Nobody's Daughter. - Comments

  • :( :(
    August 14th, 2015 at 10:34am
  • Ahhh miss this a lot <3
    July 21st, 2015 at 11:12pm
  • also waiting
    April 7th, 2015 at 04:33am
  • heeellooooo ~ I will forever pop in and bug you, sorry <3
    January 22nd, 2015 at 12:14am
  • It's been over a yeaaarrrr </3 I will still expectantly wait for updates ^^
    April 26th, 2014 at 12:55am
  • I miss this story so so much!! Cry
    December 30th, 2013 at 02:19am
  • I love this story! Can't wait for the next update! :)
    April 4th, 2013 at 02:11am
  • I'm so happy you updated. Dance

    “Like I want to be doing this.” He really didn't, didn't he?

    No, I really don’t, he thought reassuringly.

    “Well, you can’t really tell, Jack. Maybe you’re going back to your old ways and being a little shit to her- and let me tell you, if you are- Don’t think I won’t do what I can to make her safe.”

    Wait. wait wait wait. That doubt is worrying me. Of course you don't want to be doing this. I don't care if you're the Joker. You love her mmkay.

    He isn't going to become the Joker again, is he? I mean he's always been the Joker but as of late he's been more 'Jack' than in DLS, what with the lack of warpaint and actual emotions. In DLS he was a little shit (thank you Clyde for the phrase).

    “Excuse our bad manners, officer, but we’re in a bit of a, uh, hurry.” His voice rose into that creepy, excited high-pitch tone as the familiar adrenaline shot up threw his veins.

    See look you're even talking in your Joker voice. The guy's almost unconscious you don't need to use that voice. But of course you do. Adrenaline, huh?

    You've got me worried now. I love the Joker but Scarlett is always on the receiving end of his mood swings and that's not good.

    The Joker spit on the ground, looking for blood from his now throbbing mouth, “I’ll give you a B+ for effort.”

    tehe This made me laugh, a lot. It's something the Joker would say, no doubt. xD

    “You know what?,” Here came the verbal spew. “Fine, fine. I’ll fucking leave. I’m actually trying to help you but you’re making it a bit difficult by acting like an ungrateful little heathen.”

    He wasn’t finished.

    “Don’t forget who I am, baby doll. My patience is running real thin.” I couldn't help but to feel like we were back to square one in our relationship- how it was in the beginning. Turbulent.

    Facepalm Square one, Joker. Is that really where you want to be? You were making such good progress with Scarlett.

    Blood is red
    Bruises are blue
    the language of
    carbon monoxide is
    the same as unrequited love.

    Yeaaaah Harley's the one who wants to kill Scarlett, right? She did poison Scar with Carbon Monoxide, and the Joker doesn't love her so. Unrequited love.

    Detective Dea strikes again. xD I love this story so much and everything's getting exciting now. Update soon! Hug
    March 28th, 2013 at 10:25am
  • Paracosm left a better review then I could ever write, so I'm just going to second that whole thing. Gah! I need to know whats gonna happen to our wonderful little family of psychopaths!
    March 24th, 2013 at 03:00am
  • If Scar loses the baby because of Jack, I am going to cry while stamping on his face repeatedly. He better apologize, goddamit. Flowers, chocolates, the whole shebang. Oh but he's sending her away so he can't can he?! I pretty much mirror XxYouhadmeathelloxX's feelings on this. What are we going to do with you, Jack? :(

    Ooooh, only three more months. I'm all excited now. Jack and Scarlett have to start planning. What are they going to name Bean? Is it a boy or a girl? So many thoughts. I actually really liked Lily in this, surprisingly. Usually I despise her so much, argh.

    "Three more months, Scarlett. I don't know this guy, but you two have to get your shit together. At least for the baby- if he's even planning to be there for it."

    I don't even know why, but this made me laugh.

    I clenched my jaw painfully, "The Batman, asking him to be my baby's daddy."

    Ooooh, burn. As soon as she said that I knew Jack was going to flip out. SHE USED HIS WEAKNESS. THE BAT. But still, that doesn't mean you can just hit her.

    I didn't think he'd do it. He hadn't in the longest time. I forgot how bad it felt.

    This just made me sad D: Especially the 'I forgot how bad it felt.' I'm Team Scarlett all the way. Sorry Joker. tehe And also I felt a weird nostalgia as I remembered all the times he did hit her in DLS. Particularly the fractured-ankle bit. Wince.

    "Well, someone has to be the fuck up in the relationship, right?"

    And then I go back to feeling back for Jack. :'( Both of them pull on my heart strings. It was a lovely way to end it, too. You always know how to end chapters so wonderfully. Anyway, the update was amazing as usual, update soon! Happy Early Valentine's Day, too! Hug Sorry this was shorter than usual, I'm in a bit of a rush. Next comment will be longer. <3
    February 13th, 2013 at 08:38pm
  • I really hope Scar doesn't lose the baby fucking around with Joker.
    February 13th, 2013 at 12:44am
  • Oh Jack what are we gonna do with you? :(
    February 12th, 2013 at 09:59pm
  • Lovely :) This did not seem like filler! I'm very excited for your next chapter and to read your new Joker story, and probably not rip into it at all because you know how to write like no one's business.
    February 12th, 2013 at 07:02am
  • My love for you has increased tenfold, just because the title for this chapter is from Lana Del Rey. And the first line :) The creepy thing was I was actually listening to Off to the races while reading this.

    I love Lana so much :3 That lyric is really fitting for Jack/Scarlett's relationship.

    Ohmygod you're starting a new Joker story?! SO MUCH EXCITEMENT RIGHT NOW. SO MUCH. I can't wait for you to begin to post! :D Argh.

    I feel so bad for Scarlett D: All the conflicting emotions must be so terrible for her, as well as all the hormonal pregnant-ness.

    I didn't know whether if I wanted to hit him or kiss him.

    I love this line, it really stuck out to me.

    Also, you have a lovely balance of vocabulary. That may be a weird thing to point out, but your writing isn't too flowery and filled with prose, so the reader gets bored, and yet it had such gorgeous words like 'malignant' and 'deranged' which makes it so eloquent.

    "Do you think Satan would be a good name for a child? Or is that too much? I don't know, man, it's been suggested so many times. Quick, call me back."

    :D The whole voice-mail bit was probably my favourite part of this chapter. It made me laugh a lot, although I feel bad for Scarlett. She thinks her whole like is just her obsessing over people?! No. You're awesome, Scarlett. You have 158 people who love you.

    There were little sounds of crickets, the air swishing in my ear, sending rippled of goosebumps across my skin.

    This was such a lovely image. tehe When I read the 'crickets' bit I had this random wave of nostalgia to when I first started reading this story, over in Italy a year or so ago. There were lots of crickets then, and it seems my brain had now linked the two together. O.o

    It was actually a rather pleasant rush of nostalgia, and I now feel like re-reading the whole series.

    "Don't do that to me, Scarlett. Don't- not right now." It sounded like he was trying to make himself sound angry and intimidating. But in his voice, whether he wanted to admit it or not, there was this little person, little sound of vulnerability in his voice.

    Awh. A little piece of my heart broke while reading this. You described everything so perfectly, especially the little vulnerability in his voice. :( It made me feel so bad for him.


    "It's like, you don't want us to work out, right? Is that what this is?"

    :'( Scarletttttttt. Don't say that.

    Anal Del Rey. Lol xD Can't wait for the next update! Hug
    December 27th, 2012 at 09:07pm
  • Where is sending her off to? And lol omg Anal del Rey lol
    December 27th, 2012 at 08:21am

    Scarlett is so fucking awesome and cool and funny. The Joker is just amazing. I'm so excited. What's gonna happen next?!!?

    Subscribbed and Reccommended!
    December 15th, 2012 at 06:21pm
  • Yes, you updated! :3

    The beginning is just gorgeous, I love the description you've included.

    Walking down the icy streets of Gotham, Scarlett Brooks realized how different people were beginning to look. They didn't really look like...people. Their faces were blurred. They were a blur.

    In that moment there was a great recognition of how reality deprived she really was.

    I just thought that was really beautiful. tehe Argh, you're so good at writing.


    I found this story kinda late, seeing as you were already in the sequel and Kevin wasn't there too often, but might I say that Kevin is the bestest? I love him so much, throughout DLS he was so amazing, he's one of my favourite Mibba characters :) Scarlett is too, of course.

    "School- I told everyone you got abducted by aliens and might come back next year but nothing was certain. Oh, and I got a job."

    She couldn't help the curled up smiles that played on her lips.

    "Are you finally pursuing that male prostitute thing? What would your poor Christian mother think, Kev?"

    I've missed their cute little conversations. I hope he's staying. He's staying, right? He's too awesome to leave :') Scarlett needs a funny, cool friend too.

    I miss Thayer. Kevin, Thayer and Scarlett were so amazing and sweet hanging out together and now he's gone. I feel all depressed just thinking about it.

    I'm still mad at Jack for taking him away from Scarlett >.> Just a little mad.

    "No, Camille, you can't put the cat in the oven- no, Camille that'll kill him."

    My eyes grew wide as I looked over at Kevin, an experated look was painted across his features.

    "Camille, just because you think the cat is cold doesn't mean you put him in the oven. Jesus Christ, I'm going to put you in the oven. No, don't do that. No, I'll be right there."

    This was the cutest thing. I love Camile, even if you only see her a few times when Scarlett lives with Kevin. :3

    I pulled out my mobile phone, my fingers beginning to tap out Clyde's number so I could reach Jack when I felt a foreign hand place itself over my mouth.


    Scarlet always has the weirdest reactions to stuff like this, it's awesome tehe Like when Jack captured her she was basically like 'Fuck. It'

    Haha xD

    I kinda freaked out when I read this, though. I didn't want Scarlet to be taken so soon!

    Thank god it was just her mother.

    "So you decided to approach me Ted Bundy style?" I almost yelled at her as her eyes now left mine, downcast.

    "I didn't want you to make a scene in the middle of the street."

    "So you think dragging me into a alley was a better idea!?" The audacity this women had.

    This made me laugh so much :D Scarlet is always so funny, angry or not. Her character has an excellent sense of humour, and I always laugh when reading this story and DLS because of the little comments she makes.

    Like this one:

    "You're pregnant." It wasn't even a question anymore, more of a statement as her left arm grabbed her hanging right.

    "No, I just got really, really fat." I said sarcastically, shrugging my shoulders.

    Scarlet's so wonderful, I swear. I have three favourite OC's when it comes to Joker stories, and Scarlet is in the top three definitely, along with Viki and Kenna.

    I stopped listening after that, becoming consumed with my own that's. The man I thought was my dad isn't my dad. My dad is not my dad. Jack is not my dad. All these years have been some sort of sham on Lily's behalf. All these years.

    OH MY GOD. THIS IS GREAT NEWS. I'm so glad you mentioned the whole 'he's not your dad' thing because honestly when I read that a few chapter ago I was dying, just waiting slowly and painfully for an explanation.

    "Quick, to the bedroom, I need to tell you something!" I told him, my words coming out rushed as I tapped on his shoulders, wanting him to get a move on.

    "That's not going to- damnit." He muttered as he began to move, I held tightly onto him, not wanting to fall down.

    Awh. Jack's so cute sometimes. :3

    He fell back onto the bed, his malevolent cackle echoed throughout the whole room. I arched an eyebrow as I looked down at him as he continued until it ceased for what felt five minutes later.

    "Jack, honey, you have to stop inhaling so many damn chemicals. You're going to end up like Crane." I told him warily.

    This made me giggle at the thought of Jack accidentally inhaling chemicals. I don't know why.

    "See, when you kissed me back when you were my kid, my skin would burn- sorta like a preview of what hell would be like but now that I know you're not my bastard child it no longer burns."

    "You made me sound like a sexually transmitted disease." I stated blandly, wanting to ever so greatly to punch him.

    Jack chuckled, "Sorry, doll face," His strong hand grabbed my shoulders, dragging me onto him like nothing and sitting me on his lap.

    That's actually really interesting. While Scarlet was imagining a chair in hell with her name written all over it, Jack's skin was burning as he imagined what hell would look like. Scarlet's response was funny, too :D I'm just glad they can be in a relationship without any complications. Phew. *Collapses into relieved pile*

    EXCEPT FOR Harley THE PERSON TRYING TO KILL SCARLET! I'm still on edge about that. Shocked

    The ending was beautiful, as always :) I like it when you write in Jack's pov every once in a while. Anywho, this was amazing as always, I love it, update soon! Hug
    December 12th, 2012 at 05:19pm
  • Omg!!!! Shit just hit the fan lol this is great news!!
    December 5th, 2012 at 09:29pm
  • Man, I was so behind on your story but I am all caught up and I just can't wait until you update again! It is coming along great! When is the whole "not really your father" thing coming back into play? I am all curious now about that! :)
    December 3rd, 2012 at 05:49am
  • OH MY GOD I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT HARLEY JESSEE I THINK YOU'RE RIGHT (Hey it's pretty hard to not forget Hurly, she's a total doormat).

    She definitely sent that letter, who else could it be? :O That bitch.
    November 26th, 2012 at 08:07pm