Warehouse. - Comments

  • I really liked the suspense you created in the first paragraphs, the idea of the search, the trepidation he used to approach the situation, with due caution of course. Poor Frankie baby, walking straight into such a vicious trap. That was meant for Party Poison, poor thing. Although I did enjoy how rough they were with him, rough loving is always a plus, hee hee. You make a valid point about the long hair thing, I always wondered why he did have long hair then (not that it wasn’t aesthetically pleasing) but it would be quite the disadvantage in a fight.

    I love how Fun Ghoul was still trying to fight all the way through this, so conscious of not wanting to give them the satisfaction of his pain, he’s a tough cookie and I love him for it. Oh, but how they’re using him and degrading him, poor thing, his tears were totally justified. And such a wonderful last line, of course dearest Fun Ghoul wouldn’t be completely broken. I’d really liked to know if he dusted those nasty Dracs now, wonderful. Here’s hoping.

    Thank you so much for entering, I really enjoyed reading this. But just so you know, I’ve entered the MCR Slash Picture contest too, we’re going head to head, hee hee. Good luck.
    January 1st, 2012 at 10:56pm
  • “And think of this as a warning to you.” That was the perfect way to end the story. Wow. I really like How you took the story farther than the picture. I also love the implication of Frerard :)
    October 5th, 2011 at 09:36pm