Hang - Comments

  • I broke down crying in the end. BEST story I've ever read on Mibba!!!
    May 6th, 2013 at 04:56am
  • This is by far one of the best stories on mibba. Congratulations for your imagination and writing skills. I wish I could write so perfectly.

    At chapter 4, I felt like I was in her shoes when Riley fucked her sister Ellie. I started crying, damn you. (in a good way)

    At chapter 6, I liked that she went to make new friends even like that. She was so bold but she had changed over summer. Nikki seemed cool and Jeydyn screamed love trouble but I'll see what happens next.

    At chapter 8, I realized I was right. ;-) So cute the two of them walking out of the mall hand in hand (after stealing if I may add).

    After reading chapter 9, even though I liked the time Jeydyn spent with her, I felt knowing it won't save her in the end because you clearly said in the summary that she's gonna die.

    While reading chapter 10, I thought Riley would rape her since your story is about a really fucked-up life but I was really glad when Jeydyn showed up. If I was Dylan, I would have never kissed Riley.

    I just loved chapter 11. They finally kissed. Now I hate the summary for knowing she'll die in the end.

    What can I say about chapter 12, I just loved it. The both of them finally said they liked each other. Well, he said it and she kept thinking about getting closer with him till they kissed. Cute. :)

    At chapter 13, I would have never thought about hide and seek tag at cemeteries. lol

    After reading chapter 14, I stayed with my mouth open for a moment. Nikki fucks both Alex and Zach? Both brothers? 0.o

    At chapter 15, I thougth Ryder would try something on her.

    When chapter 16 ended, I thought only she could help Ryder. Damn , Ryder's past is awful too. :'c

    I loved how you ended chapter 18 and when Jeydyn went to her house asking -well, not really- to stay for the night.

    About all the next chapters, I can't believe how Dylan's friends and even her boyfriend left her. How could that asshole Riley rape her?! Damn him! :@ I wouldn't have the guts to kill myself even if my life was as awful as Dylan's. I can't even imagine how broken Jeydyn must have been after finding the love of his life like that knowing it was partly his fault too.

    I would love to read more stories from you since your writing style is kick-ass. ;)

    January 8th, 2013 at 10:42am
  • You are an amazing writer. This story had me in tears. It was so sad but so good and honest. Stuff like that happens .
    I could totally see this being an actual book.
    July 31st, 2012 at 12:41pm
  • I second what Drop Dead Maria said, contact a publisher, this is so worth sharing ._. You're an amazing writer in the way that you capture the emotion of everything, and you don't make Dylan, despite everything she's been through, sound like a whiny idiot who deserves what happened to her, though no one deserves that.. You make your readers get really attached to the characters, and wow, Dylan actually dying, even though you said it was going to happen, made me sob >.< And then I realized this happens all the time and NYA NYA NYA. Sorry. Amazing writer. Sadly amazing and honest story. Peace.
    June 27th, 2012 at 10:26pm
  • I'm sitting here curled up in a ball crying because this is me, its my life wrapped up in 34 chapters. Except i'm not dead... I can't put into words, i'm beyond speechless. I'm balling my eyes out.
    June 6th, 2012 at 04:07pm
  • You made me cry that is not nice. Anyway this trully was a great story and im glad i found it :)
    May 14th, 2012 at 06:51am
  • I got halfway to go, i will finish this tomorrow. I love this story so much!
    May 13th, 2012 at 08:38am
  • This is so well written, and one of my most favourite stories ever.
    Not going to lie, throughout this story, I cried and sobbed and screamed and begged for a different ending.
    I wanted Dylan to live so much, I wanted there to be hope for girls like me, like Dylan, now I haven't gone through even half of what Dylan went through, hell my life looks like a fucking rainbow of happiness after reading this story.
    But I have been involved with someone who had the exact same path as Dylan and I honestly just want to thank you for creating such an amazing well wrote story, you have talent.
    I think, you should take this to a publisher, it'd be worth a shot as it's a very emotion controlling story.
    Anyway, I'm going to go rock in a corner now because of this.
    xoxo, Maria.
    April 2nd, 2012 at 07:19am
  • fucking loved this story. defiantly one of my favorites.
    i liked the end part, where you put to get help then the suicide hotline?
    it was a great touch to a suicide story, so no one can do what Dylan did
    April 1st, 2012 at 06:31am
  • "Finished (':
    Wow. Can't believe I'm done !
    Took a while ;D
    Well, I hope you guys are as happy with the outcome of this story as I am,
    I really enjoyed writing it,
    I put a lot of emotion and hard work into it.
    And you guys !
    You're all amazing.
    You have no idea.
    Thanks to all the subscribers, to the commenters, and to all you readers.
    400 readers.
    That's crazy.
    So thank you all !
    Mwa ha (:

    A couple of things !
    A sequel !
    I may or may not be doing a sequel to this.
    I want to, but I have no idea what I would do with it.
    Watch out for a sequel.
    There might just be one !
    But in the meantime,
    I’m handing this story off to my friend.
    She IS writing a sequel to this...
    I think…?
    I don't know what it's about exactly, but nonetheless, she says it's linked to this story in one way or another.
    Go check it out !
    I'm sure it'll be amazing !

    Just because this story is finished,
    It does not mean I'm done writing ;)
    If you haven’t already, go check this one out !
    All Your Fault
    My friend and I are writing it together,
    It's along the same lines as this one...
    But with a little... magic... ;)
    Some may have seen this before,
    But I'm re-writing it !
    First chapter is out April 7th!
    It's about a girl who can see every detail of people's deaths, just by looking in their eyes.
    But she doesn't know what she is. She doesn't know why this is happening to her, but she wants to find out... and with the help of a boy... a boy with a secret similar to hers... maybe she can...
    mwa ha ha ;)
    Go check it out!
    And look out for other stories !
    I'll have tons more in the future!

    I'm off !
    Going to see Asking Alexandria in concert this weekend.
    Gonna be awesome.
    I can't wait (:

    Thanks again you guys.
    You're amazing.
    I love you all♥
    Message me if you ever want to talk (: "

    ...This, my friend is something I look forward to along with the chapter that comes with it. Like I said many times before.. Your an amazing person, an amazing writer, who puts full force of their heart and soul and personailty into their writing.
    What I loved is how perfect you ended this story. I couldnt do it better myself. And for certain I will do the a part two for this because its just so AMAZING, so..inspiring. I also loved how you ended with suicide helpline. LOVED IT.. because without recommendation or the picture, people who read this could have may or may not have been depressed...
    ...if that makes sense.
    I'm so happy how you ended this, because how you ended this effects/affects how I write the second half, but It's perfect that its a loss for words. I actually wonder what to say that would describe you and this story, but nothing fits (dont worry, thats a good thing :D )
    When you write, you write TRUTH....FACT.....REALITY... And its just absolutely PERFECT. It really is. Which is why YOU inspired ME to do a sequel :)
    I always looked forward to each chapter, and was glad you werent a slow updater. When I checked my notifications in my email, and saw story update, I always quickly see if its your wonderful story. And when it is, I almost want to cry happy tears. Which is ironic when I cry sad tears reading this story.
    words could describe who you are Kelli, please know that. Because you are one of the greatest friends I ever had, along with Taylor, Amber, Haley, Mandy, Katlyn, Kinza, Cota, Dom, and everyone else in that little stairwell of ours. Love you Kelli and update All Your Fault xD :)

    IMPORTANT: If anyone is interested in this story and would like to read more, like Kelli said, seek out 'Alone.' My new story intertwined with this one. It invloves Dylan...Kenzie's baby as a teen, and a girl named Mathai (Matt or Maddie for short) she is the daughter of Mr. Hart (Dylan & Ellie Hart's father) and a hooker. (No name) I cant say anymore, I wish I could but I cant otherwise I will reveal the whole secret and moral of the story. I'm thinking of foreshadowing... :$
    Anyways, I still hope you check it out and read it. New chapter will be out April 7th (see what I did there, same date Kelli is updating Seeker..Truth be told, I didnt know when or what date, so I thought Kelli's date there seemed like a good deadline. I just need to revise and edit. But thank you so much for those who are reading this and the story my best friend wrote. it meant a lot to her to KNOW she has a lot of readers, subs and comments. She loves looking forward to them and seeing ehat you have to say. She loves you guys :D So before I BORE you to death, I just want to say that you all are wonderful people. Stay AWESOME (totally copied The Book of Awesome there xD)
    April 1st, 2012 at 05:38am
  • Fuck Ellie. She doesn't deserve happiness, Dylan never felt it.
    I really wish that she would have lived, but it just wasn't meant to be...
    All of my best wishes to Jeydyn.
    April 1st, 2012 at 12:43am
  • ...
    i love it and i i i i'm speechless. gosh i seriously am in love with this story. Sad to hear it end, but good things end, and this story was certainly MORE AMAZING THAN THE WORD AMAZING. Beautiful <3 I know i cried more than once during this whole story :)
    thanks for sharing this story and updating it, can't wait to read more of your other stories :) and update all your fault!
    March 31st, 2012 at 10:53pm
  • Oh my god.
    I honestly started bawling. This made me physically sick to my stomach, it was so good.
    See? Understand me more, now that you've written this? ;)
    I love it, update soon!
    March 31st, 2012 at 08:00pm
    I'm going to be so sad when this story ends. But don't delete it, because I plan on reading it again... & Again, & Again. (;
    Poor Jeydyn. :( I wonder how everyone else will react. :O And Dylan's family especially. Hmmm.
    Update soon please!
    March 26th, 2012 at 09:47pm
  • My heart is beating like a jack rabbit's. Oh my god...
    March 26th, 2012 at 05:45am
  • i know shes supposed to die, but...LET THIS GIRL LIVE!!!!!
    March 26th, 2012 at 02:32am
  • KELLLLIIII!!!!! Your story made me cry! I was reading really fast (skimming) to know what happened, what Jeydyns reaction would be, when I saw his reaction, I cried, and then I read it again, paying attention to every detail that you so magically wrote. The end is approaching, I know this, because you told me ;).. but with the main character dead, I know that this story could still last. This is one of the stories that I could see myself yelling over, or throwing the book at the wall (dont worry that means it amazing) I know you might have done the same over other stories too, or if you spazzed over them. Thats what I mean with Hang. I love this story. Its my favourtie out of many :) Dont ever delete this just in case I want to read it over and over again some day! :D I just want you to know how great you are, and how amazing you are. Your personality and amazingness shows in your stories, I hope you know that because its true. :D Every chapter I read of yours, no matter which story, I shake, because you make it so intense..but thats also one of the fine features of why its so amazing. You make your readers FEEL, and thats a good thing, no a great thing :) I cant wait to start the second one to this. I really cant, I know it wont be as good as yours, but Im willing to try. This is amazing, thank you so much for recommending me to Mibba, and your stories. Otherwise I would never got a chance to read your story :)

    Oh and one more thing, thank you for that little authors comment you have there ;)
    After my long reading of the chapter, I notice from the corner of my eye, my username. I was liek QSDIHDEJIH what did she write? So I read it and I smiled, ALOT. Thanks Kelli, for everything. And after s long time of thinking, I decided to call the sequel to this 'Alone.' Thats its name. I tried to keep it short, one word, like Hang. I also want to thank you for giving me permission to actually writing the sequel to this story. It means so much. Thank you Kelli, your a great best friend, well one of them ;). Love you Kelli, and I hope you enjoyed The Hunger Games the other day :) I havent had a chance to watch it yet, but nontheless, so excited! Byes before I take up all the space for more comments! I sorry xD

    I cant wait for the next and final chapter. Update soon :)
    March 25th, 2012 at 11:41pm
  • UGG I'M SO ANTSY RIGHT NOW >.< dang that was really good. please come to my house tell me stories :P
    Geez i'd be freaking out if I was in jeydyn's place. they were so cute...can't wait to read more. I'm literally shaking. I don't know why, but I always get into movies and stories and books, like i'm actually there and I'm like NO NO NO DON'T OPEN THE DO-DAMN IT SHE OPENED THE DOOR AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH XD
    thanks for updating, can't wait to read more! update soon. i love this story to death!
    March 25th, 2012 at 09:13pm
  • Omgosh I love oh Dylan, I know you this is a bad way to die and I know it's what you wanted but no one deserved living like the way you did. Your an amazing writer kelli, like seriously :)
    I get goosebumps reading this. That never happened before this story. I also can't wait for those reactions ;) I want to know how they all react. Update soon even thought you probably already written the next chapter ;) you hanging is all xD
    March 23rd, 2012 at 02:20am
  • Oh my god...
    March 21st, 2012 at 03:41pm