Paging Doctor Crazy - Comments

  • Dorkerie

    Dorkerie (100)

    United States
    I don't care about the switching plots, I love it, and subscribed. Keep up the good work!!
    November 12th, 2012 at 03:13am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    I don’t like mentioning layouts in swaps, but I do feel like I should tell you that the small gray text on black is incredibly difficult to read, so I had to switch over to the default layout. The .gif banner, though cute, also made my internet crash Shifty

    Moving on to the actual content of the story, I did really enjoy your use of description because I could easily visualize the scene snippets in my head. I also found your dialogue to be very strong, as I could totally hear the interactions taking place in my head, but I wish this piece (or this chapter) would have been less dialogue-heavy and would have included more description of the setting, characters, their relationship, and so on. I have never watched Doctor Who, but I do watch Supernatural, and I felt like if I wasn’t familiar with the fandom, I would have had no clue what was going on or who all of these characters being introduced were, which is totally fine if you’re only posting for the fandom, but since you’re exposing this to people that may not be familiar through comment swaps and that sort of thing, I do feel like it’s something worth suggesting.

    I also felt like this first chapter felt very … disconnected, partially because you do switch back and forth between the two fandom’s frequently in the span of a relatively short chapter and those transitions are not that smooth. I also wish that in this first chapter there would have been some sort of introduction to what the problem/issue/concern is because it’s clear that something is wrong because the characters on both sides are freaking out, but I can’t really say that I would be able to get involved with the story because the reason why the characters are worked up has yet to be revealed to the reader, and I feel like that’s something that should’ve at least been hinted at in the opening.
    June 10th, 2012 at 02:04pm
  • Rooskaya;

    Rooskaya; (155)

    United States
    Superwho!!! I'm a huge fan!!

    Okay, I'm done fangirling, I can properly comment now apologizes. This, looks fabulous so far. You have The Doctor and Dean's voice down to a T. With Dean, I can picture his face as he has his little tantrum (can it be called anything else?) and hear his voice. I can picture poor Sammy sitting there thinking "here we go again" with that expression on his face. But the poor boys, what have they gotten themselves into? Dealing with the Doctor. ...I don't know much about him but you seem to have him down to a pat from what I do know and it's just lovely, just lovely.

    Even more so is that it's not out of this world crazy situation, it's true to form-world-ending-situation.

    I hope that inspiration hits you sometime soon and another part will come waltzing along but until then, I will be a giddy mess.

    April 1st, 2012 at 07:03am