I Need You - Comments

    May 30th, 2012 at 05:49pm
  • Uwaaaa I missed an update!!! Anywho...... THEY BE GETTING MARRIED!!! Clap
    Aw maaaaan that's so much awesomeness getting proposed to at a concert and everything, I'm so jelly of them Cry
    May 29th, 2012 at 04:13pm
  • i had a stupid moment last chapter when you replied to my comment before that and i didnt know who you were talking to. XD i was all like 'who stole mah name?!" and then i realized you were talking to me....yea i feel dumb. XDDD
    May 27th, 2012 at 06:19pm
    I. LOVE. ZEKE. LIke, bejeebus! I wanna be proposed to that way! I'm so jealous of Connor who has an awesome boyfriend, but then i can't be angry at him for long because it's CONNOR :3 They're so darn cute, it's asdfghjkl;'.
    AND SLEEPING WITH SIRENS *hugs you a thousand times* Awesome story made awesome with every word that you type :] Kellin... Sweaty Kellin... Yeah, look at what you made my brain do haha XD
    But I loved that chapter, and YAY FOR THE LOVE BIRDS. This is probably the cutest story I've ever read, and don't you dare stop writing it missy! You know how much I need this story! ^_^
    Update when you can- I'll be waiting!
    May 27th, 2012 at 04:51am
    I had read this chapter ages ago and made a bookmark to comment since I ran out of time, BUT I MISSED IT ON MY LIST OF TO-DO THINGS!!!!!!!!!!
    But I don't really have to comment every single chapter, because I generally say the same thing: i.e. HOW AMAZING YOUR STORY IS ^_^
    But I'm going to comment lots because I think your beautiful story deserves it.
    But yes- you should write your new story... I'm not sure if you have already- I've been kinda out of it >.<
    May 13th, 2012 at 01:07pm
  • I feel so bad for Honey.
    I can kind of see why she acts like she does now.
    She's trying to forget what happened and forgive herself as best she can.
    She doesn't want other people knowing how broken she is on the inside.
    April 26th, 2012 at 04:10am
  • i just read chapter 16, an omg. one of my mother's doctors is named Dr. Honey. XD so yea, that had me tripping for a few minutes. XD
    April 21st, 2012 at 08:09pm
  • Oh my god.
    excuse me while i freak the fuck out.
    April 16th, 2012 at 02:52am
  • HONEY IS RELATED TO CHRISTOFER DREWWWWWW?!?!?!?!?! *freaks out and faints*
    HOLY MOTHER OF CHEESE CRACKERS! O.O She is soooo cool. Can I shot gun her as my best friend? Can I? Can I? Can I? haha I love her, ditzy-ness and all!
    And don't you worry, you're not wearing the 'anti-social' cologne. I think the proper name is the 'cologne-for-awesome-people-who-are-waiting-to-find-their-one-and-fall-deeply-in-love-with-that-person' cologne. So yeah. I am tooootttaalllyyyy rocking that cologne lol :P
    Oh, and good! It would have been super awkward for me if that song wasn't Cute by Stephen Jerzak >.< haha You would have been like "That's not the right song..." o.O But yeah, thank gosh!!
    Awwwwww puddles with smiley faces! :3 So cute. I always avoid puddles, but now every time I see one I'm going to picture a smiley face in it lol Just wait until the moment I start talking to puddle-faces XD WEIRDDDD
    And I am happily addicted to your story's cuteness drug! IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY. Like, no joke. I saw you had updated and I basically knocked myself out because I jumped so high I hit the ceiling >.>
    AND YESSSS! YOU HAVE A COMPUTERRR! Your super writing powers are BACK! *does lame happy dance* Woohooo! Let's partay! But yes, you have got me completely excited, and please, please, PLEASE make Zeke propose T_T His story was heart breaking, and I love him and Connor. Connor is the shizz. He's so adorable and sexy *drools* He's one of my favourite characters!
    AND THE WEDDING. IN PARIS. Gosh, it's like, my dream to get married in Paris. I am so happy for Raine and Hale!
    Oh, and I'm still up for helping Raine pick a wedding dress hahahah ;] Kidding, kidding.
    So... please update soon! :3 I'll be waitingsuper excited like a bag of popcorn in the microwave patiently :P
    Love ya, dearie!
    April 3rd, 2012 at 01:50am
  • Lilac/Honey sounds like a ditz.
    I'm glad Zeke found Connor, and vice versa.
    They're cute.
    April 2nd, 2012 at 12:15am
  • KYAAAAA! Such a cute song for a cute couple!
    And I keep forgetting their age -.-" Not cool... Haha gotta have some plans to fill the gap then :P
    March 24th, 2012 at 07:31am
  • AWWWWWH! YOU USED MY BACON THING!!! *hugs you a million times*
    I was like "hahaha I love bacon!" and then I realised and I was like "awh shucks!"
    Ah, and I love the song Zeke sang- when I read the first line I went to my itunes and listened to it while I read the chapter he he
    Cute by Stephen Jerzak, right? :] I love that song haha
    I wish someone would sing to me like that T_T I'd probably start bawling like Connor did, just MORE! I would melt onto the floor and just be the happiest puddle ever seen by mankind lol
    I love all of your ideas. They are all so cute, and I just can not stop reading! I am addicted to your story, like, ADDICTED. :3
    Aw, and I like Honey ^_^ She seems just like me in a way!!! And I love Connor and Zeke TOGETHER. They are too awesome for words. I am sure you would crash mibba if you did a joint wedding haha The world would be bathing in their cuteness!
    And when I saw you had updated I was like "IDUHGIARSUHCLIAUSHFCLIUSAHUIADSHA!!!!!!"
    I was about to go out shopping but then I had seen you had updated and decided that shopping could wait. Feel special. I love my shopping, but I love your story mooooorrre! xD
    Thank you also for reading my story. I was like "holy cow! she read my story! I feel so spppeeeccciiiiaaalll!!" So yeah, you basically turned my crappy day into one full of sunshine and rainbows and leprechauns and unicorns!
    Well, that's all I can really talk about right now haha So... UPDATE SOON MY DEAR! And I wasn't angry for the slower update. I'm just happy that you got a chapter out, and the wait was sooooo worth it! So take your time, I'm not rushing you at all!
    March 24th, 2012 at 04:44am
  • Oh god I'm with his.delirium - I WANT TO BE THE BACON OF SOMEONE'S LIFE TOO!

    ohmygod XD But really, Connor's gonna make me explode with love. Like seriously, there's gonna sparkly rainbows and puppies everywhere. It's gonna be messy.
    March 15th, 2012 at 06:05am
  • Dude, Gonzo is me.
    March 15th, 2012 at 06:03am
    I'm really liking Connor.
    He's so adorable!
    And I love how forward Gonzo is.
    Oh, he's the perfect matchmaker!
    I need someone like Gonzo in my life.
    March 10th, 2012 at 11:13pm
  • What happened to our commenting time?! You should know that some time gives you more comments :P But aaaaanyways.... THEY'RE TOGETHER NOW!!!!! They're so adorable (not as much as Raine) but they just fit together so well and it's just like, *squee!*
    Gonzo is awesomely awesome. He's just like 'yeah, I know these guys, and they should just get together already,' you know, just casually.
    I wanna see the joint wedding already! T.T t'would be a great day the day that we see the best guys get married together.
    Update soon please? :)
    March 10th, 2012 at 04:19pm
  • Oh, Connor T_T You are just so freaking adorable, I love you. I love love love love LOVE Connor! When you wrote the part about his parents dying, I was like *changes into my batman costume and saves connor's parents* Actually, I'm lying. I was actually like this -----> "NOOOO" *dramatic fall to the ground in grief*
    I was so happy when I had seen you had updated not only once, but......... TWICE! ^_^ I did my lame happy dance, with my goofy grin AND my creeper wink ;]
    You are so awesome, thank you for updating so frequently! I love it!
    And when I read this part: You're like a beacon of hope in my life. I accidentally read beacon as BACON, and then started laughing to hard I choked on air :/ But yeah, I read it again and realised it said beacon, so I kinda shut up.
    And and and and and! Oh my gosh! Please let those two freaking cute couples have a joint wedding! I thought the idea of Raine and Hale having a joint wedding beautiful, but having a joint one with all of them... *dies of an overload of cuteness*
    OH MY GOSH. Words can not describe what that mega-wedding would be like. And since I will be a brides maid, I would have a super big job to do! haha
    And I love Gonzo too :] he is a funny chap! I love him!
    And the whole chapter on a whole was so cute- ZEKE AND CONNOR were cute! I am so glad they're officially dating now, and when they got together I wanted to just scoop 'em up into my arms and hug them. Oh, and I wanna hug you for writing such an amazing story!
    You are awesome. Your story is awesome. And your boys are awesome.
    Never stop writing, and update soon! :]
    March 9th, 2012 at 11:40pm
  • We may not know him well, but we do know he's a sweety! You said so yourself! I feel so bad for him :/ Poor guy... *Gives Connor huge teddy bear hug* It's gonna be aaaaaaalright!
    March 9th, 2012 at 03:35pm
  • YOU ARE DA BOSSS! :] So many updates in such little time. Now that is what I call dedication! I am always so glad when I log on and see that you have updated- it makes me get this goofy grin on my face, and I look like a complete potato when I'm goofily grinning with my creeper wink haha ;]
    But yes, I LOVE CONNOR. My heart goes out to him when I read about his past, and I swear my heart just shattered inside my chest when he started crying. Nice people like him shouldn't ever have to feel so sad.
    But I have a feeling Zeke is going to kiss it alllll better <3 Zeke is so nice, and I loved the way he kissed Connor when they were covered in pancake mixture. I think that was so cute, yet sexy at the same time. I loved the idea! And being the perverted and immature person I am, I just had a very naughty image in my head of someone licking the pancake mixture off... *awkward cough*
    Yeah, ignore me. I'm kinda a creep lol But you already knew that, since I have perfected my creeper wink!
    I can no wait for Connor and Zeke's relationship to blossom- they are just so cute together!
    And yeah, Raine in a wedding dress would have been totally weird, even if he was prom queen haha BUT HE IS DEFINITELY THE GIRL IN THE RELATIONSHIP :p
    I don't think this comment was as long as the others, but trust me, I'm holding back. If I went all out, then you would definitely run away since, well, I'm pretty crazy when I don't restrain myself *evil grin*
    And I love your version of cool haha I'm like, dorky cool, I guess. My pie chart would be 905 socially retarded/awkward (which means I get myself into awkward situations and am basically a rambling mess when speaking to new people), 5% loner girl (hey, what's wrong with a little solitude? I love my friends, but sometimes I need to give my computer some love too lol) and 5% just creepy weird obsessive fan girl haha
    But hey, what matters here is your story, and so far, it is super duper delicious (almost as delicious as Hale's pancakes he he)
    I love this story, so pleaaassseee update soon! I need more!
    Well, write away, my cool friend ^_^
    March 8th, 2012 at 06:48am
  • Whoa 2 updates so quick?!?!?! I love seeing my email filled with notices for this story ^,^
    March 8th, 2012 at 04:18am