooh, those last few lines about it getting weird for everyone are SO a teaser for what's about to happen in the following chapters... I predict DRAMA!
    January 18th, 2012 at 05:05pm
  • Ahh, a good two chapters to come back to after a few weeks hiatus.
    THANK YOU GOD. Dan kicked Cora's ass to the fucking curb where it belonged. You have NO IDEA how fucking long I've waited for that moment. I honestly expected someone to pummel her ass into the ground; that's how she would've gotten it in one of my stories (bless my little revenge driven heart). But that tongue-lashing he gave her was good enough for me! Harsh what he said to his mom, but that's just how you gotta do people like her. They're family after all; they'll get over it in a couple of decades. ;)
    AND YAY! BRIAN AND NIKKI GOT TOGETHER! Fucking finally dude. They're so cute together.
    Now if Aubrina can just get rid of that Case guy. Male models? Sounds like drama. Not to mention, was it just me or was he creeping on Nikki at Zacky's fucking party? Oh, see that's a no-no. Tell his ass where to go, please. :D

    Love love loved the updates. MORE, MORE, MORE! <33
    January 16th, 2012 at 12:11am
  • Wow the suspends!
    The way to you ended the chapter was just!!!!!
    I wanted to rip my hair out because I so want to know who that person is opened Nicole's door when Brian and her are trying to cover themselves.
    They are going to be in big trouble when whoever sees them in that condition.
    I am so dying for the next update!
    I can't wait for the next update!
    January 9th, 2012 at 10:17pm
  • May I just say dun, dun, duuuunnnnnnnn!! :)
    Loved it and cannot possibly wait for more!! x
    January 9th, 2012 at 06:58pm